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Left 4 Dead

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    is the 360 version region free does anyone know


      Yes according to vg+


        Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
        does this game have a single player mode?
        Yes, in that the other survivors are bots instead of other people. Which is an entirely different experience, if you ask me.


          I love this game, its by far the best new multiplayer experience ever. Its so wonderfully developed too. Its got nice little quirks in it too for example if you want to take a break for a piss or something you can and you don't even need to quit the game, the ai takes over. The same happens if someone leaves a game too and it gets filled in eventually by some other random person on the net.

          Fantastic netcode.

          I'm so in love with it, this is on my christmas list for the 360. I'll get the best of both worlds that way.


            Got the 360 version today. It is region free.

            Easily one of the best games I have played period!

            I went through the airport level with some random yanks and it was superb. Even on normal it required extremley tight team work, and we just survived the end bit.

            People need to stop dwelling on the 'total hours' playtime on this. The Ai director coupled with an almost infinite number of live players renders the no. Of hours discussion almost irrelevant.

            Can't wait to get back in! The level stats as end credits for each level is a nice touch.


              I agree that the short game in terms of number of hours isn't a big issue. A friend and I played the demo level through a few times and it was a very different experience every time, with whole hordes of zombies attacking from new hiding places that weren't even there the previous play, and the 'boss' zombies can always catch you.

              I just like playing against the Director, because it's designed well enough that it actually seems like it's teasing you a lot of the time. It's more about that and trying to survive what it throws at you than it is the environment or what little story there is.

              Plus it's Valve. Expect plenty of post-release support, even if Microsoft won't let it be free


                Originally posted by ne0star View Post
                Easily one of the best games I have played period!
                This isn't aimed at you Neo, but there's nowhere else quite like this forum for proclaiming a new game The Best Game Ever after 1 hour of play

                I really want this game, will pick it up on PC sometime but would like the 360 version as well. I was shocked to see it's a full price title. After the great package of Orange Box last year, and given I believe this game may be very short lived, I expected this to be a budget title....


                  This is so much better than the demo!


                    LOL thanks. I think it's the experience this provides as a whole rather than the game itself. It's one of those titles where by if u break it down to it's core components there is nothing really original about it. U could argue that's it's not all that good looking. It's the way in which it glues those components together.

                    After playing this it's clear most dev houses get it all wrong. This somehow manages to invoke all the emotion in ways that technically should require some form of super hidef visuals and huge story, but this has none of those. Instead this takes a clever ai, and builds an experience using the ways in which people interact.

                    They should have a sticker on the box that says required at least 4 random strangers to play, friends if possible.

                    I'm sure it's a good blast on your Tod, but I think if that's the way you intend on playing it I would wait until it's about 20 quid.

                    I agree with Chain though. Because of the way this works it's a shame they couldn't have given the 360 version the same price point as the pc version.


                      Originally posted by Chain View Post
                      This isn't aimed at you Neo, but there's nowhere else quite like this forum for proclaiming a new game The Best Game Ever after 1 hour of play

                      I really want this game, will pick it up on PC sometime but would like the 360 version as well. I was shocked to see it's a full price title. After the great package of Orange Box last year, and given I believe this game may be very short lived, I expected this to be a budget title....
                      I have to agree with you there. Seeing as there are only 4 scenarios (yes, they play differently each time) and it is mainly a multiplayer game if it was released at ?24.99 on the 360 then I would of probably picked it up. As it is I will probably wait til it goes down to the ?20 after a month or so.


                        They also don't tell you that Versus is only available on two of the four scenarios, though knowing Valve I'm sure they'll patch it in sometime (I've read this, not tried myself).

                        I don't mind though, I've got it on PC and will get it on 360 tomorrow. No other game has been bought on multiple formats and I can't see me doing it ever again...L4D must have something special about it to make me do this!


                          Originally posted by ne0star View Post
                          People need to stop dwelling on the 'total hours' playtime on this. The Ai director coupled with an almost infinite number of live players renders the no. Of hours discussion almost irrelevant.
                          Agreed, 'total hours' seems to be a nearly-meaningless question for this game.
                          it's similar to saying "how many hours are Halo 3's multiplayer maps?"

                          you're going to get a different experience each time you play with different people, as with any multiplayer game.


                            Was looking forward to playing this tonight but I'm having zero luck getting this to work on my 360 , it keeps on freezing in exactly the same spot while loading after the intro movie.

                            I've tried running it from HD and disc and even deleted the demo (which worked without any issues) , deleted and reinstall to HD but it always ends with me having to force a shutdown. ; ;


                              I spent well over five hours battling through No Mercy and Death Toll on Advanced with a couple of mates tonight and it was an absolutely thrilling, utterly exceptional experience.

                              The netcode is so robust - in the entire time of playing, no one unintentionally dropped out, I experienced zero lag, everything was utterly solid for the entire session. It's been the most flawless Xbox Live experience I've ever had.

                              As for the game, I've never sworn so much, laughed so loud, panicked so hard, felt such adrenaline and left with such satisfaction as I had tonight.

                              I always knew I'd love this game, but I didn't realise I'd love it this much. And, for some reason, I think I actually prefer the Xbox version and I have no idea why. There's something about it that feels perfect on the 360; the controls are absolutely spot on (I was concerned about how they'd feel, as I was never entirely convinced by the controls of the 360 version of the Orange Box) and it just feels like a console game through and through to me for some reason.

                              Everything about it is great - the sheer number of infected, the AI Director, the incredible audio, the animations, the seamlessness of joining and leaving games, the Take a Break option, the stories that occur through general gameplay that you know you can share with other people who play the game, and who you know will be able to share stories of their own...

                              It's everything I'd ever wanted from a zombie game. Although here's hoping they put a chainsaw or lawnmower into the DLC wishlist.

                              PS. In other news, I just rested my eyes briefly and saw a horde of zombies and a couple of Hunters clambering over a chainlink fence. I'm going to have awesome dreams tonight.
                              Last edited by MrMarbles; 22-11-2008, 01:01.


                                Still haven't finished no mercy on advanced yet, closest I got was literally a few feet from the hellicopter when a hunter took me down.

                                It did almost stop me swearing for a few minutes though when I saw that the credits where dedicated in memory of Mr Pump when the rest of the team made it.

                                This game is god damn tense, guess it is because it manages to keep you a low health for long periods and you never know what is going to happen next.

                                I only wish it had a movie option.
                                Last edited by Mr Pump; 22-11-2008, 01:10. Reason: For fun

