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Street Fighter IV

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    LOL does anyone else think Dan looks like Christiano Ronaldo?


      I think he looks like Steven Seagal...

      Edit: Found a picture that confirms my suspicions. Steven Seagal is Dan Hibiki!
      Last edited by Stormtec; 20-02-2009, 15:36.


        Originally posted by hoolak View Post
        I have just completed all of Zangief's Hard trials. I can rest my effin wrist. I doubt I will ever use much of what I've learnt.

        It unlocked some nice Zangief based Icons. One of them is a box origami Gief head!
        Gratz, I'm still stuck on 4/5.

        I'm happy with my 'Muscles Forever' titel though.


          Originally posted by MikeF View Post
          Okay, how do you unlock Gouken?

          Managed to unlock Akuma using Ryu and getting 2 perfect rounds with no Ultra Combo finishes
          Here's the proven way from teh Fall0ws himself:

          1) Unlock Cammy (complete with C.Viper), Fei Long (complete with Abel), Gen (complete with Chun Li), Rose (complete with M.Bison), Sakura (complete with Ryu) and Dan (complete with Sakura).

          2) Unlock Akuma. To do this complete the game without losing a round. Incorporate one perfect victory and just two Ultra Combo finishers. NO MORE THAN TWO! If you win three matches with ultra combos you will face Gouken after Seth, and you can't unlock him before Akuma, as I found out about 12 times - You will face Gouken and after beating him you will get your ending and credits, nothing else. Once you beat Akuma he's yours.

          3) Complete the game with Akuma.

          4) Unlock Gouken. To do this complete the game without losing a round. Incorporate one perfect victory and three Ultra Combo finishers.

          Steps 3 + 4 CANNOT BE LINKED INTO ONE!! I completed the game with Akuma 1st time selecting him with one perfect and three ultras without losing a round and guess what I got? HIS ENDING THEN THE CREDITS!! You must first register his ending on the movie screen before you can go for the no-loss, 1 perfect, 3 ultra streak.


            After 5 more Kens came to challange me whilst I was going through arcade mode I got some guy who fancied himself as Akuma. Looks like the retards have finally gotten around to unlocking more shoto cheese.

            I chose Sagat and he perfected me in the first round, a fireball fight turned sloppy after he started abusing the 3-hit version in the second round but I ragged it through even after fluffing my ultra into thin air. The third round I perfected him with a glorious focus cancel through one of his mid-air fireballs then rewarded 90+ BP for the display.

            That was so satisfying, I think I actually deserve a joint after 9months of not smoking.


              I thought Sagat is technically an alternative Shoto...?



                Originally posted by Largo View Post
                Er no idea, i have uk console uk game and i tried jpn dlc if that helps
                The reason I ask is I have a Japan PS3 and a uk game, I was thinking of down loading from the Hong Kong site.


                  Originally posted by Stormtec View Post
                  I thought Sagat is technically an alternative Shoto...?
                  Of course he is. But he int Karate innit. ><b

                  I just had another Ken player repeatedly spam Hadouken on me eventhough I repeatedly spammed Cammy's spinning Knuckle in return.

                  Why do these people even bother buying the game?


                    Well I like streetfighter but was never any good at it. I enjoy playing Ken so guess I wont be welcome playing any of you lot :/


                      Originally posted by winky View Post
                      Well I like streetfighter but was never any good at it. I enjoy playing Ken so guess I wont be welcome playing any of you lot :/
                      Yeah of course you will be, as long as you don't just stand there like a glitched CPU opponent.


                        I'm still not feeling the love for the arcade fightstick, its hit & miss if I pull a move off. No problems with the fightpad I can pull the moves no problem, I'm unsure what to do with it I'm half tempted to return to game and see if I can get a refund. When I play the game using the stick it does nothing for my anger levels and if I carry on using it something will end up being anger damaged.


                          You're better off selling it on instead of letting fate decide if it gets scrapped or not.


                            I'M SHOTO AND PROUD!!1
                            Don't tar us all with the same fireball-spamming brush.


                              The thing I love about this is the balance. Everyone has a chance with the new ultra combos and fights can do back and fore many times. It's too early to say if this is the best ever, but I'm very satisfied and only in time will I see if it holds up.


                                Don't get me wrong I am enjoying this, but in terms of actual gameplay it's still not a patch on Third Strike IMO.

