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John Woo Presents Stranglehold

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    Had a couple of hours with this last night and feel quite underwhelmed by it TBH. I had high hopes for this after seeing the trailers and other footage but it seems after you do the tea room level you have basically seen it all. Dont get me wrong I am still having fun with it but its just so, normal.

    Having played right through Lair recently and being blown away by Heavenly Sword I think I went into this at the wrong time as it just feels flat in comparison to these games. I say this because all I could think about last night while playing it was "I want to play Heavenly Sword again" If I had picked this up on its own I would probably be really enjoying it but after the first 2 levels I can see this becoming quite tedious to get all the way through.

    Technically, its quite impressive with every kind of destruction imagineable going on in the levels. The physics on display here really are well executed. From massive explosions to tiny wood splinters, Rag dolling enemies 20 ft in the air to a good precision shot right in the berries, it all works great and performance never really takes a visable hit.

    I have yet to try out the live portion of the game but imagine it is fun with a room full of friends shooting the **** out of each other so will give that a try tonight.

    Overall, its an average game with some nice touches but is nowhere near the quality I or anyone else for that matter expects from our top end titles these days. And as Bleeders mentioned earlier if Heavenly Sword has taught us one thing, it is the power of a good cut scene. I dont know what they paid for Chow Yun Fats involvement but it sounds like he phoned his performance in.
    Last edited by Mardigan8; 18-09-2007, 10:52.


      Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
      I guess its a marmite game but I love it
      i'm not gonna quote your entire post...but i love you


        theres only so much glitter you can put on a turd before people se it for what it is, a plain old turd.


          Looking forward to getting a shot for myself - copy should've arrived tonight.....


            it's pure awesome-sauce,you'll love it!


              Can't wait man you be about for some online fun ?


                more than likely throw us a message when your on


                  Originally posted by Akira View Post
                  i'm not gonna quote your entire post...but i love you
                  Thats two man loves I recieved this weekend on here, I cant walk straight because of it

                  I might try some online action for first time tonight as well


                    Just got my copy, played the first level in full. Playing on normal, after doing the first boss there's probably no way I'd play this game on anything harder than "Normal" to be honest.

                    It's fun, silly, crazy, cheesy, balls out (and in the mouth) fun.

                    Can't really see how anyone would have expected more from the demo, it's a game I'll play on and off for a bit then sell.

                    Would like to have tried online but I'm knackered and LIVE went down for me, it was intermittent.


                      Got my cheapy Asian region free copy today, played through the first level. Did anyone else get any really choppy moments when shooting up a few enemies? Best i can describe it is as though the framerate totally bottoms out for a split second or two


                        I love this game. It could be just as easily be a Sega or Capcom game. Its short, but for me it has this addiction of getting best possible combo's and grades... I have exactly the same addiction with quite a few Sega games and the likes of DMC.

                        Level 2 is weak, but afterwards it gets just as frantic as level 1 again.


                          Aye I agree about Level 2 (for me it was tiny section though the boat bit) but everything else I thought was great.

                          I finished it on hard tonight and it must have taken about 12-14 hours total on that level (first play thru) at the end I really felt Id been thru the ringer as I had to use everything just to stay alive. Im keeping it for good after finishing it as I find it a complete and utter fun packed experience. Yes its nowt new and it has some daft bugs (Ive now come across some more the golden infinite sticking gun on one life was one and a dead body blocking my next level section) and I got frustrated that when Id built max tequila time up and died on hard I got it stripped away from me on the next checkpoint but I can forgive these niggles as for me the whole experience just outways a bit more polish needed.

                          Online Ive found unplayable with a couple of tests tonight though (I didnt buy it for that anyway), I dont know if it was because it was USA games or what but the latency was horrific, I couldnt pick weapons up due to it or use bullet time once so became a instant switch off!


                            Does anyone know the 360 version compares to the PS3 demo - I dunno if its just me but the PS3 version seemed more fluid & the sound was far better


                              flipping hard boiled mode is, to be polite, ever so slightly broken, the boat sinking section has some snipers on it and on the other levels they do a fair amout of damage as sniper weapons should.
                              However on hard-boiled they become super humun robosnipers able to target you despite not being able to see you so the minute you slow mo move out of cover or dive you get shot once and die.
                              Very frustrating.
                              Multi is odd and complete carnage with 4 plus players debris bullets and swearing .


                                I saw a poster ad in a Blockbusters' window yesterday offiering the Hard Boiled Collector's Edition DVD free when you buy Stranglehold.

