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Quake 4 (PC & XBox 360)

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    Is Play's ?27.99 deal the cheapest?

    I'm tempted to get this but i'm moving soon (hopefully) and will be without any internet for a bit. Where we're moving to there's no Cable Broadband and i'll be miles from the nearest exchange :/


      Miles is ok, they'll pretty much try to install ADSL at any range now.


        Originally posted by Mad Gear
        Is Play's ?27.99 deal the cheapest?
        Nah, I got the CD-Rom version for ?19.99 (using an affiliate link from TheDVDForums) from CD-Wow.

        Disc swapping is not an issue except at the initial installation.


          Cheers fella shall get that one then. I was tempted by FEAR but will now wait for it to go cheap as Q4 looks like the better game.


            FEAR is a far, far better game. I found playing Q4 very boring and repetive with very little satisfaction.


              Long-term is where it's going to be at, Q4 will still be being played in years to come, sadly I doubt FEAR will. Give Q4 time for the mods to emerge.


                I can see myself playing Quake 4 for a long time.

                I bought a new graphics card purely for this game (Asus V9999/TD, Geforce 6800 )


                  i bought this the day after it came out.

                  i just sent it off the person that won it off of me on ebay yesterday.

                  if i had to play thru one more "here is a 15 second firefight followed by a locked door that you have to go and find the generic switch to open before backtracking to where you left us so we can fight for two rooms again before finding another situation that involves you having to leave us again" i was going to BREAK THE ****ING DISC IN HALF. so i figured i'd sell it before it does a Doom 3 and is $20 everywhere (give it a month or two, maybe I'll pick it up again then).

                  it moves incredibly slow (i have to laugh when people describe it as fast paced), the enemies are retards, as if Raven thought the Quake 2 'AI' of sidestepping was revolutionary enough to keep it in there, and the combat feels like im shooting demon mannequins that show little response to my efforts until they die and then magically disappear in a stream of green wireframe.

                  meh. i played this before with doom 3, and i tolerated that game way too long before finally giving in to the fact that my precious doom had become a pile of ****.


                    i agree. its the most bland, first person shooter i have played in a long time. all the classic weapons of quake, dont have that oomph anymore. its dull and very repetitive, i was totally dissapointed. playing quake 2 after it just shows how much of accomplishment and how good quake 2 still is, especially the weaponry. i still love that machine gun. quake 2 is fast paced, quake 4 isn't.


                      Thats to be expected. Raven's output is by far the most uninspired middle of the road boring generic rubbish.

                      I really cannot see how they are still in business, and companies like looking glass shut down

                      If you watch top gear, Jeremy Clarksons opinion on the BMW 3 series on the cool wall really sums up my opionion of this game... i just cannot be bothered. Same with all the rest of the Raven drivel.


                        Singleplayer should just be ignored full-stop. Most people who were eagerly awaiting this wanted the online side and that is looking very promising.

                        The speed of movement in Q4 is way beyond that of Q2, and faster than Q3 in places. The vanilla weapons are nicely balanced, and the netcode is probably the best yet. The server is locked to 60tic (updates per second) at present and the game locked to a maxfps of 60. What this means is that everyone connected to a server sees and experiences the same thing. Q3 was infmaous for inconsistencies like the 80/125 fps only jumps, which had to be fixed in later mods.

                        It's still in embryo state at the moment, like every decent FPS so far it needs time to mature, for the mod teams to get their hands on the SDK. arQon (CPM mod developer) is already calling for an open mod collective, meaning mod makers will be sharing code (like he and Rhea of OSP did) rather than trying to rip one another off.

                        Does noone remember Q3's launch? PCs incapable of playing it properly, poor netcode/physics inconsistencies, non-existent single player experience (botmatches). Quake games are long-term, not first week games.


                          Originally posted by babs
                          Singleplayer should just be ignored full-stop. Most people who were eagerly awaiting this wanted the online side and that is looking very promising.

                          The speed of movement in Q4 is way beyond that of Q2, and faster than Q3 in places. The vanilla weapons are nicely balanced, and the netcode is probably the best yet. The server is locked to 60tic (updates per second) at present and the game locked to a maxfps of 60. What this means is that everyone connected to a server sees and experiences the same thing. Q3 was infmaous for inconsistencies like the 80/125 fps only jumps, which had to be fixed in later mods.

                          It's still in embryo state at the moment, like every decent FPS so far it needs time to mature, for the mod teams to get their hands on the SDK. arQon (CPM mod developer) is already calling for an open mod collective, meaning mod makers will be sharing code (like he and Rhea of OSP did) rather than trying to rip one another off.

                          Does noone remember Q3's launch? PCs incapable of playing it properly, poor netcode/physics inconsistencies, non-existent single player experience (botmatches). Quake games are long-term, not first week games.
                          Thank you. <3!


                            Ok Ive now played the PC version (Im getting the Xbox360 version)... and Ive read these comments.

                            Since when has Quake really had anything to do with a singleplayer experience anyway? Quake1 was multiplayer crack. Quake2 attempted a decent story and was alright in its time but to be honest if you're a Quake purist like myself, though the weapons were cool I kept going back to Quake1 multiplayer over Quake2.

                            Quake 3 Arena was and still is a re-visioning of what made Quake1 multiplayer so damn intense. There are small things I dont like about it to be fair but overall it was excellent, simple, pure and streamlined multiplayer bliss.

                            Having seen Quake4 now and its multiplayer its all that with a bit more flair. I dont think its ever going to break the mould and be original in its own right but the thought of playing this on Xbox LIVE with my headset, 720P resolution and 5.1 audio cranking out has got me grinning from ear to ear.

                            My only concern is that the Xbox360 version may not recieve the attention from the overall Quake community that the PC version will obviously get.


                              Originally posted by nonny
                              Since when has Quake really had anything to do with a singleplayer experience anyway?
                              You have a point. But, then again, the multiplayer side of Quake 4 is still in its infancy. Its success will mature over time, like maturing a fine cheese. And, keeping with the cheese analogy, various factors will influence the flavour and texture of it. The community (online fps games are a lot more saturated now) and mods (because everbody loves mods) will largely decide on whether the multiplayer aspect will stick. I'm quietly hoping that it does, because the world needs more deathmatch and less of this silly team-based piffle.

                              People will be much quicker to analyse the single player aspect of the game because it's a lot more instantly accessible in the short term. I haven't bought the game myself because I don't trust Raven - alongside Gearbox I consider them the pinnacle of bland fps design - and have held off, but if the MP takes off then i'll probably drop the investment.


                                Originally posted by nonny
                                Since when has Quake really had anything to do with a singleplayer experience anyway?
                                Sure, multiplayer Quake 4 probably rocks. But 4 hubs with 4-5 levels each in Quake 1, ~30 levels in Quake 2 and who knows how many more levels in Quake 4 that are as boring as the ones I played until I gave up says that Quake has always had a lot to do with singleplayer as well.

                                I agree that Quake and Quake 2 multiplayer were awesome. I'd be hard pressed to chose between them, I played them both endlessly, and would probably just prefer Quake 2 over 1.

                                But the issue here is that Quake 1 and 2 single player were (at least in my opinion and a lot of others) excellent in their own right. I played Quake 1 thru single player probably 4-5 times total, and Quake 2 at least that many. Quake 3 freely admitted that MP was the focus, and that's fine, but the SP in the previous two were actually a lot of fun. To say that MP is the focus is Q4 is all well and good, but there is a large SP element to this game, and it totally and utterly fails to even remotely live up to the previous two single player installments to the game. (Kinda reminds me of Doom in that regard).

                                Quake 4 reminds me of Halo. So many people proclaiming it's the best game ever, but that's only so long as you ignore the vast majority of the content, the awful SP, and focus on the multi player. That's all well and good but if the SP content is there, all of us that play it want it to be at least decent.

                                Don't get me wrong, I'll pick up a copy of the game in a month or two when it's overstocked everywhere and $30, just for MP, but I can't justify $80AUS for a game that hasn't had anywhere near enough time for patches/mod to come out for MP, with such a **** SP game.

                                (note : comments re Quake 4 being ****house are my own opinions and not expected to be adhered to by all)

