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    I'll be getting it after the patch, I can handle the demo rarely dropping below 20fps with everything on high at 1280x768 hoping to get it to around 25fps after a few patches and then I'll pick it up as I've had loads of fun just messing around in the demo.


      If your looking for Scopes, check enemy guns out every now and then as enemies start carrying new equipment, so far after getting to the 'Assault' i have

      Grenade Launcher, Scopex1, Scopex2 and lazer pointer(not the scope one)

      also some kickass moments before 'Assault' when runing away

      from dig site 1, looking onthe map i could see a river going near it so i nicked a boat and drove down river including a huge waterfall drop. Then to top it off with a Predator vs Predator moments when the koreans get the nano suits ><, 5v1 is unfair .

      Problems so far, not being able to pickup dead bodies, not being able to pickup, turnover cars/boats(really pisses me off that one) when you have uber strength and problems with the scoper zoom+cloak bugging out the graphics so everything goes glitchy resulting in me having to turn AA off and on to make it work again.


        Lush Forest 1
        Lush Forest 2
        Don't **** with me soldier
        Look lady. I have no time for it OK?


          Played this a bit more last night, really starting to get into this now, from what I've played so far some of the later maps seem pretty huge with quite a bit of freedom as well for a fps, theres been a couple of times where it'll give a suggested route to go, like get in a vehicle and follow a road but I've decided to cut through another part of the jungle instead.

          As for the combat early on I was just trying to shoot everything in site then I come to realise that A) You'll run out of ammo really quick and B) 9 times out of 10 you'll end up dead in no time, so I'm really trying to avoid combat as much as possible, just using the cloaking device, running to find some cover then waiting for it to recharge again, the only really dissapointing thing for me at the minute is that you can't climb trees to hide in.


            Finished this Sunday, awesome awesome game. Loved every minute, even the only bug I came across at the very end. Definately a contender for best FPS for the year imo.

            Did anyone else hear there character die during the load between game and the credits? Haha


              I love it. I've been playing it nonestop this weekend and managed to finish it off.
              Its the first FPS in a long time that actually just feels right. I don't know how to describe it really. One thing though, did anyone else notice that you don't seem to be able to hit anything at long range? the bullets seem to pass through the enemy for some reason?
              I can't wait for a decent graphics card.

              Im running a C2D E6750 @ 3Ghz 4GB ram XP and a 7900GT OC'd. I don't know what gfx card to get next, either a OC'd from factory 8800GT or the new GTS thats due out next month.

              Can't wait to get back to it with a decent card and ramp up the details.

              I really really hope someone makes a predator mod for this


                I know what you mean Rick, everything just seems to ...Gel.

                The graphics are jaw dropping, Im running a 8800gtx oc'd with the game set to 1680x1050 all high. Using the optimal setting recommends very high but then I was only getting about 10fps at best.

                Loved the level where you pilot one of the VTOL's. Was suprised at how well the thing handeled.

                Oh and the level after you go inside "The Structure" OMG O_O


                  You really need quad core and sli to runb this game at it's very high setting;s, even sli 8800 gt/GTS will do.

                  But personally guy's I would wait for the new Nvidia GPu's due out next month or January, as they will have Dx10.1 support and will be able to run much, much faster than the rushed out 8800 series. I am kicking myself and cursing Nvidia for doing this.


                    Quad core makes no difference if you dont have the cards to match. Its one of the rare games (like SC) that its 50/50 and you get a bottleneck without the other.

                    DX10.1 wont make any difference to Crysis it will be the clockspeeds that matters, as I said I can play this fine at 25fps with one 8800gtx ultra but the patch is going to improve its speed so waiting on that.


                      Anyone have any ideas how long the single player is in hours?


                        Not long, 6 or 7 hours tops.


                          I'm finding that a mix of the newest beta drivers and using the full game instead of the demo is making a big difference for my performance. Getting a very playable framerate with everything on high and a few on very high.

                          Loving it so far. Watching the England match is depressing at the moment though.


                            Slapped the new 7.11 drivers for my ATI card on my pc and its made a massive difference in crysis. Running quite smooth now.

                            Anyway, finally sat down and had a good go on it, and started sneaking around instead of getting all Gung Ho. Once you start playing like its meant to be played the fun increases loads. I like!


                              I'm findint that I could just sneak round a group of enemies but instead I try to find ways to split them up a little and take the group out without getting spotted.

                              Been having a blast with this all night and hardly actually getting any further than I was.


                                Anyone else feel that the game goes downhill during the last 1/4 of the game, it was ok for a while(like floating around inside and the stuff just after) but the linear nature of the 2nd half in general is sub par to full linear FPS like CoD4 and makes feel all the crapper, i don't understand their reasons for abandoning the first half's open battle field for telling a 'meh' story, it likes Halo's flood all over again but even more linear. Disapointing ending to a brilliant start.

