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Burnout Paradise (360 PS3)

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    I got the Burnout license last night but I have no desire to carry on and get the elite license. I think it's because the slate swipes clean everytime you get an upgrade and I cant be arsed doing the same **** again for some achievement points.


      Didn't realise the slate was wiped clean once you gained a new licence, go me.

      So how many races do you need to get from the A to Burnout Licence ?


        40 to get your burnout license from A Class. Then you gotta complete every single race to get the Elite license. Maybe I should have a break.


          Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
          I dunno, I quite like the DJ on this one.

          I don't see what's so irritating.
          I dunno something really grates. Doesn't help that they felt the need to have him jest or give some "useful" advice after you've repeated a Burning Route for the tenth time.

          Something along the lines of "You'll need to know the best routes if you wanna stand a chance of beating this event."

          Oh RLY? Why thank you Captain Fecking Obvious. Next you'll be telling me I have to drive at speed


            Can't you turn the t**t off?


              Not for the comments following races. Or at least I haven't seen the options to change anything.


                not going to re-hash all that's been said but can't help feel a very simple addition that would help is like my BMW sat nav, have the option of the map rotating so your car on it is always heading north (upwards), its really hard in a burnout style racer to be dicing with other cars whilst mentally flipping a map in your head.


                  Yeah, I'm not sure why that doesn't happen with the map as most games give you the option to let the map rotate which makes perfect sense.

                  I enjoyed this game at first but it's very quickly become the most boring Burnout for me. It doesn't seem to have the challenge of the older games, if you don't win the event you just move onto what ever event is at the junction that you finished the last event at.

                  The races seem incredibly limited with such a meagre amount of finish lines on the map too. The events just feel far too similar for me.

                  I've had two really annoying incidents with collision detection too. On two occassions I've wrecked a mint car because I drove directly over a pavement to go down a shortcut?!? I was nowhere near any objects at all.

                  It's certainly not a bad game but maybe worth renting instead of buying due to how repetative everything quickly becomes.


                    Hah! I only just noticed that you can turn the music up to 11! lol nice touch.


                      Put over 14 hours into this and must admit find it becoming bit repetitive, excellently produced game, but the play area is pretty small compared to Test Drive for example - finding myself at the same places far too often for my liking.

                      Don't get me wrong, loved the first ten hours or so, just found it has become repetitive quite quckly.

                      Anyone know what they've got planned DLC wise ?


                        Just wanted to post that I’ve been pleasantly surprised by Paradise over the weekend. I wasn’t planning to buy, partly because of the demo but also because I only recently got Revenge for cheap and always loved number 3 which I return to every so often.

                        However like many have said I can see the strength of the game and the reasons for strong EDGE review. I’ve only played for 6 hours game time with progression to a B licence (would have been more had it not been for the Superbowl and wanting to complete Prey).

                        But I think this is a stronger game than Revenge. None of this Star rubbish so you have to keep replaying sections to annoying levels. The game world isn’t so large you can learn it in a reasonable amount of time (I’ve already won some races with some stonking short cuts to the baseball stadium). Marked Man, Road Rage and hunting down new vehicles is so much fun, it’s a superb package overall.

                        Yes I think the developers should have added the choice to restart events and rotating map but otherwise I like this...a lot.
                        Last edited by Digfox; 04-02-2008, 14:08.


                          Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                          Put over 14 hours into this and must admit find it becoming bit repetitive, excellently produced game, but the play area is pretty small compared to Test Drive for example - finding myself at the same places far too often for my liking.

                          Don't get me wrong, loved the first ten hours or so, just found it has become repetitive quite quckly.

                          Anyone know what they've got planned DLC wise ?
                          It gets incredibly repetitive, ive finished the game and im not going back to it, heck i even sold it. If you want to get the ultimate license you have to clear every race in the game, even though youve done most of them before.


                            Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                            Put over 14 hours into this and must admit find it becoming bit repetitive, excellently produced game, but the play area is pretty small compared to Test Drive for example - finding myself at the same places far too often for my liking.

                            Don't get me wrong, loved the first ten hours or so, just found it has become repetitive quite quckly.

                            Anyone know what they've got planned DLC wise ?
                            Agreed, im just doing a few races a day until i 100% the game, its far too repetative.


                              Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                              Put over 14 hours into this and must admit find it becoming bit repetitive, excellently produced game, but the play area is pretty small compared to Test Drive for example - finding myself at the same places far too often for my liking.

                              Don't get me wrong, loved the first ten hours or so, just found it has become repetitive quite quckly.

                              Anyone know what they've got planned DLC wise ?
                              Couldn't agree more - 15 races away from A class and I can barely bring myself to play it. The city is just too poorly made, no section is particularly fun to drive through after the first few trips and every time a race ends up in the West country I lose even more interest since it is so lacking in events.

                              It's a good game but only to a certain extent, and by striping out much of the score attack mentality of the previous releases all the new structure has done is highlight how shallow the experience is. Previously I'd replay events for better scores, but now, what's the point?

                              Online is enjoyable, but again only to a point. Freeburn gets tiring very quickly and although the challenges are well thought out, they are far too shallow to have any merrit. The races are good I admit, but again the open city structure gets in the way since it has meant the loss of online Road Rage and Marked Man modes.

                              All in all, initially good but ultimately disappointing. I think over all I've enjoyed this Burnout the least.


                                Couldn't agree more with the last few posts - initially the freedom of the open-world city is liberating and the ability to pick and choose your events is welcom. However, repetition sets in all too quickly and after 10 hours or so I'm frankly bored.

                                The decision to only have 8 finish points for races was a bad one - all too often I end up taking the same routes and most races simply feel laborious now. Showtime is indeed a poor man's Crash mode.

                                It's very frustrating as this is really a very good game but I just can't help but feel let down. Perhaps this is one of those examples where the concept is better in theory than execution.

