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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Started this again after my PS3 hard drive corrupted and I still think what I thought when I started this thread: the game is brilliant! Still looks incredible too which, when you consider its over 2 years old is quite impressive!


      Got Gold on PS3 after having completed the original on the 360, so having to play through it again to unlock the extra's... The graphics are better than I remember, but it's harder than I remember, at times at least, most of the enemies are inconsequential, but the bit where you have to lower the bridge with the Lickers is doing my head in.

      Admittedly I'm going my self instead of sending sheva this time, since she's too stupid to select the right weapon or use explosives, maybe I'll have to send her, dunno...

      I've unlocked Lost in Nightmares, which was cool, how do I unlock the rest of the stuff, completing the game?

      Also, am I the only person who thinks the Dead Space duo are vastly inferior to even this, the weakest RE game?


        Possibly For me Dead Space 1 and 2 are vastly superior to this though Resi 4 beats them. With the PS+ Resi freebies and RE4 and CV coming out RE5 is the only one I've not ended up with again so I have to admit there's been a bit of completionist appeal to getting it and going through again. As a properly mapped out co-op spin-off this one could have been great but to be classed as RE5 it's beyond the poorest entry.


          As Gold appeared in the PSN sale over Xmas I did end up caving and last night started this up. Giving it a second run through should prove interesting now expectations are much lower. I only had time to do Chapter 1-1 last night and it served as a reminder of how decent the visuals are. Flip side was the controls feeling a litt off compared to RE4 and being slapped in the face again with what a poor opening the game has. Onwards, with steroid Chris!


            No doubt you'll now realise it's superior to the Dead Space duo!


              Originally posted by Party boy View Post
              Also, am I the only person who thinks the Dead Space duo are vastly inferior to even this, the weakest RE game?
              I thought Dead Space 1 was immense, playing it throughout the winter break from midnight to 9am on the highest difficulty on my projector with the sound turned up.

              I used to go nocturnal over the two week breaks at Xmas, usually sleeping from 10am to 7pm. It was great for absorbing myself in games. Outside was dead and I never used to interact with anybody else, apart from my supplies trips to Tesco just down the road.

              I miss my old life at times.


                Finished this yesterday along with both DLC extensions. In the end I did end up enjoying it, it would have been a decent spin-off but the mind boggles as to how the dev team made the mistakes with it that they did. They were either blind for the whole project or plain didn't care, either way raising some concerns for Resi 6. Other than the styling, it's the co-op out and out that spoils the single player experience with the game being one constant chain of shoot out bubbles. When the enemies sport armour and automated weaponry you know the series has lost its way. Without the weight of expectation its fun enough but also easy to see why it was such a disappointment upon release. The definition of a 7/10 game.


                  Hmmmmm. Finally started playing this, given Resi6 has just come out, have had the vanilla ed on 360 for over two years, but the Gold version is currently free on PSN+ so it's a no-brainer.

                  Got to mission 3-1. Kinda *like* the game but it all feels a bit like it's semi-trying to feel like a Gears Of War game, which it sorta fails at, given that the gunplay in this is pretty awkward and nowhere near as fluid as any of the GOW games, plus this over-emphasis really does dilute that grain of Resi-ness that REIV had in spades - that game had loads of personality, this is just brown all over, plus so far there hasn't been anything that's stunned me so far, bosses are cack, gatling setpieces and the like, sunshiney Africa really takes that feel of horror/creepiness out of this, it's purely just a shooter that unfortunately uses last gen controls.

                  It's's still quite close to Resi 4 in style but the omissions really hammer it down, 'tis still a fun game to play and a 7/10 seems about right (I'll definitely get through it) but it's just so.....'medicated' as an experience, anodyne and bland and uninspired.

                  I know that Resi 6 is following on the coat-tails of this, but is it slightly improved, in terms of 'Resi-ness'??? Demo seems fun (but very shootery) but it's otherwise hard to tell.


                    Resi 6 is more Gears than 5.


                      ^Christ. Ah, well. I'll probably pick it up cheap and end up plowing through it in 2014, where I'll find it "not bad but still not Resi".


                        Ummmmmm....feel a bit guilty....I like it's finally starting to engender that sense of thrill I got when I first encountered that first Hunk mission in Resi 2.

                        Can't believe I got to the end of the game not really understanding what the 'Remove' option meant, one of my main irks was how stingy the inv. system was(!), what a tit I am. I still think the main game is dull as f*ck compared to Resi 4, the enemies are WAY **** but the grinding is absolutely sublime, so sweet like treacle it is, plus I've clocked the PS3 version and have switched to the 360 version to discover a sharper, richer-looking game (albeit one with much more tearing, though it never really bothered me (only on the cutscenes). Anyway, it's often beautiful on both versions (even if it's a huge, beautiful yard of freight containers, or shacks even, which it often is). Lighting fx often bring to mind REmake, which is nice. It's solid, it's playable as fook, next.

                        Just make it scary - or at least a wee bit creepy - next time, guys...


                          Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                          Ummmmmm....feel a bit guilty....I like it's finally starting to engender that sense of thrill I got when I first encountered that first Hunk mission in Resi 2.

                          Can't believe I got to the end of the game not really understanding what the 'Remove' option meant, one of my main irks was how stingy the inv. system was(!), what a tit I am. I still think the main game is dull as f*ck compared to Resi 4, the enemies are WAY **** but the grinding is absolutely sublime, so sweet like treacle it is, plus I've clocked the PS3 version and have switched to the 360 version to discover a sharper, richer-looking game (albeit one with much more tearing, though it never really bothered me (only on the cutscenes). Anyway, it's often beautiful on both versions (even if it's a huge, beautiful yard of freight containers, or shacks even, which it often is). Lighting fx often bring to mind REmake, which is nice. It's solid, it's playable as fook, next.

                          Just make it scary - or at least a wee bit creepy - next time, guys...
                          The Tearing in the 360 version can be fixed. The game doesn't like 1080p, it needs to be played in 720p. You get no tearing then.


                            Bit of a bump..

                            I adore the original RE titles (stupid puzzles and clunky controls included). I also adored Resi 4, one of my all-time fav games. With that said, I was satisfied by RE5 upon release. There was much i didnt like about it, and the more i played the less i liked.,.. but i remember beating it and feeling good about it (apart from what they did to whesker..... i still think that was a clone, it has to be...please....)

                            Within the past couple of months i've re-played Resident Evil 4 and Resident 5 - and yes, it's beyond clear how much of a better game RE 4 is than 5. I've been literally playing them side by side and it's pretty damn clear 4 is better in every possible way... I think of it like comparing New Super Mario Bros to New Super Mario Bros 2.... People with talent obviously out of their depth
                            ----Member since April 2002



                              You had to play and complete both to realise 4 is better than 5? I realised that after 30 mins of playing 5!!!

