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Helldivers 2 (PS5/PC)

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    Just joined a Challenging mission where we dropped right into the thick of it. I think nearly the whole zone was flared up with bugs. Anyway, the 3 of us spent the mission running away and throwing Reinforcements repeatedly until mission fail


      Some of the shorter missions are more about digging in and repelling a set amount of enemies before you can call in an extraction, covering each other focusing on the big stuff, Well-placed auto turrets, Minefields, and the spread out air strikes keep things at bay pretty well. They're a good mission type to break things up from the exploration and open world stuff and a bit more cod zombies horde mode. Staying put and digging in is the preferred tactic to Benny hilling it about


        Realised why I was finding it so hard initially, the game was defaulting to the hardest difficulty, and being so inexperienced I was struggling, still I pulled my weight with the poor groups I was chucked in with and did my bit, the match sat night with 20 chargers all in a bum F pit was certainly interesting.

        Ive dropped it down now to med till I unlock some more stratagems.


          Having a lot of fun when it works. But every mission I played tonight it kicked me to orbit while I was trying to extract. After not being able to play much due to the servers over the weekend I've deleted it. Hopefully they fix it soon, but it's a waste of my time atm


            Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
            Realised why I was finding it so hard initially, the game was defaulting to the hardest difficulty, and being so inexperienced I was struggling, still I pulled my weight with the poor groups I was chucked in with and did my bit, the match sat night with 20 chargers all in a bum F pit was certainly interesting.

            I've dropped it down now to MED till I unlock some more stratagems.
            We stuck it up to the hard difficulty, but the big armoured bugs in large numbers are not meant to be taken on without a lot of the higher level stratagems and high-powered weapons and explosives. They require a lot of team work as your standard guns just aren't powerful enough, and it makes the game just not fun to play. We found that playing on challenging feels like where you're supposed to play, it gives you decent XP and rewards, and you can find common and rare samples so you can upgrade your ship (any lower difficulty doesn't give you access to rare samples).

            We had some crazy missions last night, and we took on our first goliath bug, one thing we found is that it's very easy to get caught up in firefights outside of objectives and not engaging every enemy you see and using a bit of stealth can work wonders for maximising your rewards and helping you hit all the side objectives in a mission. It's also pretty handy to get the drop on an area before you rush in and go crazy, an orbital Gatling gun placed mid-objective does wonders for making an objective more manageable and the jet bombing strike that puts down explosives over a large area is great for cleaning out nests and sealing up bug holes to stop more enemies spawning.


              I'm sticking to medium for now till i can level up past lv10 for unlocks and buy them (slow process when you can't play the game in groups most of the time, latest patch i'm having better success just opening a session and waiting for it to fill), trying harder difficulty in quickplay is like pulling teeth, the dangers of friendly fire .


                Originally posted by BaronSqwelch View Post
                Having a lot of fun when it works. But every mission I played tonight it kicked me to orbit while I was trying to extract. After not being able to play much due to the servers over the weekend I've deleted it. Hopefully they fix it soon, but it's a waste of my time atm
                Anything other than a positive first impression on this game should be investigated immediately for possible treason because any freedom loving citizen of Super Earth can tell you that this game is really good.

                I've not played it, but don't want to be deployed by insulting our venerable leaders... sorry you've had a bad time with it
                Last edited by QualityChimp; 13-02-2024, 12:26.


                  HDV! HDV! HDV!


                    Originally posted by BaronSqwelch View Post
                    Having a lot of fun when it works. But every mission I played tonight it kicked me to orbit while I was trying to extract. After not being able to play much due to the servers over the weekend I've deleted it. Hopefully they fix it soon, but it's a waste of my time atm
                    Ban request for not loving democracy!!!


                      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

                      Anything other than a positive first impression on this game should be investigated immediately for possible treason because any freedom loving citizen of Super Earth can tell you that this game is really good.

                      I've not played it, but don't want to be deployed by insulting our venerable leaders... sorry you've had a bad time with it
                      Get involved bud this has QC splattered all over it. New planets unlocked in the last few days as well.

                      Democracy, smells good!!!


                        Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post

                        Get involved bud this has QC splattered all over it. New planets unlocked in the last few days as well.

                        Democracy, smells good!!!
                        Would love to, mate, but I'm still a PS4 peasant.


                          I got on late last night, so my usual spot in my squad was filled, but I got to try out quick play and matchmaking proper and, what I found was with the odd fail to connect hammering it over and over get's you nowhere backing out selecting quick play again is the way to go here. It's not ideal but worked for me and kept me in games all night. I didn't get any disconnects when in game either.

                          I have to say I'm pretty impressed with how well this works with randoms, on the challenging difficulty you get teams that know that running off on their own is a sure-fire way to die quickly by getting mauled and overrun so you tend to get decent team work. The ping system to tag objectives is pretty cool you can set an objective everyone sees it and 9 times out of 10 people followed it too and completed objectives together. The communication wheel is pretty good too, we realigned a radio tower without com's last night by rotating and using the thumbs up when it was in the correct position.

                          One thing i didn't realise was Stragem Hero the little arcade machine that lets you practice the ddr stuff for calling in supplies or airstrikes is locked to the expensive version of the game??? meaning you can tell when you are on a poor person's ship as it's absent, poor show Sony everyone should have this as standard.
                          Last edited by Lebowski; 14-02-2024, 10:37.




                              Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

                              Would love to, mate, but I'm still a PS4 peasant.
                              Guys, he doesn’t even love democracy enough to get PS5, pfffftttttt.


                                More hype footage for our favorite chimp.

