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Helldivers 2 (PS5/PC)

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    2 days nearly down and quickplay still not working, all i can see is the dev's making excuses the next patch will fix things in 4 hours and then nothing 4 hours later but another excuse on there websites forum. Real poor showing.


      I hope it gets sorted for you soon.


        Playing with friends in a pre made group is fine, match making and quick play are utterly broken, real shame.

        Also tonight every map I went on is rammed full of fast moving acid spitting tanks that kill me in 5 seconds flat, not fun, turning off for tonight after achieving nothing.


          Must admit the videos are making look like fun. I might check it out on sale.


            Valve issued a hotfix and it's now working on Steam Deck properly. That was quick!

            Still can't tell if I'm interested in the game as I'd be playing mostly solo.


              From the devs

              I just wanted to let you all know we're working as hard as we can on resolving these, the volume of players exposed some shenanigans in the system that went past many, many, many hours or testing.

              We have tried resolving it on the backend only but it seems like we will have to patch the game to resolve the issue. Sorry for this and thank you for your patience.
              We've made a patch, and are about to start playing alongside you to check it works as intended.
              If it's a success, we'll trigger a hotfix and get it out to the Steam community first, then roll it out to PS5 players as quickly as we can.
              We've uploaded a patch to Steam that should improve matchmaking for PC. The patch also includes some other crash fixes we've identified.
              We know there's more to solve, and we're working our way through it. Nevertheless, we hope this rapid patch goes a long way to making your experience better.

              But being honest, it’s not really good enough, if a fundamental part of the game doesn’t work, then you delay the game, simple as.


                newest patch and quickplay still not working, you can now at least see sos signals active on the world you're on, just fails every single time to join them. Going in solo and using sos i had no-one join me over 5 mins just standing in a field.


                  At this rate I can see arrowhead removing quick play rather than bothering to actually fix it, the latest updates still aren’t working for either platform.
                  Last edited by fishbowlhead; 10-02-2024, 18:14.


                    it's almost like stress test 'demo' for a weekend only prior to release should have be released. Really embarrassing when a similar small dev team who made Palworld managed to make it all work online for millions of people.
                    Last edited by Tobal; 10-02-2024, 18:25.


                      They can bleat all they want about bugs slipping through but that’s crap, the feature fundamentally doesn’t work for most the players and they would have known this.

                      Another broken launch for a game.


                        Played a good load of missions tonight. My goodness it's so fun (with friends). We did some Automaton missions which turned the game from Starship Troopers to frickin Terminator! Some of the scenes I was seeing were just awesome. Like seeing the Automatons coming over a hill in the dark and their red eyes glaring at us. After cleaning them out I looked behind and saw a patrol of them in the distance walking across the beach in the shallow waters. The moon was bouncing god rays about through the palm trees. Man, they've nailed the look of this game.

                        Destroying the Automaton bases were great too. A sneaky nade down their chimney like vents bring their whole place to its knees via a mahoosive explosion. So good.
                        Last edited by hudson; 10-02-2024, 22:09.


                          Ok seems the last patch did do something after turning the console completely off. Man this game is just totally different with squad mates, it’s a whole different game and incredibly fun, what a frustrating launch.


                            Some good battle tips here


                              First go of this tonight having stayed back because of the PC issues. Broadly seemed to work fine, I've stuck with Easy with being fresh in on it and managed to jump into matches with others fine. I'm all in on playing with randoms with comms off, not one fibre of me can stand in-game chat with other players in any game. I'm going to keep to that for a few more nights whilst I settle into things but on this first night games went smoothly with the difficulty being extremely light on this setting. No deaths and hardly ever hit, able to clear objectives and score well so working up soon to Medium is inevitable.Very solid game and manages to make me feel a little sad that Sony still hasn't made a new Warhawk.


                                After it started working I spread democracy until 2am last night, this is SO much fun in coop.

