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Left 4 Dead

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    I hope you said that in an action movie actor style


      Originally posted by FreelancePolice View Post
      It was just 3 of us so there was an AI getting shot but I think it was Francis

      "I hate AI"
      Someone chose to be Louis over Francis?

      Had my first Versus sesh the other night and absolutely loved it. Although twice we were winning and had the opposing team either all quit out or vote to return to lobby.

      The second time there were only three of us in our team so their vote was passed.


      Still, discussing cunning tactics and watching Boomers lurking around corners was tr?s gigglesome.


        I couldn't get cr0wned either until I was told to go right up to the witch so I was practically touching her and couldn't get any closer. Bang! Achievement Unlocked


          Did all 4 chapters in 5 hours, dang think we've mastered most of the difficult parts now !

          Damn our obsessive playing, going to try some random Rambo modes tomorrow =) I still haven't actually managed to survive the end of first chapter on expert though, three times we've done it and all three times my teammate has shot me !


            I tried out Vs mode last night for the first time after hearing it described in Zero Punctuation as a 'griefing engine'. It was the funniest damn thing I've ever seen It feels a lot more personal than regular co-op and it's a lot harder but it's so satisfying to know you've got umpteen people trying their best to kill you and you still survive. And then you get a chance to unleash the hurt on them! Brilliant!

            Originally posted by MJ View Post
            Every time I try this, she always looks over her shoulder and then attacks me before I know it. None of this slow rising I read about or see in YouTube videos. It's starting to annoy me now.
            It can help to approach her slowly as your speed contributes to her rage levels.


              Originally posted by Kubrick View Post
              I couldn't get cr0wned either until I was told to go right up to the witch so I was practically touching her and couldn't get any closer. Bang! Achievement Unlocked
              Originally posted by MattyD View Post
              It can help to approach her slowly as your speed contributes to her rage levels.
              I've tried crouching up to her slowly and can never seem to get right behind her before she turns her head and then goes mental. I will persevere though.


                I initially had difficulty getting Cr0wnd too. In my experience you don't need to be right behind her or even behind her at all when you pull the trigger. What you do need is the difficulty set to Easy and the auto-shotgun in your hands. Just wait until she rises half way up and as soon as see her knees are off the ground aim for her neck (not head) and, bang, you should get it.

                I finally managed to beat all campaigns on Expert and get the Nothing Special and Upset Stomach achievements over the last few nights. Only need the 54,000 odd kill achievement (Zombie Genocidist or whatever it's called) to have the full 1000. Not since Geometry Wars have I had as much fun going for or felt so satisfied getting a game's achievements. It really is gaming perfection.


                  Wow, all campaigns? I've been trying all week just to get 1 of them, furthest we got was No Mercy finale but we had to give up after 2 hours of being smacked about by tanks . Playing with 2 real players and 2 AI btw since not many of my friends seem to be up for this.


                    Playing on Expert with 2 AI players is always going to be a struggle because, though they're superb at picking off hunters and smokers from afar, when it comes to dealing with tanks they're completely useless.


                      Indeed, the AI are usually the first to die when a tank appears... usually because they just don't keep away from the damn thing.

                      As for your friends not being up for it? Their loss, quite frankly.


                        I just spent all afternoon doing blood harvest on Expert. And just can't finish the finale, had to give up. It's the only one i need to finish on hardest, soooooooo, if any 3 kind souls fancy helping me out I would shower you with good karma.


                          I've just finished Blood Harvest on offline coop and we both thought it was the easiest of the four! On the finale are you going to the barn? Only two entrances to defend from then.
                          This was on Hard though, Expert is probably a whole new ballgame!


                            Blood Harvest's finale is best defensible on the stairs of the house, in my experience. How we normally do it is a shotgun on the top of the stairs, pointing down, and everyone else covering the doorways on the landing (though try to avoid standing directly in front of the doorways to avoid smokers at the room windows). I find this has considerable benefits over the barn as you only have to go downstairs to get the medkits.

                            Though we have yet to stick through it on expert. We all die as soon as the tank shows up =(


                              yep best tactic on Blood Harvest is that, i find as soon as the tank comes try get him i nthe house then exit straight away and all hammer him with bullets, coz he often gets stuck in the windows and the like.


                                Originally posted by MJ View Post
                                I've tried crouching up to her slowly and can never seem to get right behind her before she turns her head and then goes mental. I will persevere though.
                                Is your flash light off?

                                Don't know how I managed it, but I got that achievement on my first attempt. Just crawled up to her from the side and blasted her in the face with the normal shotgun as soon as she looked me in the eyes.

