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Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 360

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    Yeah, from playing the demo at least respawning is the same system as on PC, they happen every so many seconds, so it depends where that countdown has got to when you die.


      I'm up to Sergent 1st Class Rank at the moment and have only played this online (other than a short go at the first level to see how it worked) and am absoloutly loving it.

      I've not had any lag and there is a hell of a lot more teamwork than I noticed in the demo. I think there are standout maps such as Backstab and Frostbite but I never played the original XBox version so you could all be bored of them.

      Oh and I love my C4, plant it on a car, drive in a base then blow it up.

      Edit - One thing which does annoy me is the ****er screaming we have the flag, especially when in a foreign language.
      Last edited by Myth; 15-04-2006, 09:12.


        Change the language in settings, it'll drive you mad!

        Actually, I've always hated people loading C4 onto a jeep and ramming into things. It's not a bad tactic, it's just 4 out of 5 times the ****ing idiot will blow themselves up when they detonate. I was really hoping they'd sort the scoring system out to make those kind of things worthless - say, if you kill yourself at the same time as killing someone else, you don't get any points for the kill (I know you lose points for a suicide, but if you get more than one person it works out in your favour).

        And there should also be a law against snipers taking helicopters just to get a high vantage point. It's not helping the team out.

        Played it some more, still think it should be so much better. I'm leaving vehicles alone entirely, if I don't drive them, I don't get stuck, and I don't get frustrated; therefore my enjoyment increases.

        The helicoptors are too powerful, last night my team was stuck with just one base, a single enemy helicoptor flying around spamming the **** out of the area. Spawning was impossible. We had no AA to take him down, the engineers rockets don't target like you could do in the PC version, and it was just crap. Great fun for the guy in the heli I'm sure, racking up kills easily. Surely the heli should have a much smaller number of rockets, it should overheat, something like that?

        Oh and then in another game, I chucked some C4 out of a building and it stuck itself between a window frame mid-air. Ridiculous.

        I'm hoping there's a patch coming, and unlike other 360 games, the patch will be delivered quickly. And this game was held back a month so it didn't clash with GRAW! Did no-one test it at all?

        Got bags of potential, but it needs a lot doing to it.

        And JB, I still think half the maps are just too big. 64 players in Karkand, now THAT'S how this game should be played


          Is this any good then, oo and are there still gimps team killing?


            only team killing i have experienced has been accidental, and always followed by an apology when the voice comms are working


              Voice comms is another issue!

              I've only encountered one person seemingly TK'ing on purpose in the retail version. However, TK's happen more than they should, and I'm as guilty as the next person, because you don't always get a blue circle over your teammates, so you shoot and then get the TK message.

              How is everyone enjoying the single player? Feels a bit half baked to me. On one hand it can get pretty intense, but on the other it lacks focus. Enemies seem to constantly respawn, and directions can be a bit poor.

              Please note that despite my negative comments, I've still played it a couple of hours today. Just when I'm about to give up and take it back to Game, I get involved in a good, balanced game and it clicks. Plus I'm a bit of an Achievement whore and the ones in this game are very tempting - for example, each kit has an achievement for getting 10 kills without dying. Come so so close a number of times, I'll get there!


                Sounds like a miss to me, not sure I can be bothered at least until they patch it.


                  The voice comms problem is a huge mistake. It was fine on the Xbox 1 version, so somewhere in the port they've pissed it up. It was buggered on the demo too, so they've known about it for a while.


                    To be honest, at present there's so little teamplay in a standard Ranked QuickMatch, comms isn't really missed! Games are little more than deathmatches with teams and bases to cap, everyone tends to run around doing their own thing and any attempt to organise everyone usually gets a few of the better players involved, while the muppets drive a jeep repeatedly in to a tent until it blows up.

                    Could really have done with a Squad system like the PC version.

                    There is a Clan function built in to the game, but I've not tried that. Maybe if a few of us got together, we'd have a good match. Currently, someone caps a base then runs to the next, there's very little defensive holding.


                      Originally posted by Chain
                      There is a Clan function built in to the game, but I've not tried that. Maybe if a few of us got together, we'd have a good match. Currently, someone caps a base then runs to the next, there's very little defensive holding.
                      We have any NTSC clan set up (NTSC-UK). Will invite you tomorrow.


                        Many thanks I'm already down on the list actually, need to sort my Friends list out sometime....


                          just re invested in the pc version of battlefield 2 after being thoroughly dissapointed by the 360(or should i say xbox)version of the game.

                          it makes the 360 vesion look totally sick, and it makes me depressed to think what the likes of f.e.a.r will turn out like on 360.


                            Originally posted by sputnick
                            it makes the 360 vesion look totally sick, and it makes me depressed to think what the likes of f.e.a.r will turn out like on 360.
                            I swear F.E.A.R is meant to be a straight port where Battlefield is completly new version (compaired with PC) so I don't really get where your coming from there mate.

                            It's as if your blaming the system for the game not being your cuppa tea where to be fair it's the console version on the whole.


                              Actually enjoying this more at the moment. Going for the online Achievements is pretty good fun. Got the two Sniper Achievements (10 kills without dying, 4 kills with a single clip) in a single game, then went for the 10 kills without dying with Spec Ops on the demo's Bridge map. That was tense! Was creeping around, playing real methodically, not exposing myself, taking the kills when I could and putting C4 on a route between two flags. We held all the flags for most of the game, so opportunities weren't too great considering I had to stay hidden. Then with a little less than 2 minutes to go I was 4 kills away, and no-where near any enemy, so I went for it with a suicidal run in to their base. Got shot once but managed to get under cover, and with a bit of luck I got the final tenth kill with under a second left on the clock

                              I've not tried it myself yet, but I'm sure the Engineer's mines explode on impact with vehicles. A couple of times I've been sat in tank taking a flag, not moving, and an Engineer has come and lobbed a mine at me, and bang I'm dead. That's got to be a bug!


                                Stuff like that is what I find fun about this game, I agree that it's no Battlefield 2 on th PC but when you get into it, it sure is bloody fun.

