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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Damnit I wish sheva would respond more quickly to Chris needing help. She just stands around for a good few seconds before reacting!


      Despite the complaints I have about the main game I must say that Mercenaries is a ****ing joy

      Spent a good 3 - 4 hours on it today unlocking the stages etc, such great fun.

      Started the main game again today in Veteran with the same coop buddy I completed the game originally with. It's amazing how much you progress in terms of knowing what items to give each other, what techniques to use and how to cover each other etc. I really couldn't/don't want to imagine playing this in single player, I would probably think less of the game if I did.

      I have to say though that I thought the last level on

      the volcano

      was piss poor. Really poor stuff.
      Last edited by mr_woo; 14-03-2009, 19:18.


        Originally posted by mr_woo View Post
        Despite the complaints I have about the main game I must say that Mercenaries is a ****ing joy

        Spent a good 3 - 4 hours on it today unlocking the stages etc, such great fun.

        Started the main game again today in Veteran with the same coop buddy I completed the game originally with. It's amazing how much you progress in terms of knowing what items to give each other, what techniques to use and how to cover each other etc. I really couldn't/don't want to imagine playing this in single player, I would probably think less of the game if I did.

        I have to say though that I thought the last level on

        the volcano

        was piss poor. Really poor stuff.
        Yep, mercs is pretty good. I also like playing it with Retro graphics filter.

        Last level was indeed poor, but

        I did like the 2 fights before that, the 2nd being a QTE fight on the plane.


          Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
          Yep, mercs is pretty good. I also like playing it with Retro graphics filter.

          Last level was indeed poor, but

          I did like the 2 fights before that, the 2nd being a QTE fight on the plane.

          Yeah it's that specific part I'm talking about that I really disliked, before that it was wasn't too bad at all (saying that it was only that specific part I mentioned in the last level that annoyed me rotten)


            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
            So you reckon you have played it more than "any other"? Pretty bold statment to make. Guess will have to call you the RE4 expert then

            I don't think RE4 is streets ahead of this at all, both games are as good as each other and if anything I think this is better.

            All of RE5 feels cramped?! I haven't got that feeling so far unless of course I am in an area that is meant to be cramped, a couple of locations spring to mind such as the

            oil refinery and the caves

            but apart from that the locations are quite open. As I said before RE has always been about making you feel cramped, creating that fear/panic in the player.

            Again, I don't really get the whole controls comparison as the controls are pretty much similar to RE4. I mean there is even a control type which is exactly like RE4's so if you were comfortable with that scheme then you should have no problem here, especially seeing as you are a self confessed RE4 know it all
            I am... but anyway... My point is the controls dont work for this game, its nothing to do with the configuration.

            The locations in RE 5 are open? the clustered shanty town filled with small houses and narrow pathways? a set of docks with narrow path ways? Boss battles that take place in one incredabley small room?, or on a cramped boat ect?.... How about the fact that the very first enemy you meet is stood virtualy next to you, not allowing any awe or suprise like every other single RE game ever had becuase you have to shoot it in two seconds or get slapped a bit.

            have you even played this game? Its the definition of cramped.
            Last edited by rmoxon; 14-03-2009, 23:25.


              This is just a straightforwrd action game but with outdatesd controls. Yes R4 had the same controls, but the world has moved on. if it was a horror adventure then I could just about live with the old control method.

              But, it is not. It is an action shooter and therefore you should be able to run and shoot etc. The controls should be intutiive for a shooter and these are not.


                Originally posted by jim g View Post
                This is just a straightforwrd action game but with outdatesd controls. Yes R4 had the same controls, but the world has moved on. if it was a horror adventure then I could just about live with the old control method.

                But, it is not. It is an action shooter and therefore you should be able to run and shoot etc. The controls should be intutiive for a shooter and these are not.
                Its not that the controls arent intuative, its that they just dont work for the game really, though to be honest as I mentioned already the level design is so bad and cramped I doubt any controls would do that well with it to be honest.


                  Got this on Thursday and played through the game co-op with my flatmate, two HD TVs at a 45 -degree angle to each other. Was great and The Mercenaries is almost/maybe even greater. It's like Resi 4's Mercenaries mode tuned up with some great situations you find yourself in/doing with your team mate.

                  I can imagine it won't feel as special if playing with computer AI but I've really enjoyed the last few days playing this with my flatmate. Mercenaries could be a game on its own and I really appreciate that Capcom saw sense and put it on the main disc as an extra. Well done Capcom and role on Resident Evil 6!


                    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                    I am... but anyway... My point is the controls dont work for this game, its nothing to do with the configuration.

                    The locations in RE 5 are open? the clustered shanty town filled with small houses and narrow pathways? a set of docks with narrow path ways? Boss battles that take place in one incredabley small room?, or on a cramped boat ect?.... How about the fact that the very first enemy you meet is stood virtualy next to you, not allowing any awe or suprise like every other single RE game ever had becuase you have to shoot it in two seconds or get slapped a bit.

                    have you even played this game? Its the definition of cramped.
                    I have played the game, feel free to check my PSN or Xbox Live gamercards

                    The controls work perfectly for me, for someone who is such an expert with RE4 they should work fine too.

                    Boss battles in one incredibly small room?! I don't recall there being any "incredibly small" rooms, there are some small ones but I never felt like I was too cramped in. Nothing wrong with the way the boat is designed, I wouldn't expect the spaces on it be huge anyway. There is also nothing wrong with the first enemy being in your face straight away, it is perfectly acceptable design wise as it is gives the user an idea as to the kind of infected he/she will be facing throughout the game. I mean I wouldn't expect the enemy to just stand there not doing anything and let me admire them before I shoot them anyway, lol. I mean don't remember many sections in RE4 where you were allowed to take in the enemies (apart from the start but RE5 has a very similar start too, better in my opinion too) cos you were usually constantly on the run against them trying to kill em!

                    As for "awe" and "surprise", well there a loads of those moments throughout the game. I certainly remember going "oh sh*t" and "OMG!" a few times during both my playthroughs so far.
                    Last edited by ezee ryder; 15-03-2009, 01:56.


                      Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                      I mean don't remember many sections in RE4 where you were allowed to take in the enemies (apart from the start but RE5 has a very similar start too, better in my opinion too) cos you were usually constantly on the run against them trying to kill em!

                      The regenerators in RE4 gave you plenty of time to admire them, whilst going 'OOOH ****!' whilst trying to get your rifle out to kill them as they came shuffling towards you. Creepy sods.


                        Originally posted by mr_woo View Post
                        The regenerators in RE4 gave you plenty of time to admire them, whilst going 'OOOH ****!' whilst trying to get your rifle out to kill them as they came shuffling towards you. Creepy sods.
                        Oh well if you're talking about "admiring" when aiming then yeah I have had plenty of those moments in RE5 too, the boss you have to

                        lure into the fire room, the big massive spider and even the lickers

                        . All of those were certainly "oh f**k look that" moments, well for me anyway.


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                          Or maybe you've forgotten them becos you've certainly never reached them?
                          Or are you simply accusing me of making things up?
                          Shall I show you my proof of purchase then you stupid idiot?

                          I already said the boss battles aren't memorable, that's why they certainly didn't left any impressions on me. How else did you think I was able to unlock Merc Mode without finishing the game?

                          Last edited by SummAh; 15-03-2009, 06:04.


                            I learned something last night to stop Shiva being such a dick, and this might be common sense / common knowledge to some here but it was a real lighbulb moment for me.

                            It seems the designers didn't want her to lag behind (so none of that "me man, you woman" stuff) and she'll try and keep pace with you - if you block her then she'll start doing stupid stuff like running ahead or nudging you out the way. Cleverly they've built all the levels and corridors large enough to accommodate people walking side by side so if you hang to the left hand side of wherever you're walking she calms right down and isn't so much of a pain.

                            She's still a daft bint who gets herself killed but now there's less chance of her annoying the crap out of you on a regular basis.

                            I've not had much time to play this at the moment so I'm only up to 2-3, but this game has gotten infinitely better in the last few stages. Getting used to the controls and the above tip for Shiva have made it a lot more enjoyable. And visually the game continues to amaze - I don't think I've seen something that's struck me as being so lovely since MGS4.

                            Last night I came across a small sewer inlet filled with bodies and it was amazing to sit there and listen to the gurgling water, the wind whipping around and the faint creak and ping of metal from some metal sheeting behind. Very atmospheric.


                              Arrrrghjiyygggyykumph *chews pad*


                              chainsaw dudes

                              can just f*** off. They take so much ammo to take down and it is teeth grindingly irritating trying to change weapons in real time. Making Resi an all guns blazing action extravaganza is one thing but making it that you can't move and shoot at the same time is just retarded.

                              edit. Hah, have that u fecker! Proximity mines ftw.
                              Last edited by PrayforMojo; 15-03-2009, 08:29.


                                Where are all the frustrating puzzles to get you wound up??? Nothing!!!!

                                Ok as a game but poor for a resi game i feel

