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    never happened to me in any way before, i had played a few online mates, but never won more than 1, the last achievement is almost complete, but its lost its edge in all fairness, as there is nothing past x games to work for now.


      This is a game and a half, isn't it?

      I'm on one of the fairly early videos, which requires an 8m jump, 3,250 points and a "grind to fliptrick to manual". It's that last one that's peeing me off, as I grind a line, fliptrick off, land in manual and it doesn't register. I've tried manual grinding to fliptrick and everything else I can think of. It's unlocked a couple of times, but I've no idea what I did differently on those runs.



        Swallow: it's probably because your manual is either too far forward (so the front wheels touch down with the landing impact) or too far backward (so the back edge slams the board back down. Some people online seem to be able to pull manuals off everywhere. I'm completely hopeless at them though.

        Goldenhawk: have you unlocked PJ's Mansion, the mega center and the art gallery? Is it possible to delete all the info and start again? (or use a different profile just for skate?)


          Manuals are kinda ridiculous in this game. Once you get the right stick in the right place, you could just manual forever. I manualled for nearly 200meters before getting bored


            I think that was a conscious decision to not allow manuals to maintain the combo line only delay it going down.

            I'm having trouble with a pro challenge in a warehouse. I have to build a combo in the halfpipe then grind up at the top of a bowled corner, I never manage to gain my combo to more than 2x and maintain the speed. I OD'd on this yesterday and just lost it towards the end. Oh yeah and can everyone rate my vid in the online thread :P


              Which pro?


                I can't do that either FP. Was up 'til 2am Sunday morning trying it.

                Thanks for the tip Charles, I'll have another go tonight.


                  I caved and bought this on the weekend I'm trying hard to plan lines now, and not just jam left or right on the stick as soon as I take off a la other skating games

                  I love bombing downhill and pulling huge grind combos down the kerbstones. I love the big powerslides on those bits too

                  I've not played a lot of it yet, but one bit I found hard initially was the first 'spot' you find, the Bank. Obviously it's got those nice big slopes up either side but I find it hard to carry any speed to the top to get a nice big trick. I'm sure it'll all come, I'm mostly just practising to be able to pull the grinds I want, rather than the ones which just come out


                    You have to push "at transfer" to keep momentum on slopes - push up on the left stick as you transfer from flatland onto the slope


                      yeah, I've been doing that, after the tutorial in the sewer pipe. I still just don't seem to carry as much as I need, perhaps it's just more practise


                        Not sure the pros name, its just such a hard challenge. The best trick isn't any easier in that warehouse either, I find i'm just getting left behind on the best trick contests now. Any tips for those?


                          Originally posted by FreelancePolice View Post
                          I'm having trouble with a pro challenge in a warehouse
                          You're talking about Colin McKays challenge right?:

                          As Yoshi said push towards the pipe on the way up, but dont flick the right stick to ollie at the top just let go of the L stick b4 you reach the top & you automatically 'pop' like an ollie.

                          Do a couple of spins with grabs & tweaks added, line it up with the normal ramp just before the corner bit (which is slightly higher) starts, do the pump method & 'pop' off the reg ramp & onto the corner so you get the height to land in a grind on the corner.
                          Either that or pop off onto the deck & try to ollie from the deck to grind on the corner bit.

                          Originally posted by FreelancePolice View Post
                          The best trick isn't any easier in that warehouse either
                          I'm afraid you have to resort to a little THPS fairytaleness with this comp. It'll have to be flip in, grind, flip out & maybe add a rotation too on the way in/out. The 3rd part of the comp (using the banks either side) was a bit misleading as I thought it only included the banks but theres a block running down the bank closest to the entrance & again its best to use that obstacle with the flip in, grind, flip out method to nail the the 3rd part.

                          Just make sure that you do the more tech flips & grinds in the comp mate.
                          Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 08-10-2007, 13:26.


                            I've decided I hate the single player mode. It's so repetitive and full of generic challenges. Yet I can't stop playing the game because it's the best Xbox Live game I've played all year (apart from that one!). I'll probably play it online for another six months and not get bored


                              Its still got better challenges than the THPS series though.
                              The only nag I have is when u play SKATE against another character ollie late tricks just dont register.
                              For example, I went for a late shove it but it registered as a regular ollie.

                              Today is the 1st day since I bought it that I havent played it & thats because I'm afraid of getting bored of it from over playing.


                                I'm intentionally playing this a little at a time. I always like to have a 'second' game on the go that allows me to drop the pace from whatever story driven game I'm currently playing (Killzone) and Skate is perfect for that. In fact I can see it occupying that slot for months.

