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    I'm guessing no first play because not many people can run it

    Anyway. Only playing single player and finding it hugely involving and enjoyable. Started on Medium and it's been pretty tough going. Requires a lot of sneaking around as opposed to an all out fragfest. The suit allows for Speed (run fast for a bit), Strength (big jumps and punches) and, most useful, Cloak. There are also several attachments to a pretty wide range of weapons - different rifles, rockets and even a mini-gun.

    Those who have played the demo will know that something strange is happening and it's not just a straight fight between the CIA and KPA. Plot builds up nicely and about 2 hours in you find yourself at the foot of a huge mountain which reveals itself to be more than it seems. Basically, that's where I have gotten to at the moment.

    Graphically this game is actually a mixed bag. The external scenes and vistas are stunning. You get use to it, but I went back to COD4 after playing this for a while and it is then that you see how much better Crysis looks. The internal scenes are dreadful for this game. Looking extremely basic and the tanks, jeeps and helicopters are barely more detailed than BF2.

    Having said that, the game has me hooked. So much so that I am ignoring COD4 and Mario Galaxy at the moment! Looking forward to seeing the story unravel.

    My system is a Quad Q6600, 8800GTX and 4Gbs ram on Vista. Running the game at 1920 x 1200 with most settings on HIGH (not V HIGH). Gives me about 20fps which is playable. May post some screenshots up later.

    Picked this up as well, running on a 2gig core 2 duo with 2 gig ram and ATI x2600xt. Managing to scrape 20fps at 1280x800 with shaders on high and everything else on medium.

    Anyway games seems ok after an hour or so, i'm enjoying sneakin around and killing things. Plus it gives me something to do when the wife is watchin tv and stopping me playin super mario galaxy.


      I've been playing this too but with so many other games to play it's not getting the attention it deserves. It's running *okay* for me, passable I guess - set to 'high' at 1280x768 and at a frame rate of around 20-30fps. My PC is a quad core 2.6ghz with a GeForce 8800GTS.

      I haven't got to any of the sci-fi stuff yet so it's really just Far Cry with an invisibility suit so far. It's fun and the AI is excellent, but I'm finding the enemies take a stupid amount of hits to kill (playing on normal/medium difficulty) and the aiming at long range is hopelessly random and rather annoying.

      Visually it's stunning at times but there's a lot of pop up and the texture resolutions are incredibly mixed. Sometimes pin sharp, sometimes looking like a PS2.

      So yeah, it's good but isn't going to change the world. It may sell some GPUs to hardcore PC guys though.


        When I played the demo of this I wasnt THAT impressed with the graphics, I was actualy more impressed with the sound effects, to be honest I've never heard such brilliant gun fire noises and the like in any other game ever....

        ANyway I'm just wondering before I get this, how does the weird ammo collection effect the grand scheme of things?, in the demo i found how you actualy had to point at guns and press to pick up ammo kind of awkward as I could hardly ever find where a guy droped his gun after i killed him, infact i think most of my time with the demo was spent looking for guns.


          There are ammo boxes to pick up inside buildings, but most of the time you will indeed be picking up guns from the forest floor. Can't say I've had much of a problem with it though.


            Binocs to highlight dropped ammo, etc


              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
              It's fun and the AI is excellent,
              Really Everything I've read about the game complained about the AI and they seemed like idiots in the demo.


                Originally posted by Ciaran View Post
                Really Everything I've read about the game complained about the AI and they seemed like idiots in the demo.
                I don't think so at all. It has some of the best AI I've seen in a shooter in my opinion.


                  Some of the AI later is not too bad. Soldiers will duck and dive behind things and go chasing after you. Some of it is still dumb though. Had one super soldier take about 10 rounds into him from distance and he still stood still.

                  I've now really got into the Sci-Fi bit and it's all starting to remind me of HL2 for some reason


                    from the 2hr i've put in so far the best way to describe the A.I. is random. It will have moments of pure genius, then randomly just stop working mainly when it comes to Cloak bits, getting surprised(it once took about 10 seconds for a solider to break the search routine when i popped him in back and his buddy carried walking on) or getting stuck in the scenery.

                    having a blast so far.


                      Got this as well yesterday, enjoying it so far but I've come across a few bugs like loading up my last save only to find that I'm stuck between the floor, also one mission I'm on hasn't acknowledged that I've done the objective when I have so looks like I'll have to start from an earlier save, couple of sound issues as well with my x-fi which a few people seem to be having, hopefully a patch won't be too long coming.

                      As for the AI I have too agree with some of the comments in regards to it being fantastic at times, especially when they split up into groups to search for you, but I've had times where I've been inside a hut and they know I'm there and they'll just stand outside making no effort to come for you unless you leave the building.

                      It is stunning too look at though, I especially like the rainbow effects on the water and the various wildlife dotted around the place, so far it's seems as good as farcry which can't be a bad thing.


                        Can't wait to try this out, just have to wait for my 8800GT to arrive. Hopefully i should be getting good framerates with that, as i have a 2ghz duo core and 2gb ram.


                          I downloaded the demo of this out of curiosity to see just IF it would even load on my old school rig. Suprisingly it does and even though all settings are on low on 800x600 its nice and smooth and playable!!!

                          Athon 64 2800+, 2gig ram, 128 radeon 9800 pro etc etc.

                          Sure, bushes pop up out of nowhere but i'm suprised the engine even makes it playable on this!


                            Got this Friday but only been able to play for about two hours or so, on the third level or so, and well I'm a little mixed just now. The game looks amazing, and it's going to look better and better as time goes on. The AI is just shoddy from what I've seen, shooting people from one direction and they just walk off in the other, boats spot you from miles away. And the enemies just seem like huge bullet sponges, and anything but a headshot and you need to drop too many bullets into an enemy to kill them.

                            Need a sniper scope to be honest, seems like I'm aiming at their head with Strength and seems like I'm missing. I've had better luck running around with cloak, grabbing people and throwing them around.


                              Games fantastic but Ive benched mine in the usual PC fashion. Theirs a patch coming out in next 7-14 days to fix quite abit and improve performance. AS I found the game jawdropping on Friday when I started messing with it on maxxed out at 720p Id rather wait and play it properly with a patch and the official Crysis nvidia driver not the beta one.

                              AI shove it on hard and their better they need patching though.

