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Resident Evil 4

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    Just done 3-3 but now Im stuck

    Leon just bought it, and I need to rescue Ashley - theres a platform which goes down, but I cant get to where she is - how do I release/get to her?


      Just got to 3-1 and am getting caned

      I love the way the difficulty has been pitched thus far, it's just right for me, it's a welcome change as I usually find resi games too hard and give up, but this game always makes me want to carry on, even at points where I've died 5 or 6 times in a matter of minutes


        Originally posted by PeteJ
        I believe that Resi4 isn't particular scary because it's gone beyond fear, and the player is just using their natural instinct: to stay alive. No time to be scared!
        Exactly what I was thinking - it's less horror, pure survival. Keep moving, never stop, never let up or you're dead.

        Only as far as a cage in the castle but so far, it's been absolute genius, with the Assault of the Living Evil Dead on Cabin 13 sequence being the highlight, indeed possibly the gaming highlight of the last decade. I only wish I hadn't such limited space on my memory card that meant I couldn't keep the save just before so I could redo it again, it was wonderful.


          Originally posted by Strider
          Wow, just completed it and it's absolutely fantastic.

          Best game I've played for a very long time, everything about it is simply perfect.

          I agree the game is amazing, but;

          Why can you not straff?
          Why can you not Fire whilst walking?

          I know these things arent in the other res evils, but they would really enhance the control of Leon.

          Also I think a target lock would be useful, as would an on screen enemy indicator.

          Stunning game


            Originally posted by marcus
            Just done 3-3 but now Im stuck

            Leon just bought it, and I need to rescue Ashley - theres a platform which goes down, but I cant get to where she is - how do I release/get to her?
            I take it you mean

            Luis just bought it, not Leon. Anyway, snipe the shackles that bind Ashley from that platform...and keep that rifle handy.


              I noticed the memory card thing today, resi was displaying an error on load 'cos I had no space left! damn..


                Originally posted by katamari
                I take it you mean

                Luis just bought it, not Leon. Anyway, snipe the shackles that bind Ashley from that platform...and keep that rifle handy.
                Use the pistol for this, it's more fun that way


                  Originally posted by dvdx2
                  I agree the game is amazing, but;

                  Why can you not straff?
                  Why can you not Fire whilst walking?

                  I know these things arent in the other res evils, but they would really enhance the control of Leon.

                  Also I think a target lock would be useful, as would an on screen enemy indicator.

                  Stunning game

                  I don't think that adding these to the game would have improved it at all, they would have just taken some of the tension out of the game I would have thought. (this is only going off my short play time).


                    Target lock-unnecessary, I actually enjoy the fumble to get a good shot in when an enemy takes me by surprise or gets up close

                    Enemy indicator-unnecessary too, I like that fact that you only have 2 senses to locate your enemies(sight and sound), it adds more tension to the game

                    I do think that shooting while moving and strafing would have made the game easier but possibly better too, but the game is fine as it is


                      I think Leon should be able to do a sideways dodge, like the enemies do when they know a headshot is incoming.


                        Ok I give up, on 5-3, how do I

                        kill Krauser!? Just isn't happening for me now, died like 10 times in a row. I keep going for his legs and he falls down then you can pump some more in and you see it hurts him but the timer always runs out, I've tried to get behind him so I can get a shot at the gaping wound on his back but I can't seem to do it so that can't be it, I've also looked through the rifle using the scope thingy you use for regenerators but that doesn't work either.

                        Someone tell me now before I end up shooting myself!!!!



                          I used the striker and blasted his legs, when he bends over nail him in the head with it. a rocket launcher also helps out with some good damage

                          I managed it hat way with 2 mins left on the timer


                            Ah see, I only got 11 shots left in me shotgun so that doesn't help, and I didn't buy a rocket launcher and I think theres too much work to be done since the last merchant to go all the way back and buy one.

                            But I'm basically doing the right thing then yes? Just need to try harder.


                              Yep you are doing it the right way, keep at it, you will do it. Do you have a magnum ??


                                No, I only use Shotgun, Pistol and Rifle throughout the whole game. Makes it more fun that way!

                                Wish I hadn't now.

                                I think I'll have to go back to el Merchanto.

