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The Matrix - Path Of Neo

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    The Matrix - Path Of Neo

    Very, very hard game to write a first play for.

    The quality in this game is so all over the place I've never seen anything like it before - One minute it's good, really filmic and stuff, the next it's a piggin' mess.

    Starts by just chucking you into what appears to be a never ending fight in the foyer area from the first film - This determines the difficulty for the rest of the game based on how long you can last (it chucks harder enemy types at you till you can't take it no more.)

    After this it's onto a **** bit where you run about the office with Morpheus talking to you via the phone - this bit is very weak & almost ruined the game for me.

    From there it's on to some training missions - Firstly stealth takedowns which are very boring then it gets going with some hand to hand combat followed by some great swordplay stuff followed by some atrocious gunfight training.

    That lot will take at least an hour or so.

    Herein lies the problem - When this game clicks and is running nice it is brilliant fun - the fights are very kinetic & cinematic at times, there's loads of stuff to kick people into & break, the combo system (what I've unlocked so far) is very nice


    It can all fall down and shatter so easily - The framerate can swing wildly from acceptable to appalling (good example being a point where you are in the sewers with Trinity and another 2 AI buddies - when it gets hectic it dies on it's arse)

    Also, one minute you can be admiring the motion capture of the characters, the next you're wondering why NEO looks transparent but you can't see anything behind him or why you can see his hair behind grass but no other part of him - It is very, very, very inconsistent.

    BUT - I've had a lot of fun with it so far - the branching combo fight system is cool as, it has nice THX 5.1 surround sound, the graphics are "OK" and you can tell Shiny really love the Matrix universe - Some really, really cool moments which I won't spoil and the way that they've spliced the 3 movies together (at first it seems to be playing random clips) really starts to make sense after a while.

    So, I was really getting stuck in then last night I got to a bit (Train To Balboa Station) which annoyed me so much I turned it off.

    I'll be going back tonight but I reckon the veering in quality could ruin it before I get to the end.

    Do I recommend it ? Hard to say - Like I said it's been mainly fun up till now, when it works it's really great but when it falls down it's really bad.

    I really hope they spend 6 months now getting a spot on Xbox360 version together and iron out all the bugs/creases in the game as it stands - that could be an exceptional game if they did so.

    Much better than Enter The Matrix then but not a must buy although if you're a big fan of the trilogy/original film then you should probably consider it.

    I expect scathing reviews. Most contradicting game I ever played.
    Last edited by Yoshimax; 10-11-2005, 12:09.

    Think ign have been quite generous with there review

    To be honest this is one game i wont be getting


      I had a quick blast of that beginning part you mention. It was bloody awful, but I guess in that respect it's faithful to the last two movies The combat and controls were so shoddy it was painful to play. I won't be touching this one again, even with gloves on!


        You have to check out the ending, I won`t spoil it for anyone but it`s comedy gold. You can download it here


          Excellent, I get to see the ending but not have endure the game!


            The thing is I reckon I've about seen it all now bar the still locked moves. I was enjoying it up till the bit on the train I mentioned last night - That was so unintuative and stupid that I tried 3 times then switched it off.

            I'll probably watch that video as I don't see myself finishing it !


              Have any of you boys enjoyed the scenes fight scenes from the movie... like the lobby scene, the first fight with smith or the later fights?? I am going to pick this up to enjoy these set pieces alone, dont care if the rest of it is ****e. I enjoyed Enter the Matrix so imagine I will get some life out of this...

              And then maybe refund it for Soul Calibur 3 next week


                Originally posted by Hodge
                You have to check out the ending, I won`t spoil it for anyone but it`s comedy gold. You can download it here

                Thats hilarious!


                  What the dickens!

                  The first movie is funny, the others are just as ****e as the movies (well that last one is from the movie, so there you go). Did that Queen track feature in that scene in the movie too? I don't remember it, maybe I blanked it from my mind.


                    now thats how it shoulda ended in the movies,

                    some retro geezers blabbering (better than that grey twat) and a MECHA AGENT SMITH!!! with WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!

                    Did Shiny get bored near the end and have a laugh?

                    Last edited by Dezm0nd; 10-11-2005, 18:19.



                      I love how the mecha agent smith pulls the shades of the advertising board aswell

                      And monkeywrench queen certainly didn`t feature in any of the matrix films


                        I could of taken it seriously up until the queen moment


                          Originally posted by Hodge
                          And monkeywrench queen certainly didn`t feature in any of the matrix films
                          Ahh, at least I'm not going mad then...or am I?


                            Thats a piss take? Surely that's a piss take? If not - I'm by turns speechless and pissing myself with laughter.


                              Surely this is a reason for us all buying the game and completing it?

                              Damn its almost as fooked up as some of the fahrenheit endings

