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Braid [XBL/PSN]

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    Beautiful visuals, soothing music, pitch-perfect puzzles. I love this. TO DEATH.

    Just solved worlds 2 and 3 so far. Have had to stop playing to make it last a bit.

    That puzzle in world 2 (you all know the one I mean) was genius once it all clicked. Reminded of me of the epiphany I felt playing 'that puzzle' in Another Code on the DS.


      The game is beautiful with exquisite music to match the visuals. I still have a puzzle from world 6 going on in my head with the music from World 2 going over it.

      I hope the soundtrack gets a release on Itunes or something.


        I'm too knackered to write much now but I have to say, I think the little snippets of story and the pictures you make with the puzzles are making this game for me. If it were presented in any other way I'd think it was a bit dry and trying too hard to be clever.


          Great game if vastly overrated and priced . Still good though


            Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
            I hope the soundtrack gets a release on Itunes or something.
            The music is all licensed from these people and I think they have all the tracks available to play/download (possibly for a price) on their site.

            The bulk of the music is by this artist with a few tracks by this one. The actual tracks used are listed in the game's credits.


              This is now shelved next to Alone In The Dark in the cavalcade household, as a game I can't pin an opinion to. On the one hand this is clearly brilliant, and an absolutely stunning game, on the other it isn't. I can see people hating this, and people still talking about it in 5 years. I don't know if I love it, or find it infuriatingly pretentious. I'm not sure of anything any more. I've been Braided.


                What is it you don't like about it? Apart from the overall length and one particular level I can't really fault it at all.

                On the subject of the music, I'm reminded of Eternal Sonata quite a lot in places. Probably due to the abundance of bright greens as well as the music though.


                  I just tried the trial and I'm in two minds as well. On one hand it controls well and the music is pretty good, but that art direction is bloody awful. It reminds me of some ****ty animation that channel 4 would import from Europe and shove on at supper time in my youth!


                    I'm up to 42 puzzle pieces in pretty much just a few hours play and when you look at the scoreboards it says I'm 700th witch worry's me slightley normally on a game like this the top few thousand are all people who have finished it. I'm also feeling a bit conned as its the most expensive live game I've bought and it looks like its gonna be the one i spend least time with

                    bit over priced and a bit under purchased by the look of things

                    their is hope for castle crashers maybe because i really don't want to pay the prices that have been banded about as this was spot on the money quoted last week.
                    Last edited by Lebowski; 06-08-2008, 22:47.


                      Yeah, having played the trial, I'm torn on an opinion too. The music's the main thing that stands out, it's genuinely beautiful and creates a very unique atmosphere, the graphics have a beautiful hand-drawn charm and the control of time is a brilliant idea and cleverly implemented but, despite all that, the game somehow seems a bit bland. And it costs 1200 points. Which is too much.


                        Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                        What is it you don't like about it? Apart from the overall length and one particular level I can't really fault it at all.

                        On the subject of the music, I'm reminded of Eternal Sonata quite a lot in places. Probably due to the abundance of bright greens as well as the music though.
                        I can see that. I think the music is absolutely gorgeous.

                        So far I've only completed World 2 and done a bit of World 3, I'm reserving total judgement until I've done a fair bit, but I'm finding it hard to put my finger on what is holding me back from proclaiming 100% awesomeness. Perhaps the art design on the "sprites". Perhaps the slightly-too-clever-for-its-own-good atmosphere. Hmm. I don't know. It is still a blindingly good game though. Shame the 1200 points will put a lot of people off.


                          Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                          I'm up to 42 puzzle pieces in pretty much just a few hours play and when you look at the scoreboards it says I'm 700th witch worry's me slightley normally on a game like this the top few thousand are all people who have finished it. I'm also feeling a bit conned as its the most expensive live game I've bought and it looks like its gonna be the one i spend least time with

                          bit over priced and a bit under purchased by the look of things

                          their is hope for castle crashers maybe because i really don't want to pay the prices that have been banded about as this was spot on the money quoted last week.
                          There are only 60 jigsaw pieces so the leaderboards will fill up quickly at the top end. There are seperate boards for speed runs, however. They'll be tougher to crack.


                            I'm at the top of one of the speed run leaderboards, second in another, and third in another! There's probably only about 50 entries on each, but I'm proud. Heh.

                            I'm gonna go for the full game speedrun achievement tomorrow (EDIT: er, today) - one guy has it with a time of 4 seconds to spare, lucky, I just need to perfect a few routes in tougher levels


                              Ended up playing this until quite late last night, just couldn't put it down until I had done the first world. Some of the puzzles in later worlds are bloody fiendish, you can kind of see what you need to do, but then it's just working out the precise order of what needs to be done. Not sure it was worth the money (more to do with the actual size of the game than anything else), but it's definitely a game people will be name dropping in years to come.


                                another 'kings suit of clothes' game for me, just seemed like a lousy flash 2d platformer, maybe I was missing the special game dynamic but really didn't see anything compelling or new in this.

                                maybe I'm missing the point - I only go the demo - but I just wandered around simple platforms picking up jigsaw bits and when I died pressed X to rewind a bit. There were a few bits that are out of reach but I can wander off a level without getting them.

                                what am I missing ?

