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Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360/Playstation 3

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    I'm still hammering this too. Up to level 47 and I'm just starting to settle down with my weapon of choice, the G36C with Stopping Power and Deep Impact perks. Still only every played team DM and free-for-all, I should really branch out into some of the other game modes.

    What weapon/perk combos is everyone using?


      Can't remember the weapon names but it's pretty much:

      Primary Weapon-(M21?) The semi-automatic sniper rifle
      Secondary Weapon-(G something) Assualt rifle with red dot

      Perk 1-Triple Grenades
      Perk 2-Overkill (2 Primary Weapon)
      Perk 3-Dead Silence (useful for sneaking up on people)


        I change weapons according to the game and map

        Stock weapons, always with Stopping Power and Deep Impact (and Bandolier once at level 32)


        Add / use others when I get them. I like to use the Skorpion as well. G3 is a great weapon. I am crap with Sniper and Shotgun so don't use them


          I still play this a lot with my friends, we only tend to play Hardcore Team Deathmatch though. I have a few different weapons combos I like to use depending on the map but always have the UAV jammer on. I usually go for the MP5 and frags for something like vacant or wet work, sometimes the P90 but that can be a bit too lively and can cause the occasional team kill if I'm not careful. M16 is a good all round weapon for open levels that are too small for sniper rifles, anything bigger and I'll go for the M21 and hang back with some claymores to help pick off anyone trying to sneak up on me.


            Yeh I always change depending what map I'm on but have 5 classes all set up that I use frequently with a big range of weapons and perks so I can always mix it up if I'm struggling in a game.

            And have a class set up with RPG too so whenever enemies get a chopper I can quickly pull the RPG out on my next spawn and shoot it down!

            I like to use my gold M60 and Gold Dragunov alot but not too hot with the M60 anymore, used to be amazing too. So I've decided to go for the Gold SMG so going through all the headshots for them now. 55 on MP5 so far but will take quite a while.

            Oh and I only play domination. Mainly cause my mate I play with all the time loves it so much and won't play anything else, so I've kinda got addicted to it too, but when he's not online, I'll play Hardcore ones.


              Yeh I mix and match weaponry to the levels.

              Close range: MP5, P90, Shotty or RPD (when you need lots of bullets and have no time to reload)

              Medium range: M4, M16, G36C

              Long range: Dragunov, .50cal... usually with overkill perk to really mix it

              Its all good though. If I dont go with Overkill I usually have the UAV jammer (when Im really going as a pure sniper) and tend to pick up any decent weapons laying around.

              I think COD4 is still the best FPS online at the moment, regardless of platform and how you like to play. The team tactical stuff is excellent, like Hardcore, S&D etc.. but it plays just as well going for vanilla free for all etc... just top stuff.


                Yep, still playing it too, not very good at it but it's ideal after a hard day as it's 'easy to play' in that it's not thought intensive like a racer, one mistake and game least for me anyway.

                I mix it up depending on map or game type, Stopping Power and Deep Impact are the mainstay along with RPD & Claymores.
                For the ship or HQ games I go with the MP5 as you can run for ages, maybe with the one where you can run farther - the red dot on the map can't keep up with you.
                For the container level I use an AK with grenade launcher.

                Also have a class with RPG for helicopters or just taking out a particular ar$ehole I don't like.

                Have just got into overkill with a snipe and P90 - first time I've used it, plus another with shotgun & some other.

                Just going through the ranks again having gone prestige, last time I had dedicated silence classes with UAV/silencers, might give it another go this time.

                Playing with mates we usually have one round with handguns only, really good laugh.


                  Originally posted by Ampanman View Post
                  Playing with mates we usually have one round with handguns only, really good laugh.

                  Me and mates do something similar. We often have a couple of private matches (usually on the small container map) and I've had some ace games playing our own made-up game types...

                  Knives & stun grenades
                  Shotguns only
                  Grenade launchers and grenades

                  Tis always a good laugh.


                    I've not been on this much recently (got into Virtua Tennis 3 online during Wimbledon and been hammering it since) but still play it regularly. I'm addicted - plain and simple.

                    I tend to be most effective with either the M16, M4, RPD or MP5 (depending on map). I generally use Stopping Power (as do most people online it seems) but sometimes go for some stealthy UAV Jammer / Silence combo action.

                    I've done Prestige twice now and can't be bothered losing everything and doing it again. My Kill / Death Ratio is 1.84 which I'm quite pleased with. Anyone wanting to add me my gamertag is: Ace Rimmer316


                      I played it for about 5 hours when it was first released and have just picked it up again over the weekend. Really enjoying it and not quite sure why I stopped in the first place. Only in the low level 20s but really enjoying unlocking stuff.

                      Only tend to play HQ or Team DM or Domination though, tried Search & Destroy but I didn't have a clue what to do


                        I've been addicted to this ever since I bought it from a trader on this forum. Absoutely fantastic game online, nothing else has had a look in since I've got it. That said, I'm pretty useless and seem to stick exclusively to the M16 for medium/long and the MP5 for short range - I'm hopeless with the sniper rifle. With this in mind, if anyone fancies a game then my gamertag is: Kyoto Cop


                          I started playing this again today after a few months away from it. It has taken me a while to get back into it, but it's slowly coming back to me.


                            I always have UAV jammer on all my classes, as I don't want to be unfairly eliminated. They have to kill me with their own eyes!


                              I think Gold Cross Level 55 players should be banned from having Last Stand & Juggernaught, I mean come on to get there they have played the game so much much why do they need these!

                              What IW could introduce is addtional award at this stage for longevity?

                              Finally, at ranked 999 inthe world, I am going to bed, and very close to my Gold Cross Prestige now, and I NEVER use Last Stand & Juggernaught,


                                I think airstrikes and helicopter's should be banned, it just destroys the opposing team even more using AI controlled killing machines. Less skillful players don't stand a chance, although it does add to the immersion and verisimilitude of a battlefield.
                                Last edited by Malc; 05-08-2008, 23:52. Reason: poor spelling

