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Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 360

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    Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 360

    Well after playing the demo for most of my time, I finally have the full game, and what a must buy this is. If you where a bit miffed by the demo then yu certantly need to get the full game. Its alot better than the demo. Single player is fairly weak but is very fun, but Online is where it's at, had some brilliant games over the past 3 hours.

    Discuss away...

    So online what is different from the demo? as found demo a wee bit suspect but very curious now


      Well first off you have I think another team MEC I think its called. There are also tons of maps. I think everyones problem with the demo as that you could only play one map, and that one map was a fairly poor one. But the maps you get in the full game are just brilliant, some of them remind you of CoD2!


        are there any options for southpaw controls (swapping the sticks) ??



          What is poor about the single player? It looks pretty good from the videos.

          Also...have the graphics improved since the demo?


            Tomb Raider is going right back under the 10-day LAME rule for this. The demo rocks IMO.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              The graphics are a tad better than the demo. The single player is ok I guess, pretty intense at times, but not as good as online play. As for southpaw, I have yet to look into that. I'll get back to you on that one.


                Originally posted by Dimmock
                As for southpaw, I have yet to look into that. I'll get back to you on that one.
                nice one!


                  No options to change controls at all. The voice bug from the demo returns (apparantly a patch is on the way).

                  No private room option which is bound to annoy someone, you can request a new session if there isn't the map/type you want to play though, then get all your mates to pile in (but there's no locking for randoms). Dedicated servers mean very little if any lag though which is pleasing, most enjoyable so far.


                    Originally posted by Matt KB
                    No options to change controls at all.

                    No private room option
                    hmm, don't think i'll bother then (even though i enjoyed the demo). shame really.


                      Mod that pad Crisp!

                      How many games are you prepared to not play? Sure, it isn't your fault, but you've got the means to get a pad modded (either by you or someone else)


                        or just adapt Crisp


                          Originally posted by Soi
                          How many games are you prepared to not play?
                          truthfully? all of them... i don't game anywhere near as much as i used to, it's just an annoyance rather than anything else.

                          or to sum it all up 'meh'.


                            I know what you mean. But it would still annoy me if I wanted to play Live but all my friends list was playing a game I couldn't play because of the controls. I know modding is a pain, but you could always pay someone to do it for you.


                              Have you ever tried playing the game without southpaw?

