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Call of Duty 2

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    I'm playing it on Harderned too (first time through). I'm finding it very tough, but still do-able. Some bits are taking multiple tries though.

    Just done d-day, pretty horrific.


      Played it on Harderned too, actually started again about half
      an hour ago. Agreed on D-day very heavy going. I liked hill 400
      flushing out villages, destroying armoured vehicles. and such.
      Always found defending ground or a house. In any of COD games
      a great adrenaline rush. Really like the amosphere, when you see
      the enemy troops coming up the hills. Or through the smoke..

      I did die a bit in the game, but mostly from grenades. Stupid
      always seeming to step right on them. Even with the warning
      you think i'd learn...!


        The game is awesome especially the sound.The scene near the beginning when you fend of the Germans and charge then it superb. Just what I need to get away from sodding system analysis and desgin work.
        I've also got the game running at 1920 X 1200 ( 16:9 ) and i'm amazed how nice it runs.Admittedly when I whack everything to the max thing comes to a halt though (^^*)

        --p4 (2ghz) 768mb sdram ..fx 5800 ultra.--


          Originally posted by Peanuts
          It's a shame that no one has the balls to offer a German perspective, but I suppose that considering their ultimate loss, it defeats the purpose.
          true, true! but what about the purpose needed? like in the movies (e.g. Stalingrad, Cross of Iron) there's a lot of great settings for a german perspective of the war with only one and most relevant purpose: staying alive!

          btw: i can only recommend everyone who's remotely interested in WW2 to watch these two movies. there's no stars and stripes, no hero cliches and no pathos either. most of all: Stalingrad (by Joseph Vilsmaier) - just dirty war and a bunch of true life Krauts fighting against hunger, cold and inhumanity.


            should run easy on my beast i suppose ?

            amd 3500mhz 64 bit
            1 gig ram (ddr)
            2x 256mb nvidia 6600's running sli.

            i have ordered the game from cd wow, just waiting...


              Finished the game just now, very good game with some wonderful missions towards the end. Some of the level design real first-rate stuff.

              Scripted FPS' such as Call of Duty and Medal of Honor have great set-pieces by their very nature, but usually fall down by being so linear. CoD2 actually goes further than the rest to avoid this feeling by opening up the levels somewhat - for example a common objective of storming a building has multiple entry points, or securing a village has multiple objectives, so you can tackle the mission with at least some degree of freedom.

              The flow of the battle moves forwards and backwards very noticeably, however it does take a while to realise that everything is tied into your movements. You can be pinned down for ages without much support, but if you just leg it to the next safe place, your people will move up accordingly. This works as a negative in some regards, however it does allow you to move when you feel ready, or when the timing is right.

              The developers have done a very good job of creating complete chaos but keeping the insta-deaths down to a minimum. There are expections, such as the D-Day mission, but CoD2 still handles these things better than most.

              For CoD3 - which is bound to be in development - I'd love to see even more freedom. More missions where the objectives are open, less restricive paths that block you way with fake barriers (fence, wall etc, which you can climb elsewhere).

              Perhaps my main problem with CoD2 is that they've made the player too much the focus of attention. If an enemy has multiple targets, they will always target you. This isn't to say your men don't die also, but this usually through grenades or when you are not seen. It's a fake envrionment which is irritating, and perhaps the only thing which harms the wonderful atmosphere.

              In terms of Call of Duty 2 Vs Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan, I'd say they still have some way to go before they reach the same level of emotion, conflict, chaos and the epic sence of war. It sounds a bit sick, but without the bodies being ripped to pieces by heavy machine guns or tanks, or walls only being damaged in scripted moments, it still doesn't feel as real as the developers obviously want it to be.

              Still, this is easily the best WW2 FPS, and everyone should experience it at least once.


                I've just finished the D-Day mission, which was pretty intense. Difficult too (playing on harderned level), I really died a lot of times.

                I feel this sub-genre has a lot left to offer though, I think games like COD2, fun thought they are, are just scratching the surface.

                I'd love to see a game with, for example, a big chunk of Northern France modelled, with the whole game taking place with time of day and freedom to go anywhere. Those deserted small villages would have NPCs in them, with the Germans using them as hostages etc. Libertate the village and you get cheering crowds and pretty girls coming to kiss you, then it's into the transport and off to the next regroup point. By which time night has fallen and the skies are full of fresh troops parachuting in.

                That's just off the top of my head. Basically I'm saying I want a much more realistic world to play in. Call of Duty 2 is fun and looks pretty, much it's still ultra linear and very scripted. No more than a series of set piece battles with nothing to hold them together. There are no characters either, all the other soldiers are generic cannon fodder.

                So yeah, nice effort guys but don't stop now. These are very early days yet.


                  Originally posted by goldenhawk
                  should run easy on my beast i suppose ?

                  amd 3500mhz 64 bit
                  1 gig ram (ddr)
                  2x 256mb nvidia 6600's running sli.

                  i have ordered the game from cd wow, just waiting...
                  Depends what resolution you want to run at. The game is massively demanding on fill rate and has very expensive DX9 pixel shaders on just about every surface. I'm running it on a 6800GT and the slow down is terrifying during hectic battles. Down to single figure frame rates.

                  I do have all the gfx options turned up though, and I'm an FSAA whore so that's on too.


                    Originally posted by PeteJ

                    Perhaps my main problem with CoD2 is that they've made the player too much the focus of attention. If an enemy has multiple targets, they will always target you. This isn't to say your men don't die also, but this usually through grenades or when you are not seen. It's a fake envrionment which is irritating, and perhaps the only thing which harms the wonderful atmosphere.
                    Noooooooooooooooooo...this was the thing that ruined the first game for me. If you stuck your head out you could watch all the machine gun fire slowly working its way towards your position, move and look out again and it would track back to find you again. Made any attempt at outsmarting the ememy unltimatly pointless because they always knew where you were.

                    Still, it was an enjoyable game appart from that and I am looking forward to playing this one. Worth getting PeteJ or are you going to keep this one long enough for me to borrow it?


                      Is this game short, as was implied earlier in the thread. Just wondering what sort of game time we're talking to complete the single player on a harder difficulty setting. Trying to weight up whether to get this at 360 launch (the demo kills my pc) but really want a meaty single player game, as I cannot see me getting alot out of the 8on8 multiplayer after BFII !


                        Pretty short S1mmy - but for what it's worth I'd buy it to play through again on a harder setting and I've really enjoyed playing the multiplayer on the PC one - great fun. Only thing is PD0 is likely to overshadow it on the multiplayer front I reckon !


                          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                          Pretty short S1mmy - but for what it's worth I'd buy it to play through again on a harder setting and I've really enjoyed playing the multiplayer on the PC one - great fun. Only thing is PD0 is likely to overshadow it on the multiplayer front I reckon !
                          Guess I may just rent it for a week then !

                          And who are you kidding, you know the whole world will be back on Halo 2 by Dec 12, and that will overshadow PDZ


                            I didn't think it was that short actually, it took me a week to finish it and that was playing it every night.

                            I did feel a bit short-changed by the end though, I have to admit.


                              I played it pretty much for hours till i got half way. Then finished
                              it the day after. It is short, but i did rush it a bit. Mostly with others
                              games out or coming soon. The one good thing, i'd replay it...

                              Even though i haven't got an xbox. I'd think it would take a lot
                              longer to finish, using a joypad ? Plus, as PeteJ said, feeling a bit
                              short-changed. You might more so with the xbox360 price...?


                                Forgot to add. The one option i'd love to have seen added. Would
                                have been Multi-player co-op, through the single player missions. Just
                                with a friend would do...

