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Devil May Cry 4 DEMO [360/PS3]

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    Devil May Cry 4 DEMO [360/PS3]

    Thought i'd get this thread kicked off as i'm lucky enough to not be at work today.

    Jumped up at 9am to check XBlive to be graced with this one. I'm in the boat where I've never really fully played a DMC but this one has been on my radar. I've pre ordered it once - cancelled it as I wasn't sure if i'd like it and so on so was waiting for this demo.

    The demo gives you 2 modes selectable one being a 10min timelimit of what appears to be the opening level of the game i'm thinking and a missions against a boss. Withink a few minutes I was throwing enemies up in the air then hitting them with handgun combos and throwing them around the room - very exciting combat due to the best combat music ever kicking in when enemies show up. Pure exhilerating J rock type metal track.

    You have the usual sword/gun combo and also RB acts as a lock on button which also shows your enemies remaining health as a blue circle type affair - the devil bringer is on the B button and from the start is used to uppercut enemies and bash them about. Later in the 10 min demo you get a wee upgrade which lets you use RB and B together to pull enemies in from distance with the devil bringer ( ala scorpion and his lance from MK ) and also lets you grapple onto glowing orb jobbies to get to new areas. RB and Y ( sword ) whilst pushing toward the enemy flips them into the air so you can juggle them with some gunfire then grab them with the devil bringer and toss them about some more. Lots of combos to mess about with.

    The visuals in this 10 min demo really show that games DONT have to tear and slow down on the 360 - you just need a good dev who has a bit of money in their pocket. Pure 60fps this one.

    The boss sample level is one of the coolest buildups i've seen with a large hellgate opening up and this huge fire demon coming out - he's happy enough to just walk past but you give your sword a little grind on the floor to get his attention in the set piece then be a complete smart arse with some good one liners to initiate a battle. Not beaten him on my first go as I got ruined near the end so it's a case of working out the attack pattern etc but you can grapple onto his head then throw down a mid air combo - grapple again from mid air - combo again - very very fluid

    One other thing I noticed is using LT you can basically rev your sword up which builds up a meter - do this a few times and your sword pulsates red - this isn't explained in the little hand holding section but it does appear to do more damage to enemies.

    Enjoying this so far - going to give it a couple more go's and more than likely buy this one.
    Last edited by reektan; 24-01-2008, 09:04.

    Do the Timed Mission before the Boss Battle, you uncover a "tutorial" of sorts as you go through it.

    One thing I really don't like about it though (360 one, anyway) is the use of Evade on RB + A + Direction. Why not map it to the right-stick, how it used to be on the PS2 ones since it works much, much better? "Revving" up the sword seems to uncover stronger hits, so it pays to go into a battle - especially the boss one, with the sword "charged" and ready.

    On the whole though, it's pretty good I felt.

    Berial eventually fell after the 3rd time, after I stopped piss-arsing around watching for the cues for the attack, and just went in using the Devil Bringer to get on his back and attacking like that.


      I'm in the same boat as Reetkan, I've barely touched the previous games. I'm looking forward to getting home and grabbing this.


        Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
        One thing I really don't like about it though (360 one, anyway) is the use of Evade on RB + A + Direction. Why not map it to the right-stick, how it used to be on the PS2 ones since it works much, much better?
        Isn't that the same as it's always been? I can't really remember using the right stick for anything in DMC3. Having said that it has been a while since I touched that game...


          Pretty sure it used to be evade.


            Wow! Great Demo.

            Stunning visuals and framerate, it's so silky smooth!

            Epic boss battle for a demo as well...

            Bring on the full game




                Superb, truly superb.

                Don't like timed demos as you can't stop and take the game in and this is no exception, however it was fun and looks lovely. All a bit easy but I'm sure it's an early level.

                The boss demo is absolutely monumental. I found it all a bit easy until I had him to 1/4 health and went looking for green orbs only to get hell rained on me. The devil bringer makes this demo a bit easy because you can keep yourself in the air for ages with it.

                Looks stunning, the 5.1 sound is great.

                My only minor complaint is that after playing the timed demo, then the boss demo, I didn't even take one hit til the boss, it was all a bit easy. Other than that though it's everything I hoped for, bring on the full game!!
                Last edited by Jebus; 24-01-2008, 10:14.


                  It's a bit nice

                  I agree with Bleeders about evade though. Bit of a faff and the right stick would've been easier....hopefully there'll be an option to map the buttons in the full game.


                    Anyone playing on vga, have capcom fixed the engine's tearing glitch?


                      Originally posted by tom-nook View Post
                      It's a bit nice

                      I agree with Bleeders about evade though. Bit of a faff and the right stick would've been easier....hopefully there'll be an option to map the buttons in the full game.
                      Forgot to mention that actually, I agree too. I'd go so far to say that as it stands in this demo, evade is broken. In the heat of battle it's just not practical to evade with the use of 2 buttons and a direction...

                      EDIT: I was thinking of God of War actually with the evade, because I far FAR prefer evading with the right stick.
                      Last edited by Jebus; 24-01-2008, 12:14.


                        I'm playing on VGA - no tearing.

                        Regarding the easiness of the demo - I've read the difficulty ramps up a lot near the midway point of the game.


                          Played this for a few minutes before work, and just know it's gonna be amazing. I personally would have prefered a Dante demo though.

                          From the few minutes I've played, you can rev your handle mid combo inbetween any sword slash, which makes the next attack a charged slash. I believe this is it's intended use rather then charging the sword before an attack.


                            That's good news. What resolution do you run it at?


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              That's good news. What resolution do you run it at?
                              You only get more tearing on VGA if you're running it at a resolution which the game wasn't coded at (With Capcom's engine being 1280x720). It's not a glitch, its just that Capcom allow the game to run at the resolution that the 360 is set to (in VGA mode) instead of forcing 1280x720 but scaling it to the resolution you choose.

                              To avoid Dead Rising evil-tearing-ness if you run at a non-standard resolution, switch to 1280x720 and it should be fine.

