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Rockstar Presents Table Tennis

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    Originally posted by GordonJ
    Either playing the shot too late, or just being on the receiving end of a focus shot.

    First case you just have to set your shot up earlier, second case get back as far as you can to have a small chance of returning the smash
    Cheers I'll give it a try, it only seems to happen online and when I'm Lui Ping against Jesper.


      i was really struggling to get to grips with this game and it took me hours to complete my first amateur circuit but this morning it just clicked

      i thrashed that carmen slag and am now going through the amateur with every character and dabbling online (won one, lost one)

      top game
      Last edited by chopemon; 28-05-2006, 14:00.


        It's ?24.97 in Tescos... Apologies to any indie retailers reading!

        I'm really enjoying this. Loads of personality, nicely presented, decent value. In terms of substance it's not really anything more than an update of Konami's 'Ping Pong' (although there's no tasty wheeeeoooooww noise for back spin shots on Rockstar's version) but it's simple to play and fun. Played Watusi on live yesterday and almost beat him, which is a rarity, and I'm gonna see if I can build my madskillzz.

        Not really learning which spin shots to play against which though... Anyone got any advice?


          This is damn good on Live. Tho I keep getting beat. I suck.


            This is really quite hard..can't react to the spins fast enough and i think that leads to ball popping up at times, what is the best way to beat that powerful swedish bloke


              Originally posted by dcmk
              This is really quite hard..can't react to the spins fast enough and i think that leads to ball popping up at times, what is the best way to beat that powerful swedish bloke
              I have the same problem, it seems impossible to watch for the spin and then react to it, I end up just choosing one at random. Anyone have any tips for this?


                Originally posted by dcmk
                what is the best way to beat that powerful swedish bloke
                Use lots of backspin shots and more often than not he'll miss the table on his return shot. If you try and play against him with topspin shots you'll get slaughtered.


                  I switch to Luc now to play against Jesper. He's more spin orientated so I seem to have more success countering his power.

                  Also, i'm colour blind, so I can't read the spins correctly half the time


                    How the feck do you set up a game with a mate? I'm struggling to match up with an online mate to play this!


                      think it's just tournaments where you get to invite i can't invite in exhibition.


                        with Jesper i try to go 100% to his backhand, never go to his forehand or he will kill you with a his topspin power,

                        but as long as you keep away from that he is a bit of a dumb bastard and always misses his returns,


                          Im loving this game, played through the first tournament with Liu Ping and handed all their arses to them - havn't tried online yet.

                          Has anyone - like me been secretly wishing for a secret character from the GTA universe to be an unlockable - i was thinking Tommi Vercetti!! (i doubt its gonna happen though - maybe an idea for a download in the future rockstar !!!)


                            Originally posted by dcmk
                            think it's just tournaments where you get to invite i can't invite in exhibition.
                            I've played with my mate loads of times and inviting works, make sure its not a ranked match.


                              Originally posted by cohen205
                              as anyone - like me been secretly wishing for a secret character from the GTA universe to be an unlockable - i was thinking Tommi Vercetti!! (i doubt its gonna happen though - maybe an idea for a download in the future rockstar !!!)
                              i've been thinking the chances of Liu Ping turning up in GTA4 are pretty high


                                Just won my first offline tournament and it was fairly enjoyable once you get into it...trouble is you can never pick it up again after each play...

                                Every time I turn the game on to play again I have to "get my eye in" again!

                                Also, sometimes it's monumentally easy but then suddenly they get a spurt on and **** you up...then after a few points its back to hammering them.

