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Demon's Souls PS3

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    Well im just trying to get to 1-2 along that walkway running keeping my eyes on the sky and up to here its 15+ hours but LOVIN IT
    200 hours for me ?? LOL


      Originally posted by The_Lizard_King View Post
      Well ive stuck 10 hours into this now and i got to the1st boss....
      Bah, that means you're cheating with your forum avatar, you're only allowed to use trophy pics for souls you've defeated.

      It's the law! (according to me)

      I've binned a load of chars so down to just my Noble and Thief, so I might get to playing this properly as opposed to playing a load of chars up to the first two bosses.
      Last edited by GordonJ; 26-03-2009, 15:34.


        As said a couple of figures would be nice, anybody got a favourite boss they'd like to see as a figure ?
        HAPPY GAMING !!!
        Im a thief anyway only got 1 character tried female Temple Knight she was as slow as a week in jail just tried the tutorial with her deleted straight away
        Last edited by MisterBubbles; 26-03-2009, 15:44.


          So, so, so frigging hard. I'm making some progress but I find enemies still have the ability to wipe me out in ten seconds flat and/or there's some new foe pops up to one shot kill or completely outclass me. Shrine of Storms? Ghosts down in the cave that take me out in one hit. Tower of Latria? If I mess up with the jailers (and Christ are they disgusting) they combo me into submission before I get a second chance. Valley of Defilement? Still taking three swings to kill the basic enemies, a crowd of them can comfortably overwhelm me and now I've got to the giant versions which I can barely scratch. I can reach the Tower Knight with few problems now, but despite being a hundred foot tall he moves faster than I do and still kills me in two hits. All the other bosses I can't even find. Shiren in real-time would barely be this savage; it has to be one of the cruellest games I've ever played, even if it does let you keep your items.

          And yet I'm still getting drawn back, over and over and over again. Even the tiniest little dribble of progress feels like a genuine accomplishment, though the game still makes me want to burst into tears at the same time. Ninja Blade gets a Western release and not this? Seriously? Surely it'd shift as much as Armored Core...


            think i should go play Ninja Gaiden Sigma should be a breeze compared to Demons Souls
            HAPPY GAMING !!!


              Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
              So, so, so frigging hard. I'm making some progress but I find enemies still have the ability to wipe me out in ten seconds flat and/or there's some new foe pops up to one shot kill or completely outclass me. Shrine of Storms? Ghosts down in the cave that take me out in one hit. Tower of Latria? If I mess up with the jailers (and Christ are they disgusting) they combo me into submission before I get a second chance. Valley of Defilement? Still taking three swings to kill the basic enemies, a crowd of them can comfortably overwhelm me and now I've got to the giant versions which I can barely scratch. I can reach the Tower Knight with few problems now, but despite being a hundred foot tall he moves faster than I do and still kills me in two hits. All the other bosses I can't even find. Shiren in real-time would barely be this savage; it has to be one of the cruellest games I've ever played, even if it does let you keep your items.

              And yet I'm still getting drawn back, over and over and over again. Even the tiniest little dribble of progress feels like a genuine accomplishment, though the game still makes me want to burst into tears at the same time. Ninja Blade gets a Western release and not this? Seriously? Surely it'd shift as much as Armored Core...

              summed up rather nicely!

              i think that starting with higher stat points would make the game more enjoyable though.


                Okay the game just keeps getting more and more awesome. Latria first area so far is one of the creepiest, most haunting, disturbing experiences I've ever had playing a videogame - it sounds disastrous on paper, a dungeon crawler in the dark, with roaming enemies you need to stealth rather than rambo your way through but my God this is the best realisation of the pleasures of absolute masochism I've come across in ages. Picking my way little by little through each level of the prison, listening out for those bloody bells, waiting for the damn things to walk past then leaping out heart in mouth to backstab the bastards before they turn round - it's dark and gloomy and I'm all alone apart from faint white spectres sprinting past, bloodstains pooling on the floor, shrieks and howls in the distance - I could die at any time in a matter of seconds oh God I just walked straight into a hole in the floor that's an hour's work clearing the enemies out down the drain and I can't wait to do it all over again because I frigging love it.

                So glad I dropped the cash on the import. This is one of those games where even if I never finish it I've more than had my money's worth. Every death you gain a little something, even if all your souls collected went poof - I got a little more practised at taking out that particular enemy, a little better at finding my way around the prison, opened up a bunch more shortcuts and realised I can (finally) use a crossbow. Missile attacks, here we come.

                It's niche - I certainly wouldn't recommend this to everyone - but Demon's Souls is one of the highlights of the year so far and I've only just started digging into it.


                  So I got this, earlier than expected and kindly marked as a gift by NCSX this morning and put like 5 hours in. I've beaten the first boss after a ton of trial and error throughout the level and jesus, this is awesome. I still got, through practice with the combat and learning my way around, that same "levelling up feeling" without NUMBERS GO UP - even though I have all of that to look forward to, heh.

                  It's early days yet, but this could be one of my favourites this gen if it keeps the standard high - it's atmospheric, has crunchy, visceral combat and interesting dungeons - about all I wanted really.

                  Pity, like my other favourite PS3 exclusive, the bomb that was Valkyria Chronicles, this will go way overlooked.



                    Didn't realise how much damage I'd do to the Tower Knight after exploiting his weak spot! Three down.

                    God I love this game! Much as I don't really go for the usual "oh God I must own every new game under the sun" business, come on, 45... join usssss... you know you want to.

                    EDIT: Oh, and more custom soundtrack love... the music to Tony Takitani adds so much to this it's untrue.
                    Last edited by Eight Rooks; 28-03-2009, 02:17.


                      Well im just concuring what every says and myself for me just now this is GOTY yes a bold statement not K2 not RE5, and as said its pretty sad most forumites wont play it but this seems a paradigm as NTSC was set up to help people find gems of games like this get Importing you wont regret it its well worth 50 or even the 60 ian not/ian paid
                      HAPPY GAMING !!!


                        Four down. Jesus, the Valley of Defilement is pretty grim. >_< I'm obviously doing a little better than I thought. Still ragingly hard in the second stages, though - the gold skeletons can comfortably take me out in two, three swings whether I block or not, a bastard sword is hopelessly slow against nearly anything up close (just the way it should be!), and most of the regular enemies in the first stages can still kill me very easily if they swarm me. Still loving it - I was up until 5 in the morning playing it and it's been a while since any game did that. Bioshock, maybe.

                        Killzone 2's core gameplay is quite something, but the single-player campaign as a whole is nowhere near as atmospheric as this. It's a hardcore, fairly niche title which is very much NUMBERS GO UP even if you can turn the HUD off, but at the same time - so far - it's a world I love with characters I care a surprising amount about, even with the little scraps of detail the developers give me. And Christ, Resi doesn't even come close. The Tower of Latria and Valley of Defilement are way scarier than that entire franchise, and while Resi 5's a solid enough game the whole air of "seen it, done it" about it drags it way below DS. Game of the year? No idea, it's only been a few months, and there's quite a few other games I love out already as well. But fifteen, twenty hours in it is a stunning piece of work.


                          My next purchase after I have thoroughly rinsed KZ2 was going to be Mirror's Edge, but reading this thread it looks likely that Faith will be getting the cold shoulder again. This sounds very interesting.


                            Really glad that everyone's enjoying the game


                              Saw the videos to this ages ago in Yodobashi looked awesome turns out it is. Can`t buy it yet, and it sounds rock hard but also amazing at the same time.


                                So once people finish the first boss what has been your tactic generally? Hang around the first area to collect souls and levels? (as all the other stages sound terrifyingly hard). I'm thinking about getting this but I don't think my playslots are going to be long enough for me to be able to progress (1/2 hour -1 hour).
                                Last edited by Briareos; 30-03-2009, 14:39. Reason: forgot a question mark

