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Final Fantasy III DS US Version

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    §With the two shops at the end, you should be able to teleport out OK and have some flash new weapons to boot, there's another section up ahead, at the end of the crystal tower, once you go thru thta mirror, it's the point of no return....§


      Where the hell is Gysahl? I've been searching for it for days. I know it's to the East, but where exactly?
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        if i remember rightly its not hidden or anything.
        at the east side of the first map, near some mountains, think you need an airship, but you can deffinately see it just by wandering around.


          Thanx much. I just found it as I was about to read your post.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            Been playing this for about a week now. About 21 hours in and I'm currently at the point where

            I have to kill Doga and the old woman

            . I'm really enjoying this actually, and it's good to have a big title to sink my teeth into. It's a really well done remake. Graphics are suprisingly good and someone I know who is a PSP nub even admitted that. Gameplay wise its classic FF, which is pretty fun, Job system gives some depth to the game as well as making the fighting and levelling more interesting. I can't wait till FFIV, I played it ages ago (on teh GP32) and loved it, can't wait to revisit it in full 3D and so on.

            The only I've encountered so far is the DS I was doing some level grinding and just as I was going out to save my DS died.
            Last edited by El Leone; 24-06-2007, 11:52.


              Hi there,

              This was posted in the discounts & bargains thread about 10 days ago, and I just started it a couple of days ago. I have to say I'm well chuffed with this - I really hadn't expected it to be my thing, but will now be pursuing the rest of the series and other turn-based RPGs.

              Anyway, can anyone explain for me a bit better how jobs work, please? I kinda assumed that if you change a character's job then his level would go back down to zero. Or he'd lose a lot of the hitting / spell-binding power he'd built up. Yet when you get to the bit where

              you cast the mini spell and end up in the Gnomish caves, Desch advises you to change jobs - I ignored this and got my ass kicked by the rat because I'm still mini and my warriors can't make any decent hits.

              Can i safely make my warriors into wizardly characters for a while and change them back later? Do the "ill-effects" of changing job only affect the character for a couple of job levels and then they get stats commensurate with their experience points, or what?


              PS: I did have another question to ask here, but Googling about jobs before posting the above question I found the IGN walkthrough; this looks pretty good, and although I'm not prepared to read beyond the bit that I've already played, it seems comprehensive enough on the sections I've already covered. Additionally, it's split into pages, so there's less risk of stumbling upon any spoilers if you want help just getting past this little bit you're stuck on.

