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Guitar Hero

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    Other possible side effects could include a bit of a headache, which I might have just got after about one and a half hours of rocking out with the volume cranked all the way to eleven. But, i'm only a grand away from unlocking the Grim Ripper!


      Jesus, the guitar is tiny.


        Ive not played a game for some time that gives me as much enjoyment as this.
        Although I dont appear to be to good at it I just love it to death.

        Have been humming More Than a Feeling all day now and this game seriously suffers from one more go itis!

        I had my new Plasma TV delivered today and that held my attention for about 15 minutes before I dashed back upstairs for another sesh.

        If we havent got one yet we definitely need a Guitar Hero Track wishlist.


          Mmmm OK this game is awesome. Probably the only game out at the moment that has any chance of taking me away from Oblivion.

          Finding it uber difficult though, sturggling on the first few songs on medium! I found frequency really easy until the Hard stages, so either they've boosted the difficulty or I just suck badly. I suspect the later.

          Not sure why I can't get my brain to hit the blue notes.


            Blue notes: whilst you often need to use your pinky on them, also get used to sliding your hand up; big runs on red/yellow/blue at medium are best done with your first three fingers (or 2, 3, 4 as I call them, counting thumb as 1). Slide down to green with 2 if you need it. You'll know when you need to shift hand. So: you don't need to shift on much of Smoke on the Water; you kind of do on the later stuff.

            Bad things about this game: it's giving me RSI


              This is a great game, I am a bit worried about breaking my guitar though when I get over excited 8)

              This would be perfect on the 360 , wireless and imagine if u could download tracks as well

              I would def pay a few quid for continual updates of songs. Maybe even a wish list where we could vote for what tracks we want released. Dreaming


                is there any news on a new one?

                with the large success of it and the positive reviews, they would be crazy not to release an update


                  Originally posted by PeteJ
                  Mmmm OK this game is awesome. Probably the only game out at the moment that has any chance of taking me away from Oblivion.

                  Finding it uber difficult though, sturggling on the first few songs on medium! I found frequency really easy until the Hard stages, so either they've boosted the difficulty or I just suck badly. I suspect the later.

                  Not sure why I can't get my brain to hit the blue notes.
                  I'm on the last tracks for medium, mostly four or five stars but down to three stars for the last ten or so - I'm finding it fairly tricky as well, I also managed to finish Frequency and Amplitude on the top difficulty level without too much difficulty apart from the very last tracks.

                  I think partially the problem is the mindset, I keep wanting to press the buttons to match those on the screen - it feels 'wrong' to press them before hand and I don't automatically strum at the right time. I'm so used to Frequency/Amplitude/Bongos etc. so I think that's to blame, I also need to get better at sliding my hand up and down, I keep missing green and red when I slide quickly back to the top of the guitar.



                    i think they've basically said they're going to make it a franchise sort of lots of plans for future updates


                      Bah. I turned it on tonight - couldn't see the save file. Corrupted. Had to start from the beginning again...

                      except that's not going to happen due to the crippling pains in my wrists. ****ing thing. It's fantastic, but I'm terrified I've cause serious damage. Fingers crossed, etc...


                        I have to say I share some of the pain. Been playing for four hours straight, and my hands and wrists are seriously hurting.

                        Down to the level on medium with Ace of Spades, not sure how far down that is. Have started playing some songs on Hard too. Just cleared Take Me Out 4 star, am pretty chuffed Shame it was just a quick go and not career!

                        My main problem with it (apart from the gut-wrenching pain) is forgetting where my fingers are. I'm ok until I my brain suddenly snaps 'out of the zone' and I realise "holy ****, I'm actually doing this!", and then my hands go to pot. I have huge problems with the red and yellow, and also missing the orange when one of them is thrown in. Oh, and also when the chords are Green and Blue, I always stretch too far and hit Green and Orange.

                        Other than that I'm doing fine.

                        I think my wammy bar is broken already though, a lot of the time it doesn't do anything. Sob.


                          I've just been playing quickplay over and over this evening on Bark At The Moon (medium). I'm stuck on the 4th section in the career on Hard at the moment, so I've gone back to try and 5* everything else.

                          I'm finally getting it, especially the solos toward the end. My main problem comes when I have my index finger on green, and have to play a blue/red chord. I need to seriously concentrate to get just those two down.


                            couldn't agree more with the comment about this being a 'zone' game.

                            the number of times i've lost great long runs of notes when I actually think about what i'm doing rather than just doing it on autopilot.

                            its particulalry satisfying when you get thru a horrible complicated passage and don't actually have a clue how your fingers did it !

                            by far the best game of the year to date, no doubt in my mind.

                            btw, my experience of wrist/finger pain is that it goes once you get used to the game after a couple of days.


                              merf: from what I can tell, mine is _genuine_ RSI, because I get tense and end up gripping the fretboard far too tight. I can feel the tendons twanging. So I've put it down for a genuine break. I really love the game, absolutely one of the best of the year without question - but it's not worth sacrificing my hands for. And then, when I pick it back up... I'll be gentle.

                              That said, I've got the technique much better - when it vaped my save game, I plugged through some of medium (to unlock songs), and it was so much easier, especially given I'd been doing a lot of Hard prior.


                                mine arrived this morning, and ive not put it down. Its brilliant, and when you get into the rhythm, you feel great.

                                It does help being able to play a real guitar although it is quite simple. Havent tried expert yet, im not quite at that stage yet.

                                Still its the best game ive played all year

