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John Woo Presents Stranglehold

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    Originally posted by jimmbob View Post
    Lv 2 was goodish, I just wish there had been a checkpoint after each tanker that you have to blow up. I could get 3 easily, could I get the fabled forth? Could I buggery!
    The fourth was really stupid. Respawning snipers that don't die from precision headshots.

    Respawning everything, UNTIL you zipline down there, then they stop respawning. I thought I'd be clever and get shot of them all from distance, but the respawning seemed infinte until I ziplined down.


      Yes that annoyed me a tad. I also had a mad panic trying to find a way out of the boat before she blew! Blowing up the drug tables was great fun though.

      Managed to protect the band last night, also completely destroyed the T-Rex, or the other one, can't remember. The Museum level is fantastic, especially the part where the enemies are rappelling in, and the dust clouds make visibility poor, until of course you go into tequila time and knock the crap out of everyone!
      The Laser boss was an odd one, instant death trip mines are not a fave of mine, but once you get the pattern down it was a pretty good, imaginative boss fight.


        I'm concerned, I'm at the start of Level 4 and I've really no inclination to carry on playing.

        It just feels so unfair 75% of the time!


          Consider dropping the difficulty perhaps? I found the game really picked up after Level 3, not sure if that's because of better level design or just because it "clicked".
          I'm at the start of a rainy level now and it's gorgeous.


            I'm only playing on normal!!


              Are the achievements glitched on this?
              I've definately done a barrage attack with every weapon, but the damned achievement hasn't popped up, how disappointing.
              Did the rainy level, tons of fun, Massive Damage to environments, now onto the last level. The difficulty has ramped a little, but that's to be expected. Those rocket launching bastards can GTF.


                Did you try it with the rocket launcher?


                  Yers, at the beginning of the last level, didn't hit a check point though as I got pwned. Maybe it will register once I do that.


                    That level with the band wasn't that bad - done it last night on me 2nd go - You only have to keep one member of the band alive.

                    Love how if/as they die their instrument stops - obvious really but made me smile


                      Kill everyone but the drummer, he's got some impressive chops that lad.


                        Got this today, £20 new from Gamestation's sale

                        Got a few achievements already, for some reason i didnt get an achievement for going through the first level without using the tequila bombs.

                        it's fun but gets repetitive so quickly.

                        Multiplayer is crap, on halo anyone can go into a match and usually get at least a couple kills even if they're not that good or have only just got the game, but on this i couldnt kill anyone, no matter how many shots i got in etc they knew where the weapons where, all the different tricks and you cant even do tequila time when you want, besides everyone having slow-mo means it's not much of an advantage is it.

                        So I'm liking single player for a mindless romp but multiplayer is just completely ****ed up.


                          Aye something seems wrong with online I get nothing but glitches and lag. Single player is a must on hard from the go to stop boredom then its cracking game. I finished it for second time not soon after first play thru and I dont do that much. Probably took 25-28 hours on hard x2


                            Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                            Got a few achievements already, for some reason i didnt get an achievement for going through the first level without using the tequila bombs.
                            If you heal yourself when prompted it counts as a Tequila bomb, you have to fight t3h p0wer and ignore the tutorial.


                              Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                              That level with the band wasn't that bad - done it last night on me 2nd go - You only have to keep one member of the band alive.

                              Love how if/as they die their instrument stops - obvious really but made me smile
                              One of the Making Ofs on the CE shows them improvising various "oh God I'm dead" musical bits that made me laugh.

                              On the other hand, not that bad? Still can't do that level on Hard. Keeping them alive is no problem, the enemies never fire directly at them - Tequila's considerably more difficult. Tiny enclosed space, enemies swarming everywhere with pretty much a clear line of sight to you wherever you are... almost had me screaming more than the last third of GoW 2.

                              Though I admit this is partly since I feel Stranglehold suffers from the same problems as Max Payne 1 & 2, even if it is a far better game. Any bullet time move other than turning it on and off manually is largely useless and an invitation for enemies to swarm you as your camera goes askew/you lie on the floor recovering/you miss the headshot you were going for/you slide straight into a random piece of scenery, etc, etc, etc. The most effective way to clear the vast majority of the levels is to glitch the AI for all you're worth and take it as a straight third-person shooter with a slow-motion button. Bullet time in videogames is a laugh, but ultimately it's no more a means to let you emulate HK action flicks than leaping down the stairs at home would be.


                                Originally posted by jimmbob View Post
                                If you heal yourself when prompted it counts as a Tequila bomb, you have to fight t3h p0wer and ignore the tutorial.
                                didnt touch the dpad, only used medkits

