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Street Fighter IV (Arcade)

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    Originally posted by Howiee View Post
    Where do you work!? Any vacancies?
    Retro Gamer mate


      Originally posted by Strider View Post
      Retro Gamer mate
      Can't you just leave the back door open or something? We can all dress up as the NTSCUK Cleaning Contract Company II' and noone'll be none the wiser:

      "Yes, there's a cockroach infestation just behind those new Shoot Fighter 5 cabinet things over there. Everyone must vacate the building please..."


        Originally posted by Strider View Post
        Oh my god, I have just seen two big men stick a Street Fighter IV arcade cab in our office. This is officially the best day in the world!!!
        I did play it plenty on holiday but is there any chance you will have an open day/visitors day? I would happily pay for this privelage if it was offered to me.
        Last edited by Paddy; 26-09-2008, 10:08. Reason: misquoted


          Sadly they were taken back to Capcom yesterday



            Capcom, if you're reading this, we love you very much and hope the above profanity will not taint your opinions of us when you allocate cabinets to each country.


              3rd strike > anything

              gutter trash !

              corkscrew blow

              you sir

              have NO



                ^^ interesting words. I've been getting into Dudley on 3s, he's so groovy, and so wickedly English, not like that wannabe Cammy


                  yeah, I've never been much of a cammy fan really.

                  I'd prefer dudley to be the home port character by far in SF4 hehe


                    I finally got to play this yesterday and I think it's safe to say that it's going to take up most of my time next year...

                    Obviously, it isn't 3rd Strike but the system feels great. Chun Li played like she should (standing fierce is still a killer!) I played some dude who'd racked up a decent string of wins with Abel, who is a total beast. Some other bloke was owning everyone with Sagat too.

                    I played the arcade version and the 360 version, and they're essentially identical as far as I could tell. The arcade version had the standard 16 characters available but the 360 build had Sakura, Akuma and Gouken available too, but I definitely wouldn't be surprised to see 5 more characters to "balance" the character select because it doesn't look right with just those 3.

                    I was worried Capcom might balls this up seeing as they weren't continuing down the 3rd Strike/proper 2D route, but having played it there's nowt to worry about- it's ace.


                      I played this on the arcade at the weekend and it rocked, it really is great. There were a lot of people playing and it was winner stayed on so it was great fun, it reminded me how much better old style arcade gaming is than online gaming, theres nothing like actually having the person next to you when you are playing.

