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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

    Am I the only one who thinks Biohazard sounds better than Resident Evil? Anyways...

    Pictorial proof is posted in the 'show us your game related purchases thread'.

    Picked up the PS3 version of this on holiday last week (my God, the queues Always wanted to be part of a big AAA day one Tokyo release so that's something else to tick of the list. As many of you know I work in games retail but I have never seen anything like what I saw in a couple of the Akihabara game stores last Thursday!!).

    So then, the actual finished, boxed product. In a word: brilliant!! When it went up for download I had to play the demo a few times to get used to the control system and where I haven't played many 3rd person games in the last couple of weeks it has made getting into this with it's 'antiquated' control scheme a lot easier. There will still be some who will hate the game because of it's control system but it still adds a shed load to the sheer panic and I am yet to get annoyed due to Chris' slow turning circle. One thing that I did find interesting was the Jap PS3 demo was set to control type 4 (based on Resi 4) whereas the UK 360 one defaulted to the new, revised scheme. I defo prefer the old scheme.

    Graphically the game is astonishing. So many little details that sometimes it's hard to concentrate on surviving as you're cooing at the pretty. Some of the lighting and particle effects in particular are stunning. Slime is particularly well realised. The overall atmosphere of the game is exceptional with a really creepy feeling and some nasty dark undertones lurking beneath.

    During the very first section you walk along through the town, totally unarmed, and come across a group of men hitting a large cloth bag with big wooden sticks. As they hit it you can hear screaming and the bag thrashes around!! As you approach they stop hitting it and slowly turn and watch you as you pass them and walk away. It's pretty tense as you have no weapons and don't know if they're going to react to you or not. They just stand there staring!

    The sound is good. I'm only running my PS3 through two speakers so the weapons sound a little feeble but the music is great. a good mix of scary orchestral and faster drummy stuff to build the tension.

    The cutscenes are good too. Never too long and featuring some cool angles that up the tension and feature some nasty moments.

    The game is broken into chapters with each chapter seeming broken into 2 parts. The game saves fairly regularly too so having to replay large sections after dying shouldn't prove too much of an issue - it certainly hasn't so far.

    I don't really want to go into the story too much as already there has been a lot of 'hmm, I wonder if...' and 'whoah, that's twisted' moments and I really can't wait to progress further to see if some of my early hunches are correct. Even this early something doesn't sit quite right with what you're being told though that might just be my conspiracy theory brain running away with itself.

    What I am happy with is the variety in scenery even though I am only halfway through the second level. Certainly what Capcom have shown in terms of levels is only the tip of the iceberg.

    From the initial desert town bit it moves to a brief sewery section and then onto a small dockside area. The first demo section happens quite early on but I am yet to get to the second bit with the chainsaw bloke.

    The partner system works well. Sheva is fairly intelligent in terms of picking up items and passing them to you if needed - certainly with ammo where she gives me all the shotgun rounds as that's my weapon of choice but keeps all the machine-gun stuff for herself as she has that. She heals at the best times too. I have had one instance though where she blindly ran into a wire-mine and wiped out half her health bar. Silly girl!!

    The weapon upgrade system works in the same way that it did in Resi 4 but you can sort out your items before each stage and even when you reload to continue a session, pretty cool.

    A nice feature on the Jap version is in the XMB if you scroll across from game to movie there're behind the scenes documentaries and a trailer for Degeneration all in 1080i. I thought that was pretty cool! The other bonus features are cool too.

    Gashapon collectible models of characters and other stuff that you buy with point during the game. Each one with it's own sound bite and fully rotatable / zoomable to get a decent look at

    I'm not sure that this version is censored either. If you down an enemy you get the option to stamp on them. In the demo this meant properly smacking them on the chest but in this I've crushed a few skulls and it's all there in it's gory glory.

    I haven't done any co-op either on or offline yet. I did see from the display copies running in one game store that the same screen co-op looks a little ropey as you don't get half the screen each. There are black borders either side of the screen to keep the aspect ratio correct. Also, you can set the game to have drop-in co-op online and turn friendly fire on and off.

    So far I am enjoying this immensely. Any doubt I had about this living up to expectation has been totally snuffed out during the first couple of hours play this afternoon. Luckily I have the next 2 days off work to get through as much of this as possible - with the jetlag I'm hoping it could be a fair bit!

    Sounds like it might not be too bad after-all then. I still don't think I'll bother with it however since I couldn't get on with the controls in the demo but nice to know the Biohazard franchise is still going strong


      You probably should have put Xbox360/PS3 in the title and mentioned it was PS3 version you have in the thread

      Sounds as amazing as I expected it to be Cant wait till next thurs.


        I have two questions, if you don't mind. Does it show you getting your head cut off if you get got by the chainsaw man? In the demo the camera only showed up to your shoulders, whereas in RE4 you clearly saw the whole decapitation.

        And I know this is a ridiculous hope but I gotta ask since I'm avoiding all reviews: is the same Merchant from RE4 in RE5? Please say yes.


          Originally posted by Sixty View Post
          I have two questions, if you don't mind. Does it show you getting your head cut off if you get got by the chainsaw man? In the demo the camera only showed up to your shoulders, whereas in RE4 you clearly saw the whole decapitation.
          Nope. The camera pans up. Looks like all versions are the same with no visible decaps.

          Originally posted by Sixty View Post
          And I know this is a ridiculous hope but I gotta ask since I'm avoiding all reviews: is the same Merchant from RE4 in RE5? Please say yes.

          Sorry, no merchant at all. It's all done via regular menus



            Ah well. Thanks for the info. The decapitations thing is surprising given all the different ways you could lose your head in RE4. It's hardly a major issue but it's bound to stand out a bit if they deliberately hide it like that.


              there is terrible tearing in 1080p in the 360 version had to drop it to 720p and then no tearing.
              thats with an elite and hdmi cale.


                So there just one question. Does the partner system ruin the tension of the game? Because in the demo i found that it killed the whole survival horror aspect as i was always trying to help her out. Bit like REZero actually.

                Also without going into heaps, is the story any good?


                  Originally posted by Cuber001 View Post
                  So there just one question. Does the partner system ruin the tension of the game? Because in the demo i found that it killed the whole survival horror aspect as i was always trying to help her out. Bit like REZero actually.

                  Also without going into heaps, is the story any good?
                  With the exception of the time that Shvea ran into a laser trip mine I mentioned the partner system has worked really well. It's good to know that someone has your back but isn't going to do everything for you. It has been a blesing having her being in another place on the map picking up ammo and items whilst I plug away at the 'zombies'.

                  The tension is still there and I am amazed that after all these years the sound of a chainsaw and the sight of a man with a bag over his head can still make me poo myself!

                  Story is good.

                  few nods to previous games: most notably Umbrella Chronicles on the Wii which I haven't finished. Some people who thought that the trailer was full of spoilers are in for a surpise too!


                    Thanks mate! I know you said it worked well but i was really asking about the tension. Because RE0 killed it with the partner thing. I am an old skool RE fan and have always believed the series was about being alone and scared. RE4 killed most of the tension with almost limitless bullets, and from the demo, this killed it even more with a partner. That is my fear, People can bitch about controls and everything, but its RE. I love it. Having a partner im not so sure. Co-op is definetly a step in the right direction, but it should not be forced upon us, rather a seperate MP mode.

                    Thanks anyway and im glad to hear it works well. Still a day one purchase but will reserve my judgement as it may just be a personal thing.


                      Originally posted by teddymeow
                      Am I the only one who thinks Biohazard sounds better than Resident Evil?
                      Apparently the 'Resident Evil' name was made up by the western marketing department without consulting the developers. According to the 'Making of' in Retro Gamer this month. Mikami refused to refer to it as anything other than BH.

                      I've always preferred the 'Biohazard' name, too. Far more descriptive.


                        Is it a 2-disc case?
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
                          Apparently the 'Resident Evil' name was made up by the western marketing department without consulting the developers. According to the 'Making of' in Retro Gamer this month. Mikami refused to refer to it as anything other than BH.

                          I've always preferred the 'Biohazard' name, too. Far more descriptive.
                          I always thought Resident Evil was a cool (in a cheesy kind of way) title for the first game but for the wider series as a whole makes very little sense and Biohazard is a lot more appropriate.

                          Wasn't there some copyright issue which prevented them using the Biohazard name in the west?


                            yes, the metal band.


                              Resident Evil sounded appropriate for the mansion. Biohazard is the better name, and fits with every single game. Its all about the BOW's.

                              I own all Biohazards on PSN, and on the Saturn. I wanted to get BH5 because of this, but the JP prices are insane. I'm going to pick up the PAL version, best cover too imo.

