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    Have any of you with first generation XBoxes had any problems with the game crashing?

    A tri-weekly webcomic about video games and gamers since 2002!


      Originally posted by nips
      Have any of you with first generation XBoxes had any problems with the game crashing?
      Not once.


        I've had two crashes so far, once the game locked up after I'd first created my initial character ( which got me worried, but it was just an unfortunate early 'blip' ) but after I reset and went through the process again it was fine.

        It locked up again later, but since the game had automatically saved itself beforehand I didn't mind, apart from that the loading is a bit stuttery in places ( so much so that I suspected it had crashed once or twice, but left it and eventually the scene loaded up ).

        It all seems to be luck of the draw, unfortunatly, I had very few problems with Morrowind as well whereas others were thrown into a rage when it corrupted their latest saves.

        Originally posted by spoiler
        Does anyone know if it's possible to solve that murder case on Manann involving a Republic vetran and Sith woman? I got the lowdown on it from the hotel owner, but can't talk to the prisoner or discuss the case with the court, I suspected that maybe you have to bump him off later as part of the advanced bounty hunter missions or something.

        Also, I need a really good heavy weapon for HK-47, money isn't a problem as I now have over 21,000 creds, can anyone recommend a good place?


          No you don't. If you transport back to your base from the map in the menu screen (ya know, hitting "X"), you can transport right back to where you left so long as you don't leave the base area you zapped to. Makes the whole thing effortless.
          Yes. You can indeed zip back home and then back to where you previously were (extremely useful - thanks bioware ), but I wanted to buy an upgrade for Mission, which meant leaving the apparement block were the base is. Because of this, the 'Transport Back [to sewers] option changes to 'Transport to Base'.

          I had the dirty disk error twice yesterday, both times when loading my save. Worrying, but it was fine ingame.

          The card game rocks, I can't stop playing it...even makes me want to play it in real life


            Never had a single loading or saving problem (touch wood).

            I want to be playing this game right now!!!!



              I own a 1st gen Xbox, Xecuter 1 modded, and have not encountered any crashing problems as of yet.

              I have had the dirty disk error a few times when loading my save from the title screen a few times - since the disk is near faultless, i used a lens cleaner instead, and it seems to have cleared up that problem.

              Another glitch i've had twice was the 'teleport to next area' even though i'm not near the 'zone' to leave the current area. I'm just running around when this happens. Thankfully it hasn't happened again.

              When using the 'go back to base' command, after that loads, then i go into the menu and 'go back to area' command - when it loads up the screen i had a corrupt green graphic (about the size of a cheap ciggarette lighter) in the top left of the screen. Just a minor thing which only happened once mind you.

              Other than that, i like the game very much


                Everyone take a minute to read the impressions on the very first page of this thread again, and just look how spot-on the fella got things. Definitely my game of the year so far, and I'm [Star Wars Quote]not a Jedi yet[/Star Wars Quote], even!


                  My copy won't get past the bioware logo. I played it once for 2 hours and it has never loaded since. Have hopefully nailed it down now to a cache file problem that I should be able to sort out. According to xbox-scene it's not uncommon.


                    Throughout the entire game I had 3 disc issues on my 1st gen box. Once immediately after saving the game it hung, once on loading my game it said disc dirty and once I turned on my XBox and it refused to recognise it as a game - my XExecuter2 front screen reported it as a film.

                    Every time I just turned it off and on and had no problems.


                      Originally posted by spoiler
                      Does anyone know if it's possible to solve that murder case on Manann involving a Republic vetran and Sith woman? I got the lowdown on it from the hotel owner, but can't talk to the prisoner or discuss the case with the court, I suspected that maybe you have to bump him off later as part of the advanced bounty hunter missions or something.
                      You need to first visit Kashyyyk before you can do any more on this quest. I won't spoil anything unless you ask me to.


                        I haven't had any problems with it so far, but my machine is a generation 2 I think. Quite enjoying it so far. It's a little bit "rough round the edges" in the graphics department in some places, but I was expecting it to be. The script and story is superb though, and the combat works brilliantly. I've only put about 2 hours in so far but I'm hooked.


                          I do have one minor niggle, and that's your character gets stuck by the other people in your party quite often, needing you to change party members - so the path finding AI isn't great. Minor niggle though.

                          I find it quite surprising that PotC can be frame rate jerky and load filled compared to KoTOR, and yet the style of the games are so very similar. It certainly shows how much polish has gone into this title.



                            i also got a 1st gen xbox, no probs at all so far, not even a DDE (touch wood), game time is just over 9 hours logged but im sure in real time thats a bit more.
                            One real annoyance i do have (and i would imagine that for 99% of xbox owners it would have no relevance at all), is the size of the save game files, i couldn't believe it - each and every individual game save i have is 1600 blocks !!! - and therefore its not possible to transfer any saves at all to a memory card, which would allow me to transfer the save on my other xbox and play the game elsewhere i.e. @ work on nights 8) (only during my designated lunch and tea breaks, and @ no other time at all, i promise, honest )
                            I am truely shocked at the size of the files, considering Morrowind with the huge, huge journal, and hundreds if not thousands of every individual item you can possess, move around, stockpile in chests etc etc,(far more, or so it seems than in KOTOR) - My MW saves are no more than 200 blocks each.

                            Anyway back to the game, 9 hours in and still playing Taris - Pazaak is just eating my time, played and won 6 straight games this afternoon, hopefully further in the game you can start gambling more money, 40CR just aint enough for us hardened card sharks!


                              Well I am now 20 hours in and still absolutely loving this game. Just about done and dusted on Manaan (sp?) and about to blast off to the next planet (Kashyaak (sp?)

                              I haven't had a single issue with crashing or anything else yet and have been playing pretty much solid since Monday afternoon when I got it.


                                After 11 hours I have finally got of Tarris (SP) and


                                I have become a jedi I have just spent the last hour running around with 2 lightsabers making them go woosh woosh

                                I now am about 90% dark evil evil Jedi. Beginning to feel quite bad about it though as I have to **** everyone over that I meet.


