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Viva Pinata : Trouble in Paradise.

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    Originally posted by crocky-chocky View Post
    Awesome. Just unlocked the mine last night and bought it along with a Diggaling. Guessing it'll be a while before I find a dragon egg though. Also, built the wall to stop him, which does the job fine, though he did mysteriously bypass it once when I wasn't looking.

    Damn you, Pestering Pete.

    Sorry to bombard this thread with dumb questions but does anyone know how to turn Sparrowmint's in to Canarie's? I know you have to feed them something yellow, but I've tried everything the shop has with no joy. Also, how do I turn Tafflies in to a fire based variant?

    Still loving this game, Rare's best I think. But it's amazing how much time it sucks up, it's certainly not one for a 'quick blast'.
    That scumbag Pete managed to phase shift through my wall just after I'd built it however since then he's not been able to do so which is a relief!

    Despite having a moan about this game I am straight back at it and going well with the garden although as ever struggling what to focus on. I had planned on getting my Canaries breeding and had started getting yellow flutterscothes but then a Jameloen appeared and was looking for five different colours which I did. It wants to eat my Tafflies so I should perhaps get to work on breeding them.

    Although on the face of it the game isn't a major update to the first there are so many small changes that it does make a good game even better and I don't regret buying it at all. I always thought the very open design of the first worked well as it let players choose to play it however they wanted, I ended up with a very cluttered garden and pinatas constantly fighting as I just took in whatever became available to experiment with. My younger brother instead chose a very methodical approach in breeding each pinata to the master level and moving on. There's plenty of garden design options if that's what you're after and the new Just for fun mode makes the game more accessible to youngsters.

    Aside from the rampaging weeds, the slowness can be a bit annoying although I'm hoping that might be helped by the upcoming dash update as the disc drive seems to be grinding away in the couple of seconds that takes to appear.

    Anyone tried to co-op mode at all? I'm wondering if it's worth getting another copy closer to Christmas when my younger brother is home and try the game over system link.



      Originally posted by JohnMcL7 View Post
      Anyone tried to co-op mode at all? I'm wondering if it's worth getting another copy closer to Christmas when my younger brother is home and try the game over system link.

      Have you tried the online methods? I'd presume system link would be like normal online mode, which is great as you can all have full control and generally just work together on the garden - if it's like the offline 'couching' co-op method (which I doubt) then it wouldn't be so good, as this is quite restrictive.


        Look at these:
        Official website of video game studio Rare, part of Xbox Game Studios and developer of Sea of Thieves


          Are they genuine? Anyone tried scanning one yet to see what happens?


            Apparently they just give you dressed up variant/wildcard pinatas.

            Fulgore is a Juicygoose, Orchid a cow (lol) and Tusk an Elephanilla.

            Still pretty cool!


              Originally posted by FatGit_UK View Post
              Are they genuine? Anyone tried scanning one yet to see what happens?
              Yeah, you get one in the game box too - just hold it to the camara (you might need to adjust the focus) and a box comes up on the top right of the screen. It works out where the edges of the cards are, then presumably scans the barcode like strip... a status bar on the bottom changes colour to inform you whether it works (green), it's been used before and thus cannot again (yellow) or it's fubar'd (red).

              It then charges you with coins to use it, and you get a nice shiny pinata - or maybe something else... job is truly a good one.


                Anyone had trouble where Pinata stop visiting the gaden? Nothing seems to be coming in anymore, not even Whirlms and the garden is actually very basic as I've got rid of just about everything bar the mine, helper house, fence to stop Pester and an oak tree.

                Managed to get my Dragonache, pester somehow got into the garden at which point Dragonache set him on fire and he ran out destroying the helper house as he went!



                  You'll need to start a new garden to get round the problem, you keep your level and awards etc and pinata will start visiting again. Its a bit of a pain though.


                    Yeah, that's what I ended up doing and then shipping the Pinata back to the first. Just trying to get a wildcard Rashberry at the moment, it seems you have to go straight through the orange loather but I can't seem to get it.

                    Finally have a palm tree which took a lot of hassling Seedos to get despite having some of the higher level seeds such as the oak seed already.

                    Edit - I'm getting really, really sick of the Pester mechanic which is a poorly thought out idea. Just started a new garden and popped some pinata in as I thought I'd have some time to get the defensive wall up but no...Pester came straight in (within 5 minutes of starting the garden) and just killed a rather pricey Pinata which was finally ready to romance. The fact there's absolutely nothing you can do once he's past a metre or so into the garden is just a joke.

                    Last edited by JohnMcL7; 25-10-2008, 20:29.


                      You can buy a decoy pinata once he's in your garden and he'll go for that instead of a real one.

                      Pester has been completely stuck behind a coconut tree in my garden for the past few in-game months!


                        Originally posted by JohnMcL7 View Post
                        Edit - I'm getting really, really sick of the Pester mechanic which is a poorly thought out idea. Just started a new garden and popped some pinata in as I thought I'd have some time to get the defensive wall up but no...Pester came straight in (within 5 minutes of starting the garden) and just killed a rather pricey Pinata which was finally ready to romance. The fact there's absolutely nothing you can do once he's past a metre or so into the garden is just a joke.

                        Besides the decoy Pinata mentioned above. My girlfriend (who is - again - totally addicted to the game) says the Limoceros will attack Pester when he enters the garden and is the most effective method of getting rid of him.


                          I'm still trying to get the Limoceros, despite having a garden full of Parmadillos he's only eaten two and I've not seen him again. The Dragonache will get rid of him as well however I'm having the problem that Pester gets set on fire he normally runs straight through something and destroys it on his way out.

                          I didn't realise you could put a decoy Pinata in after he's chosen his target though, that's a big help.


