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Viewtiful Joe

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    I've only just bought this too and intend on playing it over the weekend, because of this thread I have very high expectations.


      Originally posted by taurusnipple
      Check my cheap tricks to defeat Leo if your having problems mate. Few pages back or something.
      Yeah, I'd checked out your good tips previously, but I don't quite have the l33t VJ skills nailed to keep SlowZ-RHOH him repeatedly the way you described. It did however click last night that I could damage him when he started to whirlwind, which I previously avoided. A few lives later I beat him, Gamecube intact


        Originally posted by razu
        When I gave up playing a few months ago I was always getting swamped by the black ninja dudes and waves of missiles - didn't see any this time.
        Quite often, the harrier drops the black-dudes behind the lava pillars. You can hear the little buggers walking into it constantly


          I found a very handy move last night. Slow down, zoom in, hold down and then hold punch. Rapid uppercuts ahoy!!


            I played this over the weekend and can't see what the fuss is about. Admittedly I only completed the first level but it didn't grab me whatsoever, I found it a complete chore and have no intention of playing it again.

            I'm sure it gets much better as you progress but I can't be bothered even finding out.

            Does anyone else just not 'get' it?


              I didn't get it at first but stick with it, one of the best games tbh. You need to play more.


                Personally one of my favourite GC games and with reading some of the thread has made me want to play it again. I can see why it does not click with some gamers but stick at it - it really is a quality game.


                  I`ve had it for a couple of weeks and am on lvl 4 at the moment and it hasn`t really gripped me either. I love the look of game and the main character itself and the the bosses i find quite hilarious along with there names aswell but the main gripe i have with this game is the game mechanics. At first it`s quite fun getting your moves and using them but after a while the wow factor wears of and am finding it very repetitive and abit boring. It`s definately one of those games that will split peoples opinions but unfortunatly its not for me


                    I sadly sold my Viewtiful Joe quite some time ago now? would like to purchase it again eventually.

                    Originally posted by Hodge
                    finding it very repetitive and abit boring.
                    I didn?t think it was a truly astonishing game (im not really a massive arcadey-type fan tbh) but what I did like though was a feature which is completely opposite to your comment Mr Hodge Sir?

                    One of the things I liked about the game was how it could be everything but repetitive. How you as the player were able to explore and utilize Joe?s moves in new and exciting ways most times you encounter a new foe. For me, I never found any two situations the same as I would explore them in different ways? There was an incredible amount of freedom within a linear A-B game. It was just up to you to make the A-B, A-Z and then add all the other letters in no coherent fashion. That was my take of it anyhow...

                    I agree the concept may become repetitive, but surely that?s the same with any game within a certain ?genre?. In racing games, for example, it could be said all you do is race...

                    But again i agree, it clearly isnt for everyone. Personally, i enjoyed it. But It didnt have such a great impact that the sequel creates extreme anticipation... rather one i would like to pick up eventually... but not overly fussed
                    Last edited by Adam Stone; 19-07-2004, 23:46.
                    ----Member since April 2002



                      Originally posted by taurusnipple
                      I didn't get it at first but stick with it, one of the best games tbh. You need to play more.
                      Yeah, perhaps you're right. I'll give it a few hours play and see how it goes.


                        The joy to be had from this game is rinsing the levels for impressive scores.

                        There are quite a few areas in which to attain 9999 Viewtifuls whilst aspiring to Rainbow V's in others.

                        The game lets you pull off some really interesting situations and methods as well. What seems like an irritating boss slowly becomes a wondeful plaything, there are loads of ways to mess up Another Joe for example.

                        One thing i believe this game achieves admirably is setting you an initially rock challenge and by the time you reach the end credits, your standard of play and approach is honed into red-spandex death machine.

                        The challenge isn't really that much of a challenge, it was just your initial way of doing things that gave you grief. And with that, you can take your new found confidence and standard to other titles, and raise your game.

                        My appreciation of Viewtiful Jow has inspired me to raise my game in SF3:3rd Strike. I can now go to my mates and play on level terms rather than me trying to apply my old method of playing SF and get my arse handed to me.

                        Last edited by TheShend; 19-07-2004, 22:04.


                          Perhaps my statement of repetitive and abit boring was harsh adam and if you really enjoy your side scrolling beat em ups i can see how people really like it and the game does ouze style but if you are not fully into these sort of games then it won`t hold your attention for long as it aint the easiest of games which is why i`m not liking as much as others i suppose. But then again i have enjoyed ninja gaiden recently and completed and i have heard no end of people say they don`t like it at all. It`s weird though how we decide what games we like and dislike.


                            You are doing yourself a disservice by not giving this game a chance, try learning about the system before writing it off.

                            (basics - this is a guide I wrote a while ago and only covers basic movement and combos, every object and enemy in the game has a whole range of quirks to it and you'll spend months still finding out more about each)

                            A combo will start when you dodge and stun an opponent, most enemies will be stunned after just one dodge but there are some with different properties - like the black enemies which need 4 dodges. So the first thing is to learn how to dodge & stun each enemy type.

                            Once the combo initiates an unseen countdown begins (when you get a V sign below your VFX bar, combo has started). You reset the timer by hitting a stunned enemy or dodging another, this is where you build up points and setup your and their positions for the VFX finish. What's important here is to learn how many hits each enemy type can take before they die - you want to stun all enemies on screen and inflict maximum hits on all of them. The standard white enemies can take 3 taps, the spinning ones can take 5 - the rest you can work out
                            So work out a sequence setup where you stun an enemy, inflict maximum damage without killing, move to next one, stun - and so on until all have taken it *only then do you start using VFX*

                            When the setup is finished hit Slow and hold it (the combo ends when you release Slow). Now each enemy you hit while in slow will multiply the combo points you scored during the setups by 1 - so with a good setup where you hit lots of enemies within Slow you can max the combo at 9999Viewtifuls.

                            So suppose you setup 4 enemies and that gives you 340Viewtifuls - hit all 4 in Slow and that takes it up to 1360Viewtifuls.

                            Movement during Slow is an art! Animation cancels are vital if you want to fully rinse it, the rule is that kick cancels punch and vice versa. You can get Joe to track sideways quickly in 3 ways: 1. Rapid kick/punch cancels so that he keeps stepping while just about ready to attack. 2. Sliding to uppercut cancel, Sliding is down + kick (when you buy it) uppercut is down and punch - cancel the end of Sliding into just a couple frames of the uppercut then back to Sliding and so up (it's quick when you get the timing). 3. Hold Mach Speed within Slow for extra speed while running. Attack type is vital in Slow - Kicks will send enemied diagonally while punches Vertical or Horizontal depending if it's an uppercut or not. So Make sure you dont smash enemies into eachother, smash them away from eachother so you dont have to move about to reach all of them. Red Hot Kick will always send enemies diagonally up, standing kicks or sweeps both launch 45degrees - punch is simply straight forward, uppercut straight up. Once you learn how to aim enemies and position them during the setups you can smash them up into unreachable areas to get more V cans to fill the VFX bar.

                            Zoom-In is a shift-key for extra attacks, Zoom + punch is rapid punch, + kick is 360Kick, + Down+punch is rapid uppercut, Zoom + Red Hot Kick is Dragon Kick, Zoom + Jump is a rising attack, Zoom on the way down from a jump is a stomp. All these attacks are VERY powerful in Slow, against bosses are is nothing stronger than Zoom + Slow + punch/down and punch. When you earn them: Ukemi is a tech roll which is just Zoom when you hit the floor, Viewtiful Forever is a counter which you actvate by hitting Zoom when in a slow motion dodge (autoguard within Slow)

                            You can use Mach Speed during your setups, it acts exactly like normal attack and wont affect your combo but be careful as it's easy to kill enemies accidently. During a lot of sections extra enemies jump in after existing ones go, so a good tactic here is to kill the extra ones during the setup so that once you finish in Slow no more jump in - It's worth learning the numbers!!! As the kills will add decent points to your total.

                            As long as you follow the rules the combos are easy to keep going and the setups are up to your imaginaton. You gotta keep at Joe so you'll be on form for when Joe 2 comes out!
                            Last edited by Saurian; 20-07-2004, 12:04.


                              He makes it sound so easy


                                It is until you play it on Ultra V-Rated!

