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Rockstar Presents Table Tennis

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    Finally got round to buying this just there. Fella in front of me in the queue was also buying it, and according to the guy at the counter, it's selling like hot cakes. There were two fellas playing the demo pod, hooting with laughter ... I guess they were a good advert.


      As I said - I fully expect this to become the biggest 360 seller to date.


        Is there a hot coffee mod for this yet?


          Was always going to buy this, been tracking it for a while.
          It has worked out nice, it is my brothers birthday tomorrow and we both have 360's so i bought it him, and we'll be having some 2 player action tomorrow.
          The game didn't come sealed and i'm tempted, well i flipping want to play it now, but it is for my brother so i'll wait.
          The 30 pounds is a bonus and the bloke at gamestations says it is amazing! and it is selling really well (as mentioned on this thread)
          Will post my own personal impressions when i play this tomorrow, can't wait!


            Yeah it's definitely selling well. My friend's shop, not that he breaks street dates or anything, sold out yesterday and had to get another shipment for today.


              Loving this so much! I get so worked up when I hit a poor shot!

              Who wants an online game right now? Teach you a few lessons!


                just played this on my lunch break

                i can appreciate that there is a full, deep and fun game in there but i haven't spent enough time with it to get to grips with it

                i'm looking forward to a weekend of this and hitman and some online games


                  Originally posted by Edame
                  Sounds like an unlockable mini-game
                  Only available in Thailand!


                    i went to a shop called grainger games, they had sold out, i went to gamestation they only have one left !!!!!

                    omg it's selling like hot cakes

                    i have mine now though so i am happy


                      I hate it now. I just lost my rythym and I cant get it back, I really do suck! Just played the same game against Cassidy over and over again and she kept tanking me in the first set where as before, I beat her 11-2 in the first set but had to turn it off! And now I'm losing so much.

                      I keep messing my feetwork up, like I move too far to the right after playing a shot towards that end of the table and they come back with a shot across my left side and I'm too far away to get it and I cant fix it no matter how much I try!

                      But one thing that annoys me is when it sometimes goes to slow mo on the other player and your trying to get across from one side of the table to the other and you dont have as the cameras not on your own player!

                      I'm taking a break for the meantime, go back to it in like half an hour or something!


                        Turn off the "action cam" if you don't like the slow-mo stuff.

                        At first I found the character movement annoying but it's when you use both sticks - you kind of have to make a mental separation in your head about what does what.

                        But I know what you mean about losing your rhythmn - when it goes getting it back is a bast.


                          Originally posted by debug77
                          Anyway back on topic - what players are you guys using? I've just been using Liu Ping..
                          yea i'm favouring lui ping at the moment,but i'm sure that will change.It's jesper's power that annoys me.Went up against someone playing with him online yesterday...he destroyed me.Even the sound of him hitting the ball is more powerful!


                            I haven't raved on abuot a game this much for ages - The last two days I've been sitting in work wishing my way up the road to play it.

                            I didn't even get that with GTA >_<


                              Theres an update for this game already i beleive ...anyone know why theres an update so early into its release and what its exactly for?



                                Hoping it sorts out the intermittent problem where the timed tournament can crash sometimes on your 3rd/4th game online.

                                Has happened twice now - no biggie but it's a ****er when it does it. Two of you can watch the ping pong roll about the ground bouncing off the table etc - was most peeved when I realised I couldn't kick it

