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Beautiful Katamari

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    Originally posted by Stakers View Post
    They've named one of the levels wrong on the English DLC. Think its the Mechanical one that's wrong. There's 7 levels in total.

    You've probably worked that out by now though...
    Oh cool, I didn't download the other one so I hadn't realised. I don't feel so bad now lol thanks


      I take it back Seany, this game isn't just awkward it's a bloody nightmare After the excellent two Ps2 installments I'm really not getting on with it. All I keep doing is banging into stuff on this version and the slowdown and jerkniess of the game is awful. I'm also wondering why you can't select your music track like 'We Love Katamari' before the level? I played the other two to death I think I could be selling this one soon, seems really clumsy compared to it's three prequels -I swear even the PSP version is better than this. What a shame.
      3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


        I know its probably not going to change your opinion of the game but you can select the music track. You have to use the right thumbstick to change it before you enter the level. Agreed that it does feel a bit more awkward on the 360, not sure why though.


          This game and Pro Evo are the only two games where I prefer the PS pad to the 360 one. Katamari is easier to steer when the sticks are directly next to each other.


            I found the same thing with the demo, the symmetrical nature of the controls works better on the symmetrical layout of a dual shock


              I know its probably not going to change your opinion of the game but you can select the music track. You have to use the right thumbstick to change it before you enter the level.
              Did try this, like in 'We Love...' but couldn't do it? Didn't get a BGM select anywhere on-screen?
              3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                I've been playing this a lot recently. My PAL 360 died so I had my Japanese one set up, and with this being the only Japanese game I've got right now, I took the opportunity to get into it, and I really did. I think it's been quite harshly judged, but there's a reason for that: the DLC.

                The DLC is actually really good. Yeah, Scamco, can't deny that, but with the game being available for ?7.99 right now it's really worth getting the DLC. The levels are just so much more varied than the normal set. The precision Katamari levels (this DLC has three levels) ask you to get to a precise size without telling you how big you currently are (familiar to players of WLK etc). The high calorie one rates you in calories, the expensive one asks you to make a big Katamari on a budget, they're just much more interesting. If these levels were in the boxed game (and unlocked, I mean) it'd have reviewed much better, I don't doubt.

                How much have I been playing it? I've got all the cousins, all the presents, 100% of the collection, I've even unlocked eternal mode on Roller Roaster. I've also only got two achievements to go: Play for 100 hours and complete 200 requests. Seems a bit bloody harsh having an achievement for 100 hours play in a game that can be finished in three, though.


                  Getting 100% is a killer. I'm on 99% now and finding new things to roll up is a one in a million chance now. Gah! This achievement is so annoying.

                  I do agree that Beautiful Katamari is an underated game, and I still play it now and again offline/online. The game looks wonderful in high def and the same top-notch gameplay is still as appealing as ever imo. The soundtrack is also my favourite in the series.

                  That said though I also feel the series is in danger of becoming tired and some changes/innovations in the PS3 sequel would be most welcome indeed. No outrageous DLC would also be welcome! Having DLC costing nearly £20 in total is not right.


                    If you want help finding the last few...

                    It's a list of every item in the game so you can see what you're missing.

                    A list of commonly missed items. Aside from that Google the item name and "Beautiful Katamari" and you can find most stuff. It's near impossible otherwise to get that last 1%!


                      Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                      If you want help finding the last few...

                      It's a list of every item in the game so you can see what you're missing.

                      A list of commonly missed items. Aside from that Google the item name and "Beautiful Katamari" and you can find most stuff. It's near impossible otherwise to get that last 1%!



