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Street Fighter IV

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    Originally posted by concretesnail View Post

    i've been playing this and the new mode, imho, the new mode is just what racked matches should have been. The lobbies like those in HD are still what we need. If Capcom think it has a large online user base at the moment just thnk what the user base and sales could have been if they had lobbies in there.
    Do you honestly think the sales would be higher if it had lobbies? seriously?


      I'm not sure that lobbies would necessarily equal more sales. Most people would have bought the game to experience the core gameplay.

      I'm not sure if it's been mentioned here or not, but the replays are limited. Only the top 5000 players can upload them. I think this refers to the Championship points you gain when participating (and finally winning) in one of these tournaments. Fair enough, my first Championship win was an utter crap scrap and I had a pretty bad game winning against that guy, defininitely not good, but it's a shame they limit the number of replays.

      I won another one, had a great final, but it wasn't uploaded for all the world to see!


        having gone back to hdremix recently i seem to be meeting a lot of people that have returned or sold off their copies of sf4 as they feel it just doesnt hold water regarding the multiplayer experience. personally i really enjoy the play of s4 and am extremely glad that capcom have made the effort but they should have considered the online structure a little more. Even though i love it i do get frustrated with trying to get into a match and playing a couple of friends of an evening is a fiddly process, well more than it should be. The xb live party helps as we can all chat and direct to matche creation.
        Maybe sales wouldnt have been a great deal higher within the this community but an easier and more accessible casuals system would have expanded the player base, as it would be closer to an arcade experience.
        Last edited by concretesnail; 26-04-2009, 05:45. Reason: taking out keyboard mush


          Originally posted by Jebus View Post
          So what is Capcom's excuse for the horrendous lag in the normal ranked or player matches when they AREN'T against people you know?
          So far with SF4 9 out of 10 matches online are lag free when I take it online, with DOA4 it was much MUCH worse.


            Originally posted by TheForce View Post
            So far with SF4 9 out of 10 matches online are lag free when I take it online, with DOA4 it was much MUCH worse.
            Really? For me it's about 60/40 (good/bad) and I've actually stopped playing it recently as I'm sick of latency and I'm sick of having to try to do a "quick match" ten times before I actually get a game.

            It's 2009 and I want to sit in a lobby with 3 (or more) mates, spectating each other's matches, having a laugh, how a social gaming experience should be. I'm sorry for harping on about it, but this would be game of the century if they put that in and I don't understand how they can't see it! I don't want to play some random numpty in America who gets stroppy when I beat them and sends a message like Sean got (Simply "DIE YOU F*CKING C*NT"...which to be fair, is pretty damn funny), I want to play against Darren whilst Sean watches (touching himself) and then winner stays on etc...


              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
              I'm sick of having to try to do a "quick match" ten times before I actually get a game.
              All I do is either set up a lobby myself which makes getting a match much, much quicker or I play some arcade mode for a bit with the network challenge mode (not sure what it's called) on so you can then play a round or so practice against the cpu while you wait for a match.

              I understand your frustration at no lobby mode though.


                It's not frustration anymore, it's become downright despair...


                  had a few problems .....seany sent me requests for a match ...and i sent him requests and keep getting the same problems unable to connect to this match

                  Lag wise i have not had any major problems yet though


                    Anyone who is having problems with lag make sure its not your connection first.

                    SFIV is alot less forgiving on pings then most games. Go to command prompt and check your ping, something like, tracert I get about 15ms on nildram isp.

                    I know for a fact that anyone who is on sky broadband will have very high pings 80+ as sky put a thing called interleaving on your line by default, this is not good for online gaming.

                    A few of my mates are on sky and they didn't even know there pings where really high till they played SFIV. U can get sky to lower the interleaving but its not easy, check this forum


                      does this mean that if i give sky a ring and badger them they will jig the line so it makes it better for sf4 as it seems to take ages to get a good connection even when i go for a custom match and search for stability.


                        Sky will lower the interleaving (max delays) for you as my mates have had it done its just not easy. The basic customer service rep wont have a clue what your on about probably. You have to be firm but fair have a read on this forum


                          if i am reading this right, by tier you mean the third level of the issues proceedure.


                            Just phone them up and explain that you are an online gamer and u wont your max delays lowered to improve your ping times. Make sure u stress that there is nothing "wrong" with your connection ie its stable, downloading is fine etc etc.

                            If they dont understand what you are going on about then ask to be put through to someone that does. My mate had to phone them up about 3 times untill he got to speak to someone that understood what he ment then they fixed his line asap and now his pinging about 30 before its was 90 +

                            Good luck !!


                              cheers, i'll get on the phone first thing tomorrow or later today.


                                I know it's my not my connection but I'm sure it's related to championship mode. I get more lag in that than any other mode in the game. Every time I reach a semi-final it's unplayable (and usually against a Sagat ). Moreover, the matchmaking is worse than ever...the people I play are MILES above me in skill and points!

