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Viewtiful Joe

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    So heavy ennit!

    Did you get your 8 on the underwater section when you get that VFX powerup? My head blew up - you can combo the entire section in Slow and it just wont run out!
    heh, no i don?t think it was there. It was on
    Originally posted by spoiler
    the submarine when you have turnit upside down. After you have hit the 3 blue switches to stop the missiles you gotta run back and turn it the right way again...
    Yet at first i didn't know where to go so just carried on going until a blue wall blocked me. But during this part and almost endless wave of enemies just kept jumping in. Those Yellow robot dudes are real nasty if u don?t have any bombs. Those Black little guys are pretty nifty for their size too

    Right now i am on a stage where at the very beginning you are welcomed to 2 mini bosses
    Originally posted by spoiler
    A tank and a mean areoplane
    After this bit there is some classic mario-like gameplay to be had love it.

    I hit a x9 on one of the corridor sections before Davidson on stage 2. That was 3330 points, haven't been able to get near that again though.
    That is one of my fav parts of the game so far. i think i only got a 7 hit there. Shall need to go back... but i love those corridor fights
    ----Member since April 2002


      I hit a 9999 viewtiful combo last night. I dont know if the ticker can go any higher?

      Stage 7 the first section. Just got the magic 'infinite' VFX sake bottle and boy, the combo multiplier went red hot. I was hitting combos left/right, chasing them down and smacking them again. Quite a funny sight to behold. Lasted quite a while as well.


        right, so my x5 combo i'm so proud of is pants then ft:


          Originally posted by geektanic weezmacht
          I hit a 9999 viewtiful combo last night. I dont know if the ticker can go any higher?

          Stage 7 the first section. Just got the magic 'infinite' VFX sake bottle and boy, the combo multiplier went red hot. I was hitting combos left/right, chasing them down and smacking them again. Quite a funny sight to behold. Lasted quite a while as well.
          0mG! J00 5Ick bR3r!


            I've just got on the
            Originally posted by spoiler
            train section
            and my god! this is insane! The little black dudes have guns! and also have missle launches! The effect on the smoke is pretty damn cool. I've just died trying to get the 3rd key, but shall show them who is boss in a min! heh. There is a magic 'infinite' power up there so a hell of a lot of fun to be had!
            ----Member since April 2002



              Without the magical FX potion, highest combo so far for me is x12. Can't quite remember where though sadly
              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                SPOILER ALERT!

                Here are a couple of screens of
                Originally posted by spoiler
                one of the secrete characters you can unlock.
                Nice is all i can say. Very Nice

                there are screens up of
                Originally posted by spoiler
                the other secrete character too
                and they can be seen Here

                I am nearing the end of my first time through now i think. I cannot wait to start over and get higher scores. Great game... a classic it will be. This is history in the making folks : p
                ----Member since April 2002



                  this game is exciting me as when Turtles, i have the japanese version of Turtles on SNES, even tho it ain't the best beat-em-up, it's soo fun and has quality co-op, can't wait for both VJ and the new, similar to the SNES-style Turtles



                    Have tried not to read anythin about this game, it soundz so good the pain of having to wait til September, it hurts so bad.


                      then why wait Mr? Why suffer? Order it now! *Adam becomes little voice on shoulder* "Go on.... you know you want to..."

                      Anyhoo, a quick Q. I keep seeing "?" marked boxes in the background on various if not all stages but cannot for the life of me get to them or break them to get their hidden goodies. How do i get them or what powerup do i need to use? Thanks in advance peeps.

                      Originally posted by spoiler
                      on the stage where the bosses come back again.
                      there are film parts extremly high up which a normal double jump cant reach.How does one get those little blighters? Thanks again
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        In response to Adam Stone Q's

                        To get the boxes within the back ground, you have to have an enemy near that area and use mach speed punch or kick. Because you have multiple Joes on screen, they will crack open the boxes.

                        If however the box is high up, then you have to upper cut them, or find an object to do multiple attacks on that are high up, and use mach speed punch/kick.

                        As for the high film reels, i take it you're on the 'magnificent five' stage, and on the batman boss. Well its just a matter of luck and accuracy. You have to be beneath the reels, dodge his attacks a bit until he smashes the roof and the stalactytes fall down. Then its just a case of uppercutting the stalactytes until they hit the reels, then they will home back to you.

                        Hope this helps


                          ah, yes, wonderful thank you.
                          Originally posted by spoiler
                          I was just staying in the same spot near the door to kill him as quick as possible. I didn't think about running back and doing what you described. Thanks very much
                          Also... do you happen to have the
                          Originally posted by spoiler
                          secrete characters yet? If you do can you share what you think of them? How they play etc. if you dont and u read this spoiler quote not wanting to know about the characters i apologize . But i'm sure u already know.
                          Thanks again Mr. Take care
                          ----Member since April 2002



                            Spoileroonie... maybe, maybe not. You decide.

                            I haven't completed Adult mode yet, so i aint unlocked any secret characters as of yet.

                            I've heard about secret characters being in the game, although do not know who they are, and how many are there. Although i got a good idea who 1 of them is.


                              If you want to know... look about 7 posts up
                              ----Member since April 2002



                                I actually woke up early to play this, the "hype" ain't dying here. Finally worked out how to string decent Viewtifuls together. Dizzay Dizzay Dizzay. Still not off "level 2" though, just managed to do the Bus thing when I realised I should really go to work, then I went on a bit further until te dual copter situation, then I ran out the door.

