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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    finished it on normal

    smashing game - loved the extra level at the end

    the hardest thing about this game is teh fecking dogs


      Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
      the hardest thing about this game is teh fecking dogs
      The moment I hear barking in this game I start running for choke points.


        Originally posted by Number45 View Post
        The moment I hear barking in this game I start running for choke points.
        there is a bit during the sniper section where you come across a dog and the guy you are with tells you to keep your distance as it doesnt look friendly

        it growled - i shot it and then we are deseiged by dogs from everywhere, i must have shot about 5 of them and i was still caught and taken to the ground and swiftly executed by said dogs

        when it started again - it growled and i whimpered and left it alone


          finally did mile high on vet

          the word achievement was never more apt.

          unfortunately it does highlight in a neatly wrapped level everything that is wrong with the game.

          Don't get me wrong the rest of the game is absolutely stunning but that level i will have nightmares about for a while to come....


            What perks do you guys use on LIVE? I'm struggling


              I pretty much just use Overkill, 3x Frags and Deep Impact for Team Deathmatch, with one silenced weapon, usually my G36 with M4 Red Dot for longer range. Depending on the map I might flick on UV Jammer. I don't usually bother with Martyrdom or Last Stand or anything. Sometimes Martyrdom and Juggernaut on Vacant.


                Please hurry up and fix the rubbish lobby, party and matchmaking system! So much time is wasted with parties getting broken up, host errors, lobby closed messages, etc, etc, etc.


                  Originally posted by MJ View Post
                  Please hurry up and fix the rubbish lobby, party and matchmaking system! So much time is wasted with parties getting broken up, host errors, lobby closed messages, etc, etc, etc.
                  I think a lot of these errors has been down to xbox live being minced over the last week or two. If you play befroe the yanks get on then it seems to be fine.


                    The lobby/party system has been broken since the beta, and was broken even when Live was running perfectly. Parties are frequently broken up (even though they still show as together) after the host of a match quits the lobby. Equally frequently, some party members are not brought through to the game when joining matches. And accepting a CoD4 invite when not already inside the CoD4 Xbox Live menu causes an error and you lose your invite. Good game, but a lot of bugs to fix.

                    I was under the impression the IW were going to patch the Lobby and Party areas to fix these problems, but although the playlist changes they announced have materialised, the patch doesn't seem to have.


                      OK. So i ahve finally qualified for Prestige Mode. Anyone here took the plunge yet?!

                      Should I go for it and lose all my weapons?



                        Originally posted by jim g View Post
                        OK. So i ahve finally qualified for Prestige Mode. Anyone here took the plunge yet?!

                        Should I go for it and lose all my weapons?

                        Ive hammered through prestige loads of times, it took me less than 3 hours to get back to level 30 and i have not changed weapons even once, still using the M16 with red dot. Got 93 kills in one game of headquarters yesterday!

                        Do it!!!


                          Originally posted by GODZOOKI View Post
                          Ive hammered through prestige loads of times, it took me less than 3 hours to get back to level 30 and i have not changed weapons even once, still using the M16 with red dot. Got 93 kills in one game of headquarters yesterday!

                          Do it!!!
                          Pressing X now..!


                            Finally did Mile High Club on Veteran. Played it for about 1hr lastnight, managed to get to the hostage twice and friendly fired him both times...oops. Tried twice this morning and did it easily on the second go. Spent the first few seconds of the hostage countdown reloading!! So it was a bit of a panic shot in the end.

                            Now starting the whole saga again via Veteran.


                              Goddamn Mile High Club on Veteran! I managed to get through the entire campaign on Veteran and thought that No Fighting in the War Room would easily be the most frustrating part.

                              How wrong I was. This level is just pure luck and little or no skill. I can get to the upper floor but always only ever have fifteen seconds or so left. The most annoying thing is the randomness of the flash grenades - most of the time they fail to stun all of the enemies within range.

                              Oh, fantastic game by the way!


                                And I've finished. Ferris Wheel was frustrating but I got through it in the end, and No Fighting in the War room was quite straight forward in comparision. What a game.

