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Left 4 Dead

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    Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
    I have to agree with you there. Seeing as there are only 4 scenarios (yes, they play differently each time) and it is mainly a multiplayer game if it was released at ?24.99 on the 360 then I would of probably picked it up. As it is I will probably wait til it goes down to the ?20 after a month or so.
    ?20 is about the right price point. 4 scenarios is too low. Yes sure, Director sounds a nice bit of tech that will make all games play "differently" - but then you can say every multiplayer game plays differently each round, this is just taking it further. It's not like the maps have different routes that open and close each game making is significantly different.

    I understand Director is plug and play on pretty much any Source based map, so you can drop say a HL2 map in to L4D on the PC no problem. Valve have great PC support, and have come out and said they'll fully support the 360 version this time (TF2 cough cough) - but MS won't let them give the maps away for free.

    So you're paying twice as much initially, have to wait for the official map packs, and then pay for them! I'd like the 360 version to play it with my mates, but it's so hard to justify getting bent over like that

    Is there a cheap region free Asian version out??


      Just completed No Mercy and Death Toll on Advanced, local coop. Amazing stuff.

      Of the two I found No Mercy the better campaign (and harder, too), particularly the final level which was just insane - the run to the escape point was so intense, the first time the whole team was killed so I just legged it, dieing meters away from the end, and then about 10 tries later the two of us made it but I got caught on the helipad as he escaped . Took nearly three hours to do No Mercy and 90 minutes for Death Toll. I just can't see how either are possible on Expert though!


        I have to say that this game is like virtual crack. I've spent at least 15 hours on the 360 version this weekend and I still want more!

        I can fully understand people worried about spending £30 - £40 on it but it's so endlessly replayable I haven't got bored yet. Every single experience is different each time.

        The multiplayer is also a blast, the amount of laughing that goes on when you've nailed someone as a Hunter or a Smoker and have pinned them to the ground, it's so much damn fun.

        Easily the best multiplayer game this year and highly recommended. I'm pretty certain Valve will support the 360 version fully and I'll pay for it no problems, really looking forward to whatever they produce.

        No matter what you version of choice is, be it PC or 360, buy the damn game!
        Last edited by mr_woo; 23-11-2008, 21:54.


          Just had my first taste of online co-op with, Paulos, Jimmybob and heirneet. Ridiculously fun, valve must have made a deal with the devil


            Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
            I just can't see how either are possible on Expert though!
            I've done three of the campaigns on expert now (all except the farm one) and tbh it's not that hard - the hardest part for us has always been team attacking and baiting, which we can't help doing

            Having said that, it probably helps that we all play css regularly at a relatively high level.

            One major difference I noticed from easy mode is the witch and tank - witch is faster (I think) and instant death (not just knock down) on expert, and the tank knocks you down with one hit (both melee and ranged) and has about 10k hp.

            One tip though is to ignore the set positions they give you. On the final stage for all three now we've completely ignored the minigun placements and found our own decent places.

            For example, on No Mercy

            theres a small room with a single doorway (have to shoot the door open, theres another room adjacent to it) and what we do is put a petrol can outside the door (if we get one), shoot it, all sit lined up on the backwall and then alternate fire on the zombies as they enter. Have to be careful though that when the tanks come (both times!) you have to get out of the room quickly.

            We do play on the PC though and in all honesty I think it would be much harder with a controller.


              Originally posted by Brats View Post
              I just got this and have no-one to play with (Booo!). If ayone fancies any games tonight, please give me a shout.
              im always up for games too add me "SILENT MOUNTAIN"


                Originally posted by Orgun View Post
                Just had my first taste of online co-op with, Paulos, Jimmybob and heirneet. Ridiculously fun, valve must have made a deal with the devil

                It was utterly epic. Best live game out there bar none. And remember Paulos cares not for the G's.


                  It was utterly epic. Best live game out there bar none. And remember Paulos cares not for the G's.
                  "Shoot me" BOOM lol


                    I asked for one person to shoot me a little bit and you all bloody opened fire without hesitation. Repeatedly. BASTARDOS!

                    Cracking fun though.


                      Everyone was in full servers last night, so I played with some random peeps (which must be for the first time in yonks). Even though this was not my preferred option, I had a fantastic time. More than any other game I've played, it feels like you are living through a zombie movie.

                      At one point, a group of friends playing Gears 2 sent me a party invite so we could chat cross game. In the end they had to shut me up, because all they could hear was me going "****!! No!!! I'm caught! He's got me! Oh thanks. Holy CRAP look out for the tank!!! Shiiiiiit!!! Take that. No he's coming for me. I'm down. f*ck!!!!"

                      Can't wait for some games tonight.

                      Originally posted by Chain View Post
                      ?20 is about the right price point. 4 scenarios is too low. Yes sure, Director sounds a nice bit of tech that will make all games play "differently" - but then you can say every multiplayer game plays differently each round, this is just taking it further. It's not like the maps have different routes that open and close each game making is significantly different.
                      The maps do have multiple routes and secrets to be discovered. Each game is significantly different that sometimes the zombies or a witch will force the players down other routes.

                      I've heard a number of people who haven't played the game say that four scenarios is not enough for a full price game. Imo that's a boring accountant's way of looking at game design and it takes nothing into account of the actual enteraintment. This game is utterly fantastic and its longevity is assured.

                      Did anyone not pay to see Pixar's Wall-E because it was only 80 minutes long? No? Do yourselves a favour - get this brilliant game.


                        Had a fantastic moment on this last night, it was just amazing. Can't remember which scenario/movie we were doing but it was just after the part where you have to press the button on the crane on the rooftops. All my mates had died due to the huge zombie horde attack but somehow I managed to survive. I move on thinking "yeah I can get to safe house", how wrong was I?!

                        I walk down to the next rooftop and I a smoker grabs me, I manage to get free and then see him standing on the tall building behind me. I start shooting him and I think I kill him, my mates start going "woo yeah you can do it". Then all of a sudden about 50 zombies jump off the building where the smoker was and charge at me! I die, of course, but that moment when the zombies just piled down of the building was just pure genius. It couldn't have been timed or set-up any better, superb.
                        Last edited by ezee ryder; 24-11-2008, 17:47.


                          Definitely one of the most FUN (!) online co-op games i've played in a very long time. Had some really fun sessions over the weekend, with impressions sharings brat's ones, where i'm constantly shouting down the mic:
                          "f**k! a hunter/ smoker has got me!"
                          f**k! a f**king tank!
                          f**k! they're coming through the windows!"

                          One game yesterday where it was me and Gerry Helmet playing the 'Death Toll' campaign, and there was this little hut (which could barely hold 4 survivors) and yet i decided to check it out for supplies... as soon as i opened the door, a tank came out and decided it was a good idea to rip us a new one!

                          Also doesn't help when your AI team-mates tries to antagonise the witch by taking pop shots


                            Originally posted by Brats View Post
                            I've heard a number of people who haven't played the game say that four scenarios is not enough for a full price game. Imo that's a boring accountant's way of looking at game design and it takes nothing into account of the actual enteraintment. This game is utterly fantastic and its longevity is assured.
                            It's premature to say "longevity is assured". That's like proclaiming a film a classic after watching it at launch. I'm sure it's a great game, Valve could polish a turd in to a diamond. I'm just not sure it has long term appeal.

                            Co-op is always fun. Take the crappest game in the world, chuck in co-op, and it'll probably be a hoot. My concerns with this game are repetition. 4 scenarios doing, I believe, the same thing over and over - shooting zombies. That is a blast no doubt, but long term? I also don't think it's enough to warrant a full game RRP, not when games like Gears2 are throwing similar modes in as extras - this isn't something that new after all, look at UT and the Invasion mode in that.

                            And a big, big issue I have it paying twice as much for the 360 version just because it's the version my mates have. I'd prefer the PC version, but socially would have more fun with the 360. So I pay twice as much, then get fleeced for map packs down the line.

                            Financially, I'm sure a lot of us have to take replay in to account when weighing up what titles to buy. We're not all accountants I'm sure, just people careful with money

                            Originally posted by Brats View Post
                            Did anyone not pay to see Pixar's Wall-E because it was only 80 minutes long? No? Do yourselves a favour - get this brilliant game.
                            Now come on, you know full well you can't compare a game to a movie.

                            I want this game, I really do. Right now it's a possible Xmas game (though along with SOCOM and MS2, and possibly Res2, I'm not sure how much time I could devote to each so again I have to consider their value). However I won't get it until it's around the ?25 mark.


                              Played a great session sunday afternoon with Gerry Helmet,Jimtendo and Soi.

                              Got to the last bit of No Mercy I think.Where we were on top of a building waiting for a chopper to get us out.
                              So we get to the final building where we find ammo,med kits,pipe bombs and mini gun.We have a plan ,we are ready.....we call the chopper.The answer over the radio says 15 mins till evac. WTF!!!

                              Then they come,hitting us from all angles.After alot of screaming and healing we just about survive.Then a tank comes at us,panic follows as we all try to take him down.We just manage it but we are all low on heaith with no med kits left.

                              Then the horde hit us again this time one by one we fell as we are mobbed.

                              I think on the 5 go we managed it as one player made it into the chopper leaving the rest of us as meal tickets for the horde,LOL!!

                              You get 4 people that talk to each other,stick together and play as a team this game will never get old as the AI director is very good ,no to games play the same.

                              Versus mode is the icing on the cake.


                                I think this is the greatest online experience this generation, I can only compare the fun I'm having to Rainbow Six on the original Xbox.

                                I was originally online with the xbox, they were good days where I would play with randoms. I guess you had to because Live was new to everyone. By Live on the 360 I had developed a Cliquey friends list that I didn't play online without. Online gaming became stale and boring and I cancelled my Live sub. I'm back on Live with a new Gamertag and a handful of friends.

                                At the moment I am just jumping into quick start games and playing with strangers, its great stuff. Playing as the infected is such a joyful experience when it works, just a little bit of co-ordination and planning from the infected can destroy the survivors so quickly. I've still only played the No Mercy map, but each time is a new experience.

