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Call of Cthulhu - XBox

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    Call of Cthulhu - XBox

    This isn't officially out until Friday, but as it was such a low key title my local indie had it on the shelves.

    Although I've been aware of it's development over the last few years, I've not really paid it much attention so this has pretty much come out of nowhere for me. I probably would have let this one slip under the radar if it wasn't for Eurogamer's glowing review:

    HP Lovecraft wasn't exactly famous for his pleasant children's fairytales. Rancid putrefaction, a loose grip on sanity,…

    Anyway, I've put around an hours worth of play into it so far and it's already become the biggest surprise of the year. Everything about it is extremely polished. I don't want to go into the story and what I've done so far as it will just spoil it, I'll let you guys work stuff out for yourself

    A few things that have stood out for me so far:

    The cutscenes are very well directed and really draw you into the story. There's cool fuzzy filter (think Silent Hill 2) applied to give it that old film look. Some cutscenes are done in first-person, similar to what Far Cry Instincts did.

    As you would expect with HP Lovecraft's work, the story is dark and twisted and leaves a lot to the imagination. From what I've played of it so far it looks like this is the game I was hoping Fahrenheit to be.

    The dialogue and overall sound effects are fantastic, some seriously creepy noises going on, especially if you've got surround sound. For example, the bit I'm on now I keep hearing some faint whispering, which isn't nice when you're stood in a badly lit alleyway with no one around. Really gives you the willies!

    The graphics, which although don't look all that hot in stills, are pretty nice in motion. It's definitely no Chaos Theory, but the lighting does a marvelous job of creating a tense atmosphere. The attention to detail is great too, there's been a lot of time spent making sure everything doesn't look 'too perfect' (if you know what I mean).

    As mentioned in the Eurogamer review, the way the developers build up tension is pant wetting. For example, quite early on in the game your character stumbles across something that seriously freaks him out...the screen starts to slowly sway and everything goes in and out of focus while the pad pounds like a heartbeat...and when I say it pounds, it pounds like a real bloody heart in your hands! These guys obviously put a lot of time and effort into getting that aspect spot on! Sometimes the pad starts to beat even though nothing happens, which really gets you worked up, probably so you don't get wise to any imminent dangers.

    Anyway...I'm itching to get back to it, feel free to throw some question at me.

    Just to make it tempting, Play have it for ?17.99

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      Whoa...absolute bargain!


        Unfortunately yes... Blows on credit card to cool it down!

        The list is actually ?29.99 but still a bargain.


          I will put this in a spoiler incase it is a suprise

          Was this the game i saw a while back where you are on a ship and at the front of the ship this MASSIVE creature comes out of the water


            Possibly...not encountered anything like that at the moment.

            Check the official site, I'm pretty sure I saw something along those lines in the screenshots section:


              I did wonder about this game especially about how they would depict monsters.

              lovecraft would not really describe the creatures he would say there to horrific to describe


                Hmmm I remember descriptions of a few Lovecraft monsters... the great old ones in particular. I spent ages scratching my head trying to work out what they looked like from his descriptions... came up with something like a standard grade maths exam. Triangles for heads.. what???


                  One question what type of game is it? shooter/rpg/adventure?


                    First person shooter/adventure.


                      Hint: Don't **** with Cthulhu

                      Seriously tempted with this now, but I just have so much other stuff to play...grrr.


                        A little update:

                        I've encountered my first jump-right-outta-my-skin moment. I knew it's coming, but it still got me

                        There was this bit where I keep getting visions looking through the eyes of something following me on the rooftops. It jumps on to this low bit of roof on the building I'm in. I then realise that's the bit of rooftop in front of a nearby window. So I dashed over to see if I could get a peek at it and this 'thing' flew past the window. I nearly shat my pants

                        I've also experienced my first bit of vertigo...very cool effect. In fact all the blurred vision effects are great. There's one bit where you come across a rotting body, which smells so bad that it makes your character feel nauseaus and dizzy.

                        I'm up to a bit now which might rank as top gaming moment of the year...honestly! It's such a panic inducing moment, I've never seen anything like it in a game, frickin' brilliant!


                          Must admit this has me tempted.

                          I prefer psychological horror rather then gore or cheap frights (like in doom 3)

                          What is the combat like?
                          Last edited by eastyy; 27-10-2005, 08:38.


                            Is it more weighted towards the shooting or the adventuring? I'm more of an adventuring type y'see...


                              I've not encountered any combat yet as I'm completely unarmed. So yeah, at the moment it's more adventuring than shooting. Lots of talking to people, looking at items, puzzle solving, etc.

