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Street Fighter IV

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    Haven't played it myself, but impressions of the PS3 online have been really positive on GAF (Even on matches where the connection signal is getting quite low).

    Hoping they add a proper lobby system at some point for this. At least a couple of people I know are picking this up and would be nice to get a room going.


      No it doesnt use gamespy. Online has been perfect for me so far on both PS3 and Live. Just make sure you join peeps with a good ping meter reading. 4 bars and above. If you do custom searches you'll find people with Fight Request status and some with Lobby status. Lobby is best to challenge as chances are they're sitting in the lobby waiting for a challenge. Fight Req status is usually people playing through Arcade open to challenges on the fly. However, as that option is default, lot of people don't realise at first and don't want a challenge i.e they haven't turned the feature off.


        Originally posted by hoolak View Post
        However, as that option is default, lot of people don't realise at first and don't want a challenge i.e they haven't turned the feature off.
        Like me My copy arrived today and first thing I did was dive into the Arcade mode. Got to the 2nd match and BAM new challenger. Ok quit that... BAM new challenger... Ok enough now... BAM new challenger. Quit. Main menu. Switch option off

        Really enjoying it so far. Shame no pad from Amazon but the 360 pad doesn't seem to be causing too many problems.


          Got mine today from HMV online today, played for a bit at lunch and i really like it so far. The presentation seems slick and i really like the fact you can have challengers on the arcade mode, although i keep losing horribly, i really need to do some serious practice.


            Originally posted by Kongster View Post
            All together now...In-de-structable, manamanamanama-na-mana!

            Rmoxon - Switch the sound settings to Japanese and you can listen to the lyrics in Japanese instead. Less painful on the ears.
            Cheers because I dont want to hear that track ever again in english lol It was stuck on it last night. Decided an go for my bath (ensuite) and shove it on PS3 install. Lowering myself down in bath chair and off the music starts over and over and over and over and couldnt get out to turn it off for ages. Its like teenage girl music hell with some dodgy lyrics (I can feel it coming over me oooookkkkk lol) and sounds like hes been spinning kicked in the happy sacks a few thousand times. Gimmie SF theme anyday


              First it was Alpha 152 then Jinpachi and now Seth.

              Why do beat 'em ups do this?

              They are all cheap, cheap, cheap.


                At least they can patch it, if people are in enough of an uproar.


                  Apparently that covers all of the challenge combos, for those that want to see the ones they're struggling with.


                    Anyone know what the exact button config is in the arcade with the sticks as Ive just noticed something when trying 360 version for same time. PS3 version when I altered it to stick it went
                    X,Y,RB weak to fierce punch LB all 3 buttons
                    A,B,RT,LT weak to fierce kick LT all 3 buttons

                    360 though its totally different and the ps3 above is only same if you setup to pad. Just that I like to play authentic lol so any ideas?


                      If anyone's interested, there's an SFIV ranking battle in Birmingham taking place this Sunday (details here).

                      It's not expected that you'll be Daigo-calibur to attend (since I'm going XD), it costs a fiver for entry. Just thought I'd put this out there for anyone who'd be interested =)

                      Also, I was expecting online to be a Sagat-o-rama, seeing how he's ranked top-tier in the arcades...
                      Last edited by Stormtec; 19-02-2009, 14:46.


                        Like I said earlier, I got my 10win streak with Sagat vs. 10 Ken players yesterday... I mght as well have been blindfolded.


                          Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
                          Anyone know what the exact button config is in the arcade with the sticks as Ive just noticed something when trying 360 version for same time. PS3 version when I altered it to stick it went
                          X,Y,RB weak to fierce punch LB all 3 buttons
                          A,B,RT,LT weak to fierce kick LT all 3 buttons

                          360 though its totally different and the ps3 above is only same if you setup to pad. Just that I like to play authentic lol so any ideas?
                          I don't get what you're trying to ask mate. here goes anyway...

                          Arcade layout is as follows:

                          \|/ LP MP HP
                          /|\ LK MK HK

                          There are not eight buttons in the arcade, if you are using those for shortcuts you should be ashamed with yourself - you want to play authentic so I'd flat out disable the surplus two buttons you don't use. The only reason they put eight buttons on the home sticks was so that you could shift the six buttons to either the curved (jp cab) or straight (us cab) button layout.

                          It's much easier playing with 6-buttons over 8 anyway. with 8 buttons mapped to x3 punches or kicks you'd have to move your hand for that command when needed which basically means you'd have to be Bishop from Aliens to be any good... curve your full hand over the 6 and you have full control all the time.

                          LP+LK is throw, MP+MK is focus, and HP+HK is taunt incase those need mapping too.
                          Last edited by dataDave; 19-02-2009, 15:19.


                            Nooo m8 wont use the x3 lol

                            What I mean is what are they assigned in arcade

                            Ie is top 3 weak to fierce punch and bottom x3 weak to fierce kick as trying to replicate it just for some reason the PS3 has that setup when TE is in but 360 its all over (ie top two where something like medium kick and punch on mine next to each other then next two ie using L1 where hard punch and kick bleugh).

                            Also curving do u mean like VF then for being able to grab X,square,triangle,R1 with 4 digits then the last two left would be O and R2 (if its 360 forefinger on A, then X, then Y, then RB and quick switch to B and RT) or do you just get used to top 3 and bottom 3.

                            I just cannot remember every using a stick for SF as brains wiped it can only remember pad snes days and trying to find the best way to grip it right heh
                            Last edited by Guest; 19-02-2009, 15:31.


                              ah, okok. Yeah man, top three punches, bot three kicks.

                              It's weird that the 360 is jargling them up, I plugged my Hori stick in and it was fine (I think).

                              The last time we had joypad/joystick/custom button selection was on the SNES iirc lol.

                              Just go with the custom one if it's confusing and use one of the two (jp or us) layouts.
                              Last edited by dataDave; 19-02-2009, 15:34.


                                Ta thanks muchly m8, just got to get used to it I guess as snes I always had left side kicks right side punches weak to strong and have to half tilt thumb for one of each. heh

