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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    I've only recently opened Prestige Mode (stayed at Lvl 55 for a few weeks) and regretted it initially but once I got back some of my favourite weapons and sights it soon became compulsive again to start doing challenges/levelling up etc. But perhaps the best thing is as I lost all my guns/sights etc I decided to try a couple of different ones and I'm now loving the AK47 which I barely used last time round.

    Not sure I can stomach doing it all another 8 and a half times though!

    As for exp points I tend to mainly do Team Deathmatch and can usually get around 500 points (though I usually get at least 20 kills )


      Originally posted by Tommy Verceti View Post
      So I've finally hit 55. Do I go for prestige mode?
      What do u guys think? Is it worth it?
      I didn't. I've been at 55 for ages now. Played for 4 and half days now and still loving it. Going for all the gold guns, so far I have the gold M60 which is sweeet and I'm oh so close to the gold Dragunov now!


        I went with Prestige in the end, but I thought it would only zero my level & now I realise its also zerod my weapons challenges. I'm up to lv 12 already & the good thing is that alhough the guns u get to start with a pretty basic its still great to know that if I pick up a higher level gun from a dead player I'll be familiar with the way it handles now!
        I loved the AK47. It felt better than the M16/Carbine for a while, but then I got the higher level SMG's/Rifles which are great. The same thing happened with the 2nd Light Gun. I assumed that because it looked pants that it was gonna handle ****e, but its now my favourite to use despite the long reloading & the lesser running distance.

        I dont think I'll do Prestige again though. I'd like to have all gold guns next time around.


          you will all do prestige again and again, I tried to resist, but the call COD4 status is hard to resist.

          Nothing better than winning with weak weapons!


            Does playing Cage Match and doing challenges with random people make me a bad person?

            Done that for an hour or so tonight, really handy for getting those impossible challenges done. Lol, I don't even want the XP, I just want to have the challenge done.


              I see the patch is out and it came with an unannounced feature: shoot half a clip into someone while they turn around and kill you, then Kill Cam shows you not firing at all.


                That's always been there, and if you have a **** connection like me then get used to it.

                I'm so used to it happening that I just don't notice it anymore.


                  I notice it when I'm always, continuously dumped in American-hosted games, even at a time of day when's there's no ******* reason to dump me in one.

                  Playing a lot of Halo 3 and CoD4, I'm getting really, genuinely sick of not being able to filter games by region.


                    Theres been an official reply on the COD4 forums about this for overseas players. They're looking into it apparently...

                    Since the patch the host assignment has been going purely on ping so US players have been getting it all the time. What it did before apparently is build up a good host list over time so you get more and more local servers the more you play.

                    I've had the same experience though. Over the weekend I dropped into 30 or so matches, all ****e connection (red) and promptly dropped straight back out again. There is literally no point playing it when its that bad.

                    Hopefully they'll address it soon enough. In the official reply they mentioned some patch updates when the DLC pack ships as well so fingers crossed it will be quicker than the wait we just had.


                      Actually here is that reply in full:

                      UPDATE: Full response from Infinity Ward...

                      Alright, the patch went live last Friday and all weekend long I?ve been tracking the feedback and response to it and I wanted to give you all a quick update on what?s happening on this end and what I?ll be focused on today and I?m sure a few days to come. Overall the response to the new patch has been positive with the game pulling in record numbers on Xbox Live over the weekend. The new kill cams are working great, as well as the sniper rifle and ACOG scope tweaks have went over well.

                      However there are a few things that we?re currently looking at that some of you have wrote in to us about, whether by commenting on this blog, emailing me, or the forums that I wanted to let you know we are listening and addressing as needed. For example I?ve got some reports of players spawning in with their character faced towards a wall or looking in the sky instead of facing forward. We?re currently looking into that right now.

                      AUSTRALIAN PLAYERS

                      To our Australian players (or others effected) Don?t worry, I?ve heard your cries and thanks to all of our Australian players who took the time to write me (comment, email, forums) and let me know about your concerns with matchmaking to other Aussies. Right now the host migration and optimized server selection is designed to choose the host with the best ping (regardless of region). That doesn?t mean it will always choose a US player, but I understand that the odds are typically stacked against our Australian players to be selected as host. We?re currently looking at options available that might help out with those odds and I?ll keep you updated on it.

                      CLAN TAG TWEAKS

                      Clan tags are having some issues that we?re looking into. There was a fix put in to prevent users from using the ?Button Clan Tag Glitch? where they would put Left Stick symbols or other button images in their clan tags. That?s been fixed which also made it so you can?t use accented characters or symbols. That aspect of it is by design (no symbols) but it seems there are a few other wonky things happening with the clan tags that we?re looking at now.

                      QUICK MUTE INFO

                      Quick Mute. Note that quick mute is currently only available while in-game, regretfully we couldn?t link our quick mute solution and the built in Xbox Live mute functionality making it so quick mute is more of a fast temporary solution to an annoying player, so once the game ends and you have more time to actually fully mute the player you can via Xbox Live. I had spoke of a in-lobby quick mute in my previous blog post, I apologize for that as that was a make love up by me, I was playing on a DLC build here at the office which has the new in-lobby quick mute that didn?t make it in for the feature patch. I?m hoping that will stay in for the DLC build.

                      PATCH PLACEBO

                      Other than that I see a lot of players talking about the weapons or damage weapons do in-game being changed which is completely not true. There was one bug with the P90 that allowed you to sprint for longer when using it that was removed, but no damage stats or any other stats were changed to any of the weapons so we can put all the Patch Placebo stories to rest, NO WEAPON STATS WERE CHANGED!! It?s always interesting to read the forums or be in-game after a patch hits because there?s lots of gamer lore going around or more elegantly put, Patch Placebos. A Patch Placebo is essentially a ?fake? change players think or is rumored to be made that was never made. I?m seeing all kinds of crazy things people think we changed that was never touched.

                      HOST MIGRATION FEEDBACK

                      As for Host Migration, what?s the overall reaction? I know it?s not in-game host migration where you never have to return the lobby, it was never intended to be that kind of feature implementation. Essentially the host migration keeps everyone together so you don?t have to go back to your private party lobby, re-search or re-invite friends, etc. etc. Besides the fact that you might prefer in-game host migration how?s it working for you guys? Having any troubles finding new hosts? Like it? Don?t Like it? Always feel free to leave feedback in the comments or write in to us. We?re receiving a lot, but keep it coming as it all helps us when planning future updates or tweaks.

                      COMMENTING ON THE BLOG

                      What else?. what else? ahh yeah speaking of comment sections on the blog. Let me start out by saying I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment or write into the blog and let me know what you think (about the game, me, life, etc.) However, for the 1% minority that likes to douche it up? Come on guys? let?s keep it civil. I?m 100% pro commenting and letting us know if something sucks or if somethings awesome, or if you?re pissed about something but don?t turn it into kindergarten with personal attacks or profanity or general bull**** like that. If you?re having a problem LET ME KNOW, post in the comments and say, ?Hey fourzerotwo - I was playing and got this error?? or ?Hey - I was on last night and this was ****ed up, can you guys look into it?? or something similar.

                      Trust me, I read everything. I read all your emails (thousands of them), I read all your comments, I read all the forum posts (,,, etc.) so don?t think you?re talking to some faceless suit that doesn?t actually care, because I care. I totally love making care. This past weekend was a crazy one, as it was ?moving weekend?. I just got a new place and had all of Saturday to move from my old place to my new place in Encino (where our studio is). So it was pretty stressful, to top it all off moving weekend was patch weekend so I was keeping close tabs on my blackberry and the emails coming in to see how you guys (the community) was doing, when I saw how many hits the blog was getting and there were lots of comments I stopped moving and came into the studio on Sunday to take care of it and make sure I was getting all the feedback you guys were leaving and ensuring those who needed to know were aware so we could tackle it first thing today.

                      So something that will really help me out, is if you?re going to post a comment, don?t be a douchebag. I know that out of 190 comments, there?s typically only 2-3 douchebags so I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to let us know what you think. So don?t take that as I don?t appreciate the non-douchebags, because I do. You guys totally make my day when I get on here and read the comments, but to the few douchebags that like to dick it up, cut it out. It doesn?t get anything done faster as you have a douchebag here (me) that actually cares and if somethings ****ed up, I want to fix it, and if there?s a concern you need heard, I want to listen. So don?t feel you need to be rude or douche up my blog?s comment sections to get your issue heard, because you don?t. I listen to it all, good and bad.

                      DLC STUFF

                      Other than patch related stuff going down today, I took some screenshots of the DLC today (finally) that is being sent over to Marketing at Activision to do their thing as needed. It?s looking like there might be an extra map in the map pack than originally planned, making it a total of four maps, not 100% on that yet though as it?s early on but it?s looking like it might get finished in time to join the other three originally planned. I?ll keep you posted on that.


                        finally got round to buying this and received today. anyone up for some games on 360 later.

                        let me know your tags and ill add you.


                          Originally posted by MJ View Post
                          I see the patch is out and it came with an unannounced feature: shoot half a clip into someone while they turn around and kill you, then Kill Cam shows you not firing at all.
                          Get that with UK friends all the time. It's very annoying. And I'm sure it's the same on all Live games, just the killcam shows the problem. Got to the point I only go on Live once a week for a Gears session. I'm convinced Live adds latency to games as well as doing other wierd stuff.

                          It's a great game still, but I just couldn't handle Live anymore. Enjoy it Ince, single player is great and multiplayer is a lot of fun, honest mate!

                          So I'm back to PC gaming for the time. Latency is considerably less and much better handled, and no I'm not talking about dedicated servers, I mean when me or a friend are hosting private UT3 matches or whatever else we're playing.
                          Last edited by Matt; 05-03-2008, 14:36.


                            Ive noticed more latency since the patch. Played couple of hours last night and it was always switching to USA host when the UK bloke went and we ended up with 3second delay. Stopped tried another and same thing over and over (as 11pm time so all USA lot came on swearing and being racist thank god for mute). First time Id played it since getting FFOW on Friday and we went back to that as gave up and boy what a difference stopped on that for 3hours loads of fun.

                            I still adore COD4 but its about time we had host migration closest from original host not USA all the time.


                              Yeah I too have finally gotten used to getting my arse kicked by Americans due to lag.
                              Mind you, in the beginning when I didnt know what was going on it pissed me off so bad that I was punching & headbutting walls, which is an anger problem that I thought I had overcome some yrs ago!


                                Originally posted by Tommy Verceti View Post
                                Yeah I too have finally gotten used to getting my arse kicked by Americans due to lag.
                                Mind you, in the beginning when I didnt know what was going on it pissed me off so bad that I was punching & headbutting walls, which is an anger problem that I thought I had overcome some yrs ago!
                                Don't play Gears of War whatever you do!

