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Guitar Hero

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    Gagging to get home and play this..... 3 and a half hours left...... don't worry Cowboys from Hell, i'm coming!


      the fingers on my left hand are sore - bloody game

      2 copies arrived today - ready for the challenge on saturday night - only had a couple of tries but its looking as though its definitely a keeper.

      its not the actual artists performing their songs is it? sounds like imitation similar to that konami karaoke game.


        Yeah, they seem to covers from what I've heard so far, and not too bad in the cases I've heard. Karaoke Revolution/Stage used the covers, but some of them were dire (Smooth Criminal).

        Freq and Amplitude both used originals though, and this being a Harmonix game I was surprised to find they were covers.


          It is your band performing...


            Originally posted by supersmithy
            Gagging to get home and play this..... 3 and a half hours left...... don't worry Cowboys from Hell, i'm coming!
            Good luck at unlocking it mate.

            Had the US one for a while now, the Helmet track is still my fave in the whole game, oh, and the QOTSA tune as well.


              I've been playing this on the displays in Game and Gamestation today, for probably longer than i should have.

              I LOVE IT. this game is mind-blowingly good. I always wanted to import the US version but i never had enough money. Gonna pick up the PAL version tomorow. I'm a guitar player of 14 yrs experience and have to say i can take the challenge of the game in my stride . I was owning all the songs in the shop and had a little crowd behind me watching me deal the pwn4ge. It was like the good ol' days of the arcades again.

              I felt like i was in the "Last starfighter" movie, but with a GUITAR! \m/


                After about an hours worth of play, I've gone back to playing Oblvion, as my wrists are very sore. Excellent game though


                  just got mine, Game used Lynx instead of the royal mail to deliver so I had to drive 25miles & back to watford to pick it up.

                  just managed 45mins and my left hand is crippled but god I love this game, only playing the easy songs using 3 buttons but already so many of my childhood fantasies are coming true (the guitar based ones anyway) ! i've just played smoke on the water !

                  i know by tomorrow my hand will be gone but this is so worth it, i'm such a sucker for peripherals.


                    owned this game since its launch in the US

                    and it made sense to wait and buy a 2nd Axe so i can Jam with the missus

                    but she doesnt seem interested

                    she found this game a little hard - managed to complete it on normal, before my knuckles started to break


                      This ****ing rules big Time, Up there with Samba De Amigo.

                      Just a shame there's No Pantera's 'A New Level ' which just features the best Guitar rifts I ever heard (RIP Dimebag) Also shame there's Sepultura's cover to Orgasmatron , which had some awesome rifts as well.


                        Does the PAL-version support 60Hz?
                        If not, should I get the NTSC-version, or should I buy the PAL-version?
                        The PAL-version is about ?10-15 cheaper for me ...


                          I can only go by the PAL version, but 50Hz or not it doesn't make a bit of difference, it plays impeccably.

                          I'm up to halfway through normal on my career now, with my band Hell's Satans (thanks to the simpsons for that one ).

                          I just know I'm going to not be able to sleep properly because of it now.

                          BTW, does anyone else get the weird distorted vision after a few songs, like when you stare at a moving spiral for ages and then look at your hand and it looks like your skin is crawling.


                            Originally posted by babs
                            BTW, does anyone else get the weird distorted vision after a few songs, like when you stare at a moving spiral for ages and then look at your hand and it looks like your skin is crawling.
                            I get that same thing too!! First it was on the loading screens, but I thought it was the effect they put on it, but then it started happening when I look at other things.

                            Glad to see I'm not going crazy!


                              Originally posted by babs
                              BTW, does anyone else get the weird distorted vision after a few songs, like when you stare at a moving spiral for ages and then look at your hand and it looks like your skin is crawling.
                              Yeah, I thought it was just me

                              Played a bit more, and this game is excellent. Between this and Oblivion, I don't think I'm gonna get any revision done for my exams...........


                                Maybe you guys are staring too hard at the screen? But no i've not had that while playing (NTSC U/C ver). Can you take a photo of it, or is just in your brains?

                                I hope in the update they do a few changes; practice mode ovbiously, but things like allowing two-player games to have different difficulty levels set for each person. Might be hard syncronising things, but often the owner is better than guests, so it would be nice for them to play on easy while you can jam-out on normal/hard (i wont list Expert as it calls me its bitch still).

