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Halo 3

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    Thanks Peeveen, good to know its not just me then! I'll have a look later and leave it running for a bit to see what happens.

    That loading screen with the Halo being drawn is stunning though, would make an amazing screen saver.

    I've hardly played online with the 360 so it was amusing yesterday to finally get online and hear some of the absolute tosh that the yanks were spouting.


      If I'm hosting any game on Live and there's ANY inappropriate abusive language the person gets kicked and negged. It probably doesn't do much, but it's better than just putting up with the idiots and moaning about them on the internet.


        Originally posted by Swallow View Post
        If I'm hosting any game on Live and there's ANY inappropriate abusive language the person gets kicked and negged.
        Errr...have you played much with the NTSC people...?


          lol jebus,

          it used to shock me when people used the C word now after playing the peeps on here, i'm not even slightly fazed...


            How do you turn the Campaign scoring on guys? I've tried, but it only seems to allow it for co-op or multiplayer games?

            *realises that's probably the point*

            Is it possible to do for single player loners?


              Originally posted by Destrukticor View Post
              lol jebus,

              it used to shock me when people used the C word now after playing the peeps on here, i'm not even slightly fazed...
              Clunge? Or the other one?

              What are the "meta games" that the achievement list talks about by the way?


                Can you save progress in a co-op play through of the game?


                  RE: Jebus

                  this will tell you all to know about it.
                  In short, its just points scoring within the campaign via co-op play.

                  RE: ascender
                  As far as i know, no.
                  The only thing that gets saved is the video replays of your level run.


                    That sounds ****ing awesome!! I'll hopefully finish single player tomorrow then go back and get some skulls and scores etc! Haven't found a skull yet...are they obvious when you find them?

                    Jim, you've got a score achievement for 15,000 haven't you? Is it easy to get that kinda score then, or is that on legendary or something...or co-op team score?

                    EDIT: Just finished reading that in full...genius, absolute genius. I'm dangerously close to being fully converted now. I cannot find a fault in this game yet. I'm not gonna complain about the length of the campaign because the multiplayer should last nigh on forever!
                    Last edited by Jebus; 26-09-2007, 13:02.


                      I've found 2 on the first level, 1 easier to find than the other, they are subtle and it doesn't tell you that you can ick them up.
                      Pick them up by holding RB, once you have picked one up you are done


                        Really? TWO on the first level? I thought I explored it quite well! I certainly haven't rushed a single level either. (Well, actually level 5 I kinda rushed cos I needed to finish it before doing something else!)

                        Ahhh I see, it doesn't tell you "Press RB to pick up skull" that may be why I missed one...

                        If you get a chance Boris, can you up a photo of one to so I know what I'm looking for? (Yet another brilliant, useful feature).


                          I'll find you a picture now


                            No rush mate, back to work in half an hour, but thanks


                              That is what you are looking for, although remember it is only the size of a football


                                So they are actually golden then...cheers Boris!

                                This game could last me ****ing AGES.

                                I'm a happy bunny

                                What made it so much better for me is the opening level. The opening level on halo and halo 2 did absolutely nothing for me but the halo 3 one sucked me right in and never let me go!

