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    I looked forward to this game so much. Played the demo for hours. It's the first game my son has ever looked forward to properly. I bought it on release and we've played it endlessly. In the day we take turns just messing about, and when boy goes to bed I do a bit of the game to unlock more places for us to play in. Ah, well, turd alert! The skating around and making your own fun is strictly 10/10 stuff. The 'game' part is 6/10 for me. Just gave up on a 'death race', not because it's too difficult, but because it's complete ****. The seemingly endless rounds of S.K.A.T.E. were bad enough, (somewhat pointless against a computer I felt), but these death races really stretch the turd to breaking point. Ha ha, you crashed into me, again, and now I have to restart, no, make that reload. Bollocks. I really want to unlock the whole game, but I'd rather post on the internet about how ****ing **** the single player 'game' is. It's destroyed my gaming momentum for the night, can't start something else now! EA still can't make games, the spastics, (with B.O.).


      I love the word spastic! I dont think its used enough today. I still use it quite a bit along with spaz, spazzy, joey & mong too!

      Anyway I see what u mean mate, but for a 1st try I think I can let it go due to the fact that it plays like a dream if u want to be creative & go off & do your own thing. I dont really know what else u can do to a 'game' part of a skateboard game that hasnt already been done. It has to be challenges of some sort or point racking or missions.

      I dont know how well this has done in the charts but I'm a bit worried that if it doesnt do well then for SKATE 2 they may go down the THPS arcade super hero route just to get more sales.


        The trick challenges were perfect, do this on that. Fine. But race down there, with that lot, and the cars and pedestrians. No want.

        I just don't want to sit through a game I don't like to get the venues for the game I do like. But it's sat there... staring at me!

        I hope there isn't a skate 2. This does skating just fine. I don't want more game added onto it. Or more buttons.

        ****ing deathrace fungus.


          Heres 2 more 360 flip crooks for those having probs. This time its my character & the resemblance is uncanny :

          Down a curby raily thing (did this about a wk ago & had it saved but didnt realise!):
          Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

          On a block opposite way. Look at how far away I ollied & again the angle:
          Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

          I think the trick is also to relax when u do some stuff so that you manuveure it gently & correctly.
          Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 10-10-2007, 00:12.


            Absolutely hammering away at this now that plan b warehouse tosh is out of the way. I don't find the SKATE challenges too bad, the AI seems to mess up the majority of the easy fliptricks. Even 180 nollies are seemingly beyond mr rodriguez :P
            I think i'm near to being on the cover of the first magazine I've just got my new Jack photo, although the bar seems massive to go up now...


              this has an almost Nintendo like level of depth to the cortrol system, last time i felt so in control of a character was Wave Race of Mario Kart

              its keeping a lot of other stuff out my 360 at the moment, and i'm not even particulalry good at it.


                There's only a few races and they are all incredibly easy. Race once taking it easy to see the route and then race again and win. At least I thought they were easy.

                And yeah, the skate challenges are pretty easy. Just a bit time consuming. I just keep doing slight variations of easy tricks until they mess up.


                  I did the video that was annoying me! Seems it only counts a regular grind---fliptrick, rather than a "manual" grind---fliptrick. *rolleyes*

                  I haven't found any races yet, mind you, not done the cover photo yet.

                  I'm stuck on the best trick at the Matrix, keep coming second. It's that pyramid structure that messes me up every time.


                    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                    There's only a few races and they are all incredibly easy. Race once taking it easy to see the route and then race again and win. At least I thought they were easy.

                    And yeah, the skate challenges are pretty easy. Just a bit time consuming. I just keep doing slight variations of easy tricks until they mess up.
                    To make it even easier do any 540 degree spin (both sticks left or right), the AI simply does not know how to replicate the move. Bit of a cheat really but i don't enjoy the skate challenges anyway.


                      Are there any discernable differences between the 360 & PS3 iterations?


                        Would like to know that too. As long as they are pretty much the same, I'd recommend it to everyone.

                        Just completed all the tricks in the book. Took me a while to figure out the grabs.


                          Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                          Are there any discernable differences between the 360 & PS3 iterations?
                          I haven't played both, but I understand the framerate on the PS3 is worse than the 360. That's not to say the PS3 runs poorly (Far from it, it's generally nice and smooth), but there are some (Not all the time, just occasionally) framerate hitches when the trick meter shows up.

                          Not enough for me to consider not recommending it to anyone though. I'd say go where your controller preferences and your online friends lie.


                            Finally. How such a simple challenge took me so long I'll never know.
                            360 flip to fs crooked. Placing that session marker certainly helped. I kept on getting a varial kickflip instead which is almost identical in stick motion.

                            After that, I sped though some film challenges and got the front of skate mag and got the mega center. Lots more film challenges and stuff available too. Can't believe I just played this for two hours. Felt like half...

                            Pllllllleeeeaeasssseeee can everyone rate my other vid if you haven't already


                              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                              Finally. How such a simple challenge took me so long I'll never know.
                              360 flip to fs crooked. Placing that session marker certainly helped. I kept on getting a varial kickflip instead which is almost identical in stick motion.
                              I still havn't done it yet!!

                              How many pushes are you using for your run up?


                                One good push I think. To start with I was just going in at an angle, doing the 360 flip and seeing how far away from the ledge the board landed so I could adjust my take off point. Once I'd figured that out, he pretty much lands in a fs crooked anyway (note: I'm regular. If you are goofy, you'll have to approach from the other end on this side to get fs crooked).

                                What really helped was while rolling in, I kept the RS fractionally below the 3o'clock position (see me crouching) so that I didn't get a varial instead (which is the same move but starting at the 5 oclock position. So roll in at 3 crouching, quickly swirl round to 6 and push straight up to 11 oclock. And pray take off was in the right place. Don't forget that session marker to quickly get back to your start point.

