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NFS: Most Wanted

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    KEEP IT.

    I'm doing drag races online with a couple of Canadians and i'm having a GREAT time.


      I say sell it - NFS:MW feels like a taster for what EA can do with the series. This is the first time in years that they've managed to get most of the game right, if they can improve on the basics for the sequel (which we all know is coming!) then it could be a real winner.

      The police chases are the highlight here, and I think they could be even better with some tweaking.

      The only reason I say sell it is because I don't want to max out on this game, getting bored of the concept before it is fully fleshed out. I guess this is like a demo for me, a taster...though I will still probably finish it!


        Picked this up (360 version) yesterday to keep me busy while waiting for my copy of DOA4. I wasn't expecting much, especially after ploughing through PGR3, RR6 and having unfavourable memories of the Underground series but I have to say it holds up very, very well. Graphically it's nice, not quite as nice as PGR3, but close. Definitely better looking than RR6. I especially like the effect rain has on the tarmac, very realistic. In fact, it's not often you see weather effects in racing games these days.

        The pursuits are the star of the show of course, and they're especially exciting when you're in the middle of a race and the cops are after you. Makes it a much more engaging affair. And it's brilliant that pursuits continue even after the race ends. When you've got at least 5 coppers on your tail it's totally intense, plus it's great the way you can knock down certain structures to block them off. In fact being able to take down various bits of scenery is cool in general. More interactive, you see. What a nice touch the cool-down zones are as well. The game's got quite a bit of depth.

        Too bad, then, that the framerate wrecks what could have been an AAA driving game. It's totally erratic. Sometime's it's smooth as heck but then out of the blue it jumps all over the place. Doesn't ruin the game, but knocks it back two points or so. Like I said, could have been AAA. The online also sucks with only four cars. Compare this to sixteen in Ridge or even eight in PGR3. Okay, so there's quite a bit going on (eg.traffic) but imagine having an eight player race with loads of cops on everyone's tail! It's next-gen - we CAN do it! Screams rushed port in this respect. Not to mention the music SUCKS HARD. If you thought Burnout 3 was bad, wait until your ears are assualted by this. Awful. They need to ask Bizarre for some advice on how to produce a meaningful soundtrack.

        But hey, it's Need For Speed back to its roots and back to form (at last!). And the cutscenes are DA BEST EVAR!! 7-8/10.


          I beg to differ.

          I actually really enjoy the music to this - I'm not usually a fan (Usually too absorbed in hardhouse) but racing to Avenged Sevenfold is sweet!


            Originally posted by Silvergun X
            I beg to differ.

            I actually really enjoy the music to this - I'm not usually a fan (Usually too absorbed in hardhouse) but racing to Avenged Sevenfold is sweet!
            As they say, different horses for different courses.

            Was just thinking how cool an online cops and robbers mode would be. Basically you'd have two teams, cops and robbers/street racers. Pretty self explanatory really, with the cops trying to take out/bust the robbers. But with an added twist. You'd have one guy on the cops team (sheriff) with an overhead view of the entire map (ala Battlefield 2 and let's say he's in a helicopter to justify him seeing everything) and he'd be able to direct his officers to the racers via voice chat or place markings on the map. This way the officers can set-up road blocks, spike strips etc. Then after every game (time limit or until all robbers are caught) a new sheriff could be nominated in via a voting system. It would be highly strategic, a heck of a lot of fun and would sell ****loads of copies.


              Now thats a game I want to play!!!! Genius!!

              On another note, I'm up to challenging #3 on the Blacklist now, this game gets solid. Getting the Milestones becomes sooo much fun.



                On #3 trying to get my bounty up and its been taking ages, I keep getting busted now. So frustrating. Only need about 100,000 more and then I can challenge but I just seem to have lost all skill at this now!


                  No-one else loving this as much as me right now?

                  Just had Cross' Viper Squad on me for the first time there, was immense, had a brilliant chase going on for 10 minutes which got me a milestone and the other one I needed was $200,000 damage to state, I was at 199,875 or something close like that and seen I almost evaded them so quickly got away from them and got to a hide out assuming I hit something on the way to get it up to 200,000 but I didn't!!! After 10 minutes of madness, 1,500,000 Bounty on me and I justttt missed it.


                  Spent ages getting all them tonight too. Oh well, something to do tomorrow, then after I get that, off to challenge #2 on the list!!!


                    Trust me, i'm loving this just as much.

                    My only gripe at this moment in time is the Porsche Carrera GT, online.

                    Even if you have performance matching on, it seems to be Carrera GT or lose.


                      Yeah performance scaling is screwed up. I'm still using the same car as I started with (Punto) as none of the other cars match up when using the same performance mods. I mean a supped up Evo should leave my current car in it's dust, but all the stats are around a 10th short.

                      Another thing I've noticed is that when behind opponents you'll see their brake lights come on, but they don't actually slowdown


                        I've started playing my copy of this now, but I am really not very good, so does anyone have any tips for me please??

                        I got the car down from the Golf, maxed it out with everything I could and spent ages trying to beat Blacklist rival #15!

                        I did eventually beat him, and at the cost of getting performance upgrades mangaged to get his pink slip so I could have his car. I've no maxed that out, but still I can't seem to win races or keep up with the competition in general!

                        I can't understand what I am doing wrong, to me it feels like the best car I can possible have just isn't good enough to compete, and I can't get a better car (the Audi TT has shown up in the dealer) because I cannot win anything to get myself any money!

                        Help please!!!


                          You just need to get used to how the car handles and take advantage of any shortcuts. You can also go back to previous opponents in the blacklist and re-run a few races to build up a bit of cash.


                            Originally posted by MonkeyWrench
                            You just need to get used to how the car handles and take advantage of any shortcuts. You can also go back to previous opponents in the blacklist and re-run a few races to build up a bit of cash.
                            I didn't know you could go back to old opponents?!

                            How do you do that?

                            Sorry if that's a really stupid question, but I thought I figured everything out!


                              Press up and down in the blacklist section.


                                No offence but I really cant see how anyone can struggle with this game at the start..?

                                Its shockingly easy at the start, you dont get busted or lose races until you get well into single figures on the Blacklist. Thats how its been for me and my mates anyway.

                                If your struggling now, then good luck when you get near the end, its solid!!

                                Just about to race Blacklist #2 now! Then onto Razor!!! 8)

