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Pure [360/PS3]

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    Well, if, like Spags, you are easily confused, certainly go for Pure.


      Can't get lost on PURE tracks!1SPAGPROVEN!!11


        Hmmm, interesting..... I'll think I'll lean towards Pure if I can get it cheaper, otherwise it'll be Burnout Paradise : The Ultimate Box.

        Of course, at 24.99, Dead Space starts to look appealing!


          Pure was 9.99 at xmas PS3, glad I bagged a bargain has to be the ?10 spent in long time!

          Dead Space can be pick up pre owend in Buster fr ?18, I got a minty one for that price


            Pure has a 20Mb update for trophies
            but you need to delete your save file AARRGGHH


              I've still got this with a few other games I've not got around to trading in yet, it's probably not really going to be worth trading it in now due to it being so cheap.

              I haven't played this for ages, still not feeling the love for it as I was hoping to. I'll do the update though and hope my disappointment lessened somewhat over time.


                I was gonna get this ages ago! The Pure guys were at uni doing a talk a few months back and showed off their game engine etc, really wanted to get it after that.

                Can you get it for a tenner still?


                  Not sure it's still that price but it was a bargain bin game pretty much from launch. It seems to always be included in deals such as 2 for ?20 which is why I didn't ever get around to trading it in.

                  A few places are running spring sales too so you should get it for around a tenner.


                    OMG, just found this game in my collection all sealed up, god only knows when i bought it.

                    Think its about time i gave it a go.
                    Last edited by Del Boy; 02-05-2009, 17:46.



                      Pick this up last week cheap (360)... PURE = FANTASTIC FUN !!
                      I'm almost finished with the worldtour and it's really great, it looks great, plays fantastic and most important it never gets frustating. It's an absolute joy to play!
                      I love that you can see the scores from your friends for every event so you want to push that little bit of extra to get the best time/score.
                      Also toying around creating a new quad isn't boring at all and it really helps getting you to much better scores as well (ofcourse).
                      I can see myself playing this for quite some time, I still have learn the tracks better for the finding the best/fastest routes and ofcourse to try to beat my friends at it.

                      Haven't played it online yet , curious to see if it still get's played a lot....

                      great game !


                        So I've had this for a while and not really dived into it. I'm really enjoying it but also finding it incredibly tough!

                        Any tips beyond knowing the tracks? I notice most tracks have a fast route and a jumpy route, should I be heading for jumpy routes first few laps then nail the fast ones with boosts?


                          it's an absolutely great game, to learn the fastest routes can take quite some time, I learned them the fastest by taking the game online and see where the fast guys where going...

                          I didn't find it so difficult to win from the AI, just make sure you keep upgrading your quad, make one for Stunt and one for Racing, it really makes a big difference.

