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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    Yeah so I'm over the rage of not being able to finish the Mile High Club thing on Veteran and can now talk about how amazing this game is.

    Finished it on Hardened today, only had the last level to go and it was quite a long one but didnt expect the game to end there so was quite gutted when it all finished! Every section of the game was amazing though, not one bit did I not enjoy and thats the main thing. Took me well over the 5-6 hours being told by many people. I'd say easily double that!

    One bit in the last level, before you

    rappel down the silo, you have to take out two tanks. Was quite tricky with tons of guys all around so after not managing after 2 or 3 attempts I went on the lookout for some RPG's as thats what the guys were saying to look for, went a wee hunt round the back where we came from before and found the javelin thing!! Easy take down for both tanks! Was class.

    Then the very end of the game at the bridge was brilliant too, took me a while to manage it, not realising that I was so close each time and only had to make it a few seconds after they said something about the bridge going to blow or the tanker going or something like that. Then all the slow mo bit having to shoot all three guys! I took out the two beside Zakhaev then popped him, was fantastic ending.

    And the Mile High Club was perfectly paced on Hardened, done it after just a few tries and shot the terrorist right in the noggin as he held the hostage!

    Ace game, and I shall try to do it on Veteran soon after I've tanked the multiplayer a bit more.


      Just up to the level where

      You go back in time in a flashback and assassinate a terrorist

      Amazing level! The pace, the tension, the variety of's just one of the greatest levels I've ever seen in an action game. I've enjoyed every second of this game and this mission has been the highlight so far. I've always said I'd prefer an excellent, yet short, game over an average, longer, game and COD4 is the PERFECT proof of that. Other developers would pad out the game to make it longer and to appease reviewers, but not Infinity Ward. The story is very lean and finely edited and the levels are so well balanced. Every level seems to end at the right point, and I can't recall a single low-point. As a result of that, I'll happily play through this at least another few times...which is ironic because a longer game, with boring bits to extend its lifespan, would stop me from playing it again


        Agree Lets face it theirs not one hint of back tracking on this game what other games do all the time to add longevity, its just pushing on and on and for me thats what makes it perfect especially as theirs such variety. I think anyone what takes 5hours to do this must be running full pelt

        I dug out the extas DVD last night and watched 4 episodes back to back. Its worth it for that (Ive seen some of em before as Im big on documentarys) didnt reliase that was Robert Powellls voice as well he sounds totally different and heard him loads on doc channel.

        I even tried the PC version today when my m8 brought it around. Didnt like it though something didnt feel right for me on keyboard and mouse even with the lean function and for some reason the textures looked abit worse on PC version (and I did it maxxed out to test as have a nice Ninja PC). Says something for me as I for a hell of a long time always said mouse and keyboard was the way to go for FPS but COD4 just nails it on console so if like me you "thought" you where missing out if you have multiple versions dont worry about it. I think Id rather rebuy it on PS3 for 7.1 sound (if it supports it?).


          Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
          Agree Lets face it theirs not one hint of back tracking on this game what other games do all the time to add longevity, its just pushing on and on and for me thats what makes it perfect especially as theirs such variety. I think anyone what takes 5hours to do this must be running full pelt

          Not really, On regular it probabaly took me about 4 hours, I died about 4 times or somthing the whole way through it so that could account for it too but the game is relaly short, the levels are really small. I'm not sure about backtracking either, I dont think its actualy that big a feature of most First person shooters, at least not ones based mainly around action. Its hard to belive that if they had other levels they wouldnt include them, but in some ways it almost feels like alot has been edited out becuase its so incredabley streamlined. Seeing as every level is so good its also hard to imagine that they didnt make a single average one (is there any other game in existance without a level that isnt that good?).


            One of the best FPS i've ever played, beat it in two fairly short sittings and only struggled at the part where you had to take out the four tanks.

            Was trying to pick off the enemies but they were obviously respawning, found an easy way after dying several times to take out the tanks the tally-ho down the hill.

            Flipping amazing game, really is.

            IW really set a standard i'm sure others just aren't capable of following, they know how to weave magic and make a game.


              Originally posted by ShadowDancer View Post
              Was trying to pick off the enemies but they were obviously respawning, found an easy way after dying several times to take out the tanks the tally-ho down the hill.
              Enemies only respawn for a certain ammount of waves... or it might depend on how many of them YOU actualy kill, not sure. Should be easier to tell than in COD2 though becuase your allies dont just randomly run into gunfire in this.
              Last edited by rmoxon; 12-11-2007, 23:07.


                Search and Destroy game type is ace. Counter-Strike bomb diffusion stuff. Cheer on, shout at and laugh at your last standing teammate as he sneakingly defuses the bomb or fails to realise that he needs to pick it up and plant it.


                  Yeh search & destroy was great in COD2 as well.

                  Check out Sabotage as well, very nice game mode and great fun. Im really loving the diversity of the game modes even in public ranked matches. Tried hardcore mode there and its also very, very cool. No HUD apart from when you get the UAV up and running, friendly fire is on and bullet damage is ramped up... It felt like playing GR type rules in a COD setting.


                    I love the gametype 'Headquarters' myself.
                    Just feels really good when you all combine to capture the point, and then try to stay alive and fend off the relentless grenade abuse, while you're the last one left.

                    Martyrdom ftw!


                      I are the Anti-Terrorist Ninja!!

                      After another hour at least of trying I managed to do it and I am now a member of the Veteran Mile High Club!!

                      I can't connect to Live, or get on my pc to upload pictures to prove it so you'll have to wait til morning to see.

                      So glad I done it though, made it to the door with well under a second left, didn't think I'd make it then pure shouted Yassss when I realised I defeated the dirty terrorists!! Anyway I'm on my phone and my fingers hurt like hell after that so I'll leave it at that!


                        Back in business!

                        Although Live and aren't working for me, must be down..


                          Anybody else on here having problems when they are trying to play this on Live? My mate can't connect to any games, it keeps giving him error messages in the game...


                            As superb as this game is, I gotta say, I ****ing hate the timed scenarios with a firery passion. For me, its been down to luck as to whether I get through a part or not depending how many enemies the game has decided to respawn on that particular section.

                            I can appreciate what IW are going for with those parts; creating that sense of urgency, but I've never been a fan of timed scenarios myself, which probably explains why I loathe them here.


                              Been having connection problems with this since I picked it up, can play a few games here and there but I always seem to loose connection.

                              Last night was a bit better, played solidly through from 11 till 2.30am until I completely lost connection, think this was a case of LIVE going down though and not the game.

                              Got to say this is an absolute gem of a game, the single player is ace, best FPS Ive played all year, topping Halo 3 and Bioshock.

                              The multi-player is sublime as well, was having some great 18 player games of domination last night without a hint of lag. Just a shame some of the multiplayer maps are a bit arse, I still think the crash site one is the best, with the one being called Countdown (I think) being the worst.


                                Last night Live seemed to go down at one point I think, we were trying to get a game with me, jimtendo and Godzooki and it would not let all three of us into the same lobby, then eventually when it did, it couldnt start any games!

