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Forza 2

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    I see the glitchers are out then. Time Trials, last but one track (Cobra thing?). Top time is 1 second, followed by 2 and 3 seconds... Me thinks not.


      Mine is supposed to be arriving tomorrow!

      Any recommendations for a first car as a little advice would be appreciated? Especially if I'm aiming to get 1 second laps...


        Went for the Focus SVT myself - great car to start in.


          Originally posted by FatGit_UK View Post
          I picked up a cheap Acura from the auctions then added a few upgrades. Had a bit or argy bargy with that bugger Rossi, but I soon sorted him out by treating him to the same 'nudges' he was giving me
          Ended up going for the Bentley Continental GT, good car for the job, haven't done the races yet, kept arsing about and not trying properly as was showing the game to my mate for the first time but I'll finish it off tomorrow!


            Originally posted by Kubrick View Post

            I didn't really mind the long gaps between levelling-up, but my biggest beef is the lack of tracks and that the same ones are used over and over. Even if the shorter versions were used now and again it would mix it up a bit, but once you move on to the really quick cars, they never get touched again. A shame as I really like Tsukuba and Suzuka East.
            I've been trying to ration my play time of the game as this was my biggest complaint with the original game - Forza 2 seems better but overally the focus seems to be variety in the cars, not the tracks.



              Though the game is excellent, I can't stop wishing that there were at least two more tracks. The low number just doesn't feel good enough.

              I guess it's all part of the "Downloadable Content" generation. The dev probably made more tracks, but is holding them back, so we can all get excited about them in a few months. That's modern videogame business for you.

              I'm still enjoying myself though.


                The lack of tracks certainly detracts from the experience, especially later on in career mode when the same tracks are used over and over and none of the early shorter tracks get a look in.

                Finally reached level 50 yesterday, achieved gold in all career races and collected all cars from Europe and Korea but, after a rough estimation, it seems I need a further 11,000,000 credits if I ever hope to collect the remaining cars from America and Japan. Considering completing career mode with it's huge credit bonuses for completing individual championships only dished out 10,000,000 credits I really don't think I can be bothered any more. Definately need a break from this game as I really wasn't enjoying it towards the end.


                  What i want to know is how are people paying silly money like 200 million credits for some cars.

                  Must be some sort of money glitch surely.


                    Mine arrived today and I've spent a couple of hours messing around, it would have been longer but Tomb Raider Anniversary (PS2) & Final fantasy I & II (PSP) both arrived this morning.

                    Not been online yet due to the fact that I'd get mashed straight away!!

                    I've seen people mention auctioned cars before, where do I go to see those? Is it on Live or is it something I access from my PC?


                      Go to the options page in the main menu.


                        Thanks...obvious really!!
                        If you are selling do you sell the car as a unique item or do you sell the design to as many people as you want?


                          As many cars as you can stick the design on. When you sell you can choose to lock the design to the car or not. When you gift, it's unlocked only.


                            This is what happened to my new Bentley last night shortly after hitting someone head-on at a combined speed of around 340mph -


                              Can't see the pictures Charlie, change it please. I need to see the caranage


                                Charlie, you can't hotlink to the the forza site. You need to save it to another host like imageshack.

