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Tales of Vesperia (360)

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    Anyone know of any decent grade farming techniques? I need around 11,500 to purchase all the bonuses I want for my second playthrough and am around 4,000 short. I know setting the difficulty to hard and going through the Labyrinth of Memories and taking down it's bosses with combos and mystic artes nets a reasonable amount of grade, but making 4,000 that way will probably require 9 or 10 visits which is rather daunting.


      You could just grind some other achievements. I got tons of grade when I was learning all the recipes, for example. Killing easy enemies in 0.5 seconds without taking damage on Hard nets you 6 or so per fight, IIRC. Obviously that's still a lot of fights but it takes loads to learn the recipes

      The other way would be to search GameFAQs for Rita's Tidal Wave technique...


        I've already mastered all the recipes and entered the culinary competition earning the cooking titles for everyone and besides No More Grinding (which I'm thinking will be quicker achieved on a second playthrough with 10 x EXP purchased) have run out of achievements to work towards on my current playthrough.

        Been experimenting with Rita's Tidal Wave as the primary attack for a few days and can get between 50-100 grade per 4 or 5 minute battle but constantly spamming the A button gets pretty tirseome. Not to worry though, I've now found a method of making just under 1000 grade in around 20 minutes by fighting the giganto monster outside Deidon Hold. It requires setting the difficulty to hard, enabling quarter damage skill for the entier party (including several other skills that top up TP and HP, overlimit bonuses etc.) equipping 2 sets of blue dice (which earn X 1.4% grade) and, most importantly, setting very specific parameters for each party member in the strategy options.


          I am just 35 hours in and just trying to find Estelle's as it looks like Raven took her.
          Found some of the extra bosses but im not leveled up enough to take them on

          My Tales of Vesperia "Review"


            Nice review. I do feel you should have waited 'til completing the game before writing it as the game really picks up towards the end as you get to tie up all the side-quests, power up the

            Fell arms

            , unlock

            The EX Dungeon - Labyrinth of Memories

            , and, finally, spend grade on bonuses which can really change the way you tackle battles. But still, a good review.


              I've been stuck on this for almost three weeks... and I'm close to getting everything wrapped up.

              For the 200 man melee, who's the hardest character to finish it with? I tried Karol, and while being slow, deals out a ton of damage, and Estelle is physically weak, but I don't want to waste seconds casting spells. I know I can reduce casting times using skills, but this still takes too much time rather than just going up to an enemy and hitting them with a sword.

              To put it another way, if I can finish the 100 man melee with a character, would the 200 be possible also?


                Yeah, the 200 is pretty easy tbh. Well, it was for me, I could've been overlevelled. IIRC Repede is the hardest to beat it with, but none of them are hard, he's just awkward because it's far slower attacking airborne enemies


                  I was close to finishing Rita's 200 man melee, and then I get petrified. Damn it all.

                  Anyway, I've done everything bar the Low Level Challenge. Feels so good to know the time spent on this time-consuming task is finally over.

                  They Call Me... A Time Consuming Achievement!



                    Urk, so what happened in the final act? Perhaps i was expecting alittle more after

                    Collecting Undine, was hoping to get the full set Volt, Rem etc, but then the final dungeon appears. Alexei, Gusious and Khroma are pretty tough but other then that the difficulty overall is overhyped. It's probably easier then most Tales games (i haven't touched the dlc).

                    The secret missions are outstanding, studying a bosses movements closely to try and figure something out, missed about 4 in total. Also the music for

                    Overall the game is great but the final act felt massively weak and sudden, the story didn't feel like it was going anywhere. Now for the full 1000.


                      I just finished this for the sixth time and now have, er, 2000/2000

                      Completion time last time round was 9:00:36.

                      76th on the leaderboard, but a bit higher if you remove cheats!


                        Started the Pal version on Tuesday evening, played about 6 hours so far and loving it

                        I'd previously had the Asian version last year but decided i didn't like the battle system compared to Symphonia and sold it before i'd done the first section! What an absolute douche', i was cursing that you couldn't jump backwards as you could in Symphonia when of course it's a skill that you acquire as you go on

                        This is shaping up to be one of my favourite Motoi Sakuraba soundtracks too, love the boss battle theme and the haunting Aspio theme


                          Originally posted by losersclub View Post
                          Started the Pal version on Tuesday evening, played about 6 hours so far and loving it

                          I'd previously had the Asian version last year but decided i didn't like the battle system compared to Symphonia and sold it before i'd done the first section! What an absolute douche', i was cursing that you couldn't jump backwards as you could in Symphonia when of course it's a skill that you acquire as you go on

                          This is shaping up to be one of my favourite Motoi Sakuraba soundtracks too, love the boss battle theme and the haunting Aspio theme
                          Can you jump back to the boss battles? I gave up on it as I was too annoyed at the fact I kept missing the boss battle achievements.


                            Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
                            Can you jump back to the boss battles? I gave up on it as I was too annoyed at the fact I kept missing the boss battle achievements.
                            Strange thing to be annoyed by. If you want all the achievements you have to complete it at least twice through anyway, so you'll get another chance.

