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Viewtiful Joe

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    Who is the guy who wrote that garbage?
    I've been playing Viewtiful for a few days now. To be honest, overall, I think that review is a pretty fair assessment. It is an excellent game, but as with anything, there are faults and flaws.

    The problem with people these days (including myself) is that we all get caught up in the hype and excitement when something new hits the shelves. (I'm as guilty as anyone else in this regard).
    As with anything, it takes a few days before things settle down and you begin to take a more 'even-handed' look at a particular game.

    I'm not knocking anyone's enthusiasm for Viewtiful Joe. It will probably be one of the best games to appear this year - however, just because someone had the foresight (and honesty) to address a few issues with the title hardly makes it a crime.

    The BIG question with reviews these days, is being able to write with foresight. You may love Joe now, but how will you feel about the game in six months?

    People (including myself) loved Mario Sunshine in the first few weeks when it was surrounded with hype, but who feels the same way about it now? I know my impressions of that title have changed over time and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


      I only just noticed this (incase you didnt)

      You can use Zoom to counter enemy attacks as they prepare for them - for example when the gunslingers start spinning their guns, run up to them and Zoom In: They freak out leaving you free to give them The People's Joe!


        I only have freeloader v1.0 Is it likely to work?


          Originally posted by fumi
          The BIG question with reviews these days, is being able to write with foresight. You may love Joe now, but how will you feel about the game in six months?

          People (including myself) loved Mario Sunshine in the first few weeks when it was surrounded with hype, but who feels the same way about it now? I know my impressions of that title have changed over time and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
          It doesn't matter how i'll feel about the game in six months time. A review should be written on how you feel about the game while you are playing it, not retrospectively. If the reviewer feels excited by a game and is caught up in the 'hype' surrounding it then its great if that comes across in the review. I don't think its possible to write a review that will completely stand the test of time, you should just try you best to capture the moment.


            Originally posted by Adam Stone
            Originally posted by wager
            I think I must be the only person still waiting for the game. ft: Shipped via EMS as well. I must have done bad things in a previous life.
            Aww, that's a bummer. Hopefully ur get it tomorrow.
            NOOOOOoooooooooo. My package from Tok still hasn't arrived. Has everyone who ordered VJ from Tokuda recieved their copy yet?

            I can't wait any longer. Going to buy it from a UK seller, so if anyone is interested there will be a sealed VJ in the "For Sale" forum soon.


              I don't think its possible to write a review that will completely stand the test of time, you should just try you best to capture the moment.
              Sage words, my friend, sage words. I love reviews that catch the feeling of the hype, but still manage to have some critical distance. I particularly liked the way Amnion's P.N.0.3 review actually created hype, when no-one else rated the game - that was cool ^^

              As for VJoe, the review will be up as soon as humanly possible, I promise


                Originally posted by wager
                NOOOOOoooooooooo. My package from Tok still hasn't arrived. Has everyone who ordered VJ from Tokuda recieved their copy yet?
                Yours should have arrived I'm sure - he sent some for me on Thursday and they arrived Monday. Ask him if he can access the EMS tracking.


                  Originally posted by fumi
                  I'm not knocking anyone's enthusiasm for Viewtiful Joe. It will probably be one of the best games to appear this year - however, just because someone had the foresight (and honesty) to address a few issues with the title hardly makes it a crime.

                  The BIG question with reviews these days, is being able to write with foresight. You may love Joe now, but how will you feel about the game in six months?

                  People (including myself) loved Mario Sunshine in the first few weeks when it was surrounded with hype, but who feels the same way about it now? I know my impressions of that title have changed over time and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
                  Hype utterly aside, Joe is a classic game. Simply because the depth and vibrancy of the combat system makes the game utterly flawless. Saur's comments are vindicated because many gamers are bloody lazy sods (especially journalists) and refuse to learn how to play the game properly. The game is superb, the bang-on presentation is merely a garnish.


                    Originally posted by Saurian
                    Originally posted by wager
                    NOOOOOoooooooooo. My package from Tok still hasn't arrived. Has everyone who ordered VJ from Tokuda recieved their copy yet?
                    Yours should have arrived I'm sure - he sent some for me on Thursday and they arrived Monday. Ask him if he can access the EMS tracking.
                    He sent mine out on Friday. I was expecting Mon/Tues.

                    Yeah, i've sent him a PM about the EMS tracking number, i think his inbox is full though. Allan, if you read this can you either send a PM or email with the tracking number and i'll check it out. Cheers.


                      For whoever asked what the coming soon thing in the option screen is, once you finish the game you get it open...
                      Originally posted by spoiler
                      It is a music video using the games graphics engine with Joe performing the song with a band.
                      This game is really cool though. Doing what Saurian is doing right now and playing through again to get Viewtifuls on all levels. Hey Saurian, once you reach the boss on stage 4 i think, could you tell me how in God's name to get a Viewtiful on combos with him? I have tried everything...

                      For those having a bit of trouble with Davidson, all you have to do is dodge his axe swing, move close to him and he uses it then slow and whack him 5 times...more and you might risk him doing his flame bomb thing. Repeat until he charges you, jump, chase him to the wall and do the same. If you break his axe, then whack him a few more times then leave him. He will jump up to go get another axe. If you hit him for too long he will get his new axe with you standing there and you will get whacked. If you are in slow you might dodge, but you will lose your VFX bar for sure.
                      This is what worked for me anyways, but I am sure there are other ways...
                      btw, thanks for the Viewtiful Forever and Ukemi descriptions Saur, that just made this game a lot more...Viewtiful



                        Was up playing it till past 3am this morning? then woke up at 7am to carry on. I had the greatest dream ever! My god its great to be joe! Shame I had to wake up? : /

                        I think my fav part thus far are all the sections before the Davidson boss. I love the fights in the hall ways and how everything is really tight. The combos are insane. I am still slowly discovering just how much depth there is to the fighting. Just when I feel I have got to grips with it all, I learn that there is another set of moves?and those can be linked with the others to make even more? and those can linked.. etc It is quite unbelievable really. And the greatest part is? Joe is actually doing exactly what I want him to do! Fantastic.

                        Originally posted by spoiler
                        air-craft flying section
                        really surprised me. I was not expecting that at all and was mightily impressed.

                        Does anyone know if there is a way to unlock a level-select that allows you to replay any levels when u see fit? If not, no biggy. There are enough save files to save each individual level, so that works out almost the same?

                        Anyhoo? I am really enjoying joe. REALLY enjoying it. My only criticism at this time? well, I haven?t got any. The only problem that may arise is people may be put of by the look, but that isn?t a fault in the game.. more a fault in the gamer? : p

                        Do we have a faultless game here? I am quite interested to know if there is anything you people dislike. Anything at all.
                        ----Member since April 2002



                          The whole "Zoom" thing has thrown me off badly. I still haven't got use to the Mach Speed yet, and now you can combine the three, its blown my mind.

                          So I was messing and I did a slow, jump, zoom, then a 360 kick mid air, but if I do a zoom, jump, slow, kick I am doing crazy stuff. In fact I think I managed a diagonal "thrust" up for want of a better word, than kinda threw me.

                          Am I thinking that that the zoom jump moves are best used in a "oh my god I am surrounded" situation, as it seems to shaft your combos.

                          Also I am still unsure how to "dizzy" a grey dude. Please help.


                            I wrote all this down earlier in the thread man - it's very easy!

                            Zoom is like capslock, push it to access Joe's 2nd style, Zoom drains your VFX bar - Zoom + Slow drains it faster. The best way to use Zoom is the use it like capslock on a keyboard: quickly press it to activate the tech then press again to Zoom Out, leaving it zoomed in is just for pure style (drains your bar like silly tho >_&lt

                            Zoom + Hold Punch = Joe One Hundred (MASSIVE damage to characters like Davidson when in Slow + Zoom + Hold P)

                            Zoom + K = 360Kick (this is SICK in small spaces, fling it onto the end of a massive Slow combo to catch enemies on the way down or if they are jumping in!)

                            Zoom + Jump = Jumping Attack (unsure of name) it's a big rising attack, can be directed left or right.

                            Red Hot Kick > Zoom = Dragon Kick - (Same angle as Red Hot Kick but it burns through enemies)

                            Jump > Zoom = Stomp (this is dirty when you have enemies dazed around you - it's got a good range)

                            (If bought) Zoom when you are in Slow auto-dodge to activate Viewtiful Forever.

                            (if bought) Zoom when you are about to fall after being attacked for Ukemi.
                            Game system:
                            Just to explain the system a bit: (as an example)

                            Suppose you have 4 enemies onscreen, jump into the middle of them so you have 2 on each side. They will both try and attack, dodge as per the markers and they will daze - now the combo starts - tap each of those 2 enemies a few times and quickly jump over to the 3rd enemy. Dodge and attack as before, and the same with the 4th. The aim is to get all 4 enemies dazed and dealt a few taps before you hit Slow -
                            Tapping an enemy while it's dazed and dodging will keep the combo activated, you can move around the screen as you like but just make sure you dodge or tap to stay in combo mode.

                            When you go into Slow all you have to do is smack each enemy to increase the multiplier. An easy way with 4 enemies onscreen is to uppercut 1, boot 2 45 degrees upwards, turn around smack 3 and jump up and give 4 the Red Hot Kick.

                            The enemies drop items to increase your VFX during combos - you can stay in Slow until the next wave jump in and carry it on - the combo stops when you release Slow.


                              Is it possible to Mach Speed and Sloooooooow at the same time?

                              Slow down the enemies, but you can mach speed about the screen still. I think I read that somewhere.

                              I only had a quick bash last night, and I'm impressed at the small changes they've made since the demo. The graphical effect when as Joe are nice. Seems a little harder too - for some reason I couldn't pull off the Uppercut/wait/wait/slowmo/Jump/double jump/ huge rahrah midair combo move.

                              Can't wait to see level 2


                                Is it possible to Mach Speed and Sloooooooow at the same time?
                                Yes it is - you can use Mach Speed within Slow to speed up Joe's walking speed!

                                Slow + Zoom + Joe One Hundred is so powerful!

                                for some reason I couldn't pull off the Uppercut/wait/wait/slowmo/Jump/double jump/ huge rahrah midair combo move.
                                Ennit! - You have to buy that ability now! (Air Joe)

