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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Never mind. Just realised I was doing things in the wrong order. Stupid game.


      I got this yesterday and i'm enjoying it. As a stand alone game it's brilliant but considering it's a Resi' game it feels a bit strange. I've come to expect a big item management system, either like the old item boxes or Resi 4's breifcase. So to only really have 9 slotes throughout the level doesn't feel right.

      Apart from that i'm enjoying it as a game when I forget about previous Resident Evil's and i'm currently on chapter 3 - 1.


        Just finished it.

        It's a very good game - I wouldn't have played through to the end otherwise. But it does feel a bit confused. It's almost as if Capcom's focus on the western market is to blame. The co-op seems to have been implemented just because online gaming is the current big thing but it just doesn't suit the game at all... It completely removes the sense of panic and vulnerability that exists throughout the series (including Resi 4).

        I also think there's just a general lack of quality game design in evidence. The levels and bosses just aren't as memorable as those in Resi 4 and by the time you get to the end every zombie seems to be carrying a weapon. By then it feels more like Army Of Two than Resident Evil.

        And, and, and... why the hell did they have to change "you know who" into a Nina Williams clone?


          Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
          If you're talking about the

          giant bat thing

          , you do know that

          at the top of the stairs there is a "door" right?! As you walk through it QTE is triggered and you can basically skip the boss battle.

          Going up the stairs then turning around to get past it will do you no good as you will just get blocked, you have to remember the boss is quite big so it will take up space. If you want to defeat it properly then you have to stay downstairs in the place that is designed in such a way so you can get behind it. You sure you've played the game?!
          Not those stairs, theres a small flight of stairs blocked off by rumble and if you go up it he traps you and you cant get back out.

          And yeah obviously if you want to deaft it properly you have to get behind it, but my point is the game dosent seem to have been play tested becuase you can get completely stuck. As I alsoi mentioned somtimes you kock him over and theres not even enough room in the place to get round to the correect side where you can shoot him. Its increadabley annoying relaly.


            Ive realised another reason why the controls dont wors as well here as in RE4, throughout the game there are ALOT more enemies that have projectile weapons and they are relaly hard to dodge when you cant move and shoot at the same time.


              This game is just controversial and thats why this thread has its share of complaints. Metacritic score isn't all glory either. Its just a difficult game to give a place, love it or hate it. Some seem to totally like it, others are disappointed and felt a true numerical RE should be better than this, after 4 years of waiting. I am leaning towards the 2nd.

              Anyway, I failed that QTE 1st time, and just beat the boss on my 2nd try. It nets you a nice treasure. Also, is that executioner guy being beefed up? Couldn't even beat him before the chopper came in.

              The only boss I really enjoyed was the one against

              Vamp, even complete with Syringe QTE! It was a good fight. The one after that in the lava pit was overdone. Really dumb, you shoot him, he goes to sheva, you slam boulder, distract him and sheva rejoins. Any other order leads to a game over. Wesker also shouldn't mutate since he was the chosen one?

              Last edited by saturn-gamer; 15-03-2009, 19:00.


                Vamp isn't in RE5?!

                Just kidding, I know what you mean.

                Anyway just finished the game on Veteran (co-op) and I very much enjoyed it. The last boss fight was a bit irritating but once me (and my mate) figured out what to do it was one of those "ohhhhh" moments and we went back to enjoying it!

                9/10 from me, as good as or even better than RE4.


                  What's the game like on Professional compared to say Veteran ?

                  Played through all day today on Veteran with a mate and we didn't find it too bad at all, possibly we have a good way of working together plus we have some weapons with infinite ammo from our first run through on normal (in my case, pistol, shotgun and MP5 machine gun - soon to hopefully include desert eagle and PG1 sniper rifle). Does Professional bump it up much or is it just a little bit harder ? Any hints on good levels for harvesting money ? (seems like 4-1 is a good stage, there is the rotten egg glitch but couldn't be bothered with that)

                  Despite the complaints I have about the game I really enjoyed playing through it again and am looking forward to playing through it on Professional as well.


                    Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                    Vamp isn't in RE5?!

                    Just kidding, I know what you mean.
                    haha i know what you mean also! Still, both great bits in two great games


                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      Ive realised another reason why the controls dont wors as well here as in RE4, throughout the game there are ALOT more enemies that have projectile weapons and they are relaly hard to dodge when you cant move and shoot at the same time.
                      Well if you could aim and move you wouldn't be very mobile anyway so dodging stuff would be difficult anyway, the best option is always to run away to a good distance and then shoot. It worked best that way in Dead Space and works the same way here too.


                        I'm up to 5-1 and it's starting to feel more like Resi and not some bastard offspring of Uncharted and Army of Two. The

                        ray of light

                        puzzle on the previous level was doing my head in. Not because it was difficult, it was about as challenging as a phone-in competition on This Morning, but because

                        I kept clumsily turning the mirrors in the wrong direction which meant an annoying instant death.

                        Yet it was nice to have a puzzle to solve for a change. Welcome change of pace from clearing rooms of waves of enemies and struggling with the controls in the cramped environments.

                        Haven't played co-op with a fellow human yet. I want to experience it solo for my first playthrough, but Sheva is ruining it, and I wouldn't normally complain about a cute female invading my personal space and humping my leg at every opportunity. To be fair, I haven't got too many complaints about her behaviour. She hasn't been too bad since I gave her the cattle prod and stopped providing her with ammo to piss away. It's her mere presence which I find so disagreeable. Capcom developing the game around co-op is a huge misstep for me, and not the direction I want to see the series go in.

                        Which is something that I've been thinking about for a while. Games have come a long way in the last few years. The addition of online play has been a huge plus mostly, but my concern is that it could threaten the traditional single player game. Games which are all about mood, exploration and puzzle solving in isolation. Generally speaking, games like Resi, which seems to be going through some kind of identity crisis.


                          So i've completed the game but thing is has anyone manage to do a 3hit chain combo because all i get is two... I whack then sheva whacks but i cant get the third one in... :S


                            is it not a ground stomp?


                              I feel this is good only on chapter 1-2 as bought it yesterday I did not expect Biohazrd (Resident Evil) so I am happy, I believe if you don`t expect that then you`ll be happy. After all we could tell this style of game was gonna happen for a while Biohazrd 3 and 4 action over tension most of the time. I`m enjoying 5 and I have to say I`m not as annoyed yet with the controls as games like GTA IV where Nico won`t get behind some cover. I think most video games nowadays have clunky controls I think this is because the developers are still focusing more on the graphics rather than small parts of character control this can also be said for GTA IV, MGS4 and even Uncharted to some degree. You could say DMC has nice controls but then the camera stinks so I don`t think wre will ever win in the control dept. I am enjoying Biohazard 5 although more tension would be good I don`t mind action either. I think if Sheva was not there it would feel a lot like Biohazrd 4 but she is and this gives it a slightly different feel.


                                I haven't bought this yet, but in the meantime I've been playing through all of the series in preparation for it. Currently up to Res 3. Instead of making number 5, wouldn't it have been more interesting for a remake of 2 and 3 as a package.

